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" Papa I don't wanna go to school ". Ayushi said while eating her breakfast.

" Ok don't go them we will watch movie today ". Kanak said smiling towards her.

" Kanak aren't you going for your work and aashi leave her to her classes don't leave where at school gate ". Ayaan said kanak roll her eyes and leave just after breakfast.

" Aashi you ok ". He said putting his palm on her neck checking her temperature.

" I will bring syrup don't drink cold water ok ". He said and kiss ayushi cheeks.

" Ayushi go bring your bag". Aashika said ayushi nodded her head sadly.

" Kiss " Aashika said pointing her lips.

Ayaan quickly peck her lips .

" Mumma I don't wanna go to school papa let me come with you I will be your nurse". Ayushi said holding ayaan finger.

Ayaan chuckle and knee down to her level.

" What will you do then".

" What ever you will tell me to do papa. Please should I come with you ". Again ayushi said.

" Do you teach her all of these things because she said the same thing which you used to say ". Ayaan whisper to aashika.

" Papa is telling you to go to school and study ok. "

" No papa listen I will be your nurse. I will check patients like you".

" Ayushi he will take you after sometimes just go to school today ok baby. " Aashika said ayushi shake her head throwing her bag on floor.

" Papa I don't wanna go take me with you". She said again.

" Ayushi stop whining. You are going to school and I don't want any complain. " Ayaan said sternly. Ayushi turn towards aashika.

" Mumma ... Before she can continue their door bell ring. Ayaan open the door finding daksh standing there with khushi  and roshni.

Khushi run towards daksh and make grabby hands he quickly pick her up.

" Papa is not letting me become a nurse do something ". Ayushi said putting her head on daksh shoulder.

" Why... Ayaan she can be nurse do you have any problem ". Daksh said rising his eyebrows.

" Daksh she just don't want to go to school today that's why she is acting like this." Ayaan said while glaring towards his daughter who showed her tongue to him. Believing she is in safe hand.

" How can you be nurse without going to school. Just go to school if you do it then I will take you to amusement park promise ". Daksh said sweetly. She think for minutes them again shake her head.

" But teacher scold us why don't you teach in our school. You are soo sweet no one is like you there". She said everyone look at him.

"Yeah he is sweet as father but no a big no to professor . He cut my answer like hundred time just because there were some mistake dude correct it and move on but no . He keep on slapping my head and his pen work like ruler whenever he make me study with him ". Khushi said remembering her paper time .

" Indeed sweet professor " Khushi said everyone chuckle leaving daksh out.

" Yeah sweet professor who made me do sit ups during my college time make me bend down used his ruler woah where was that sweet professor gone at that time". Aashika whisper to ayaan.

" Don't worry ayushi he will teach you in future hope you like it but for now let's go to school ". Aashika said to ayushi .

Reluctantly ayushi went to school with aashika.

" Bhaiya why are you here by the way "

" We had an appointment after fifteen days. So we are here So let's go drop us too". Daksh said while khushi was nervously playing with her finger.

" What happen khushi why are you so nervous ". Ayaan ask daksh look towards her.

" Madam is nervous about check up . " Daksh said roshni nodded her head.

" Bleeding stop right". Ayaan ask khushi hide her face turning towards roshni.

Daksh shake his head .

" So how are you feeling khushi " Ayaan ask khushi .

" Just fine she is being too quit today because she don't want to go to hospital but she have to go one more thing your brother is sick too still he is not listening to me....... But he is talking to khushi and he was even feeding her today morning when she was denying to eat. " Roshni whisper in ayaan ear last part .

" Good so let's go ". Ayaan said and ruffling khushi hair.

After the checkup daksh and roshni was waiting for him to outside his cabin.

" We are waiting for him for like an hours daksh we can just simply go to nurse station Or you can just call him at home ".  Roshni said frustrated

" I'm free whole day today I'm not going home before our work is not done ". Daksh said and look towards his number paper.

" Just tell him it's us they will let us in ". Roshni said again while looking at everyone who was also in line.

" Keep sitting here why do you want vip treatment these people are some joke to you they are also waiting here baby". Daksh said closing his eyes.

" Tell me when it's our turn"  Daksh said finally.

" Mumma I'm hungry ". Khushi said roshni pinch daksh arm.

" Look even she is hungry now daksh she is already so weak why are we troubling her."

" Give her chocolate then.... Before he can complete his sentence their number was called.

" Look it's our number let's go". Daksh said taking khushi hand and led their way towards his cabin door.

" So Mr we finally get the pleasure to meet you right I thought I will have to wait more seven lifes to meet you ". Roshni said glaring towards ayaan and take seat in front of him.

" Who told you to wait. You can meet me at night too". Ayaan said and take off his glasses .

" Don't show us ego I'm elder then you understand keep your attitude to yourself here is her report take a look of it and that doctor give some prescription too and told us to go to nures room ". Daksh said rolling his eyes.

" Yeah it's nurse room of course ". Ayaan said and take report form his hand.

" Chachu we disturbed you ". Khushi ask ayaan shake his head smiling.

" Give her milk green vegetable fruits juice I mean everything which have some vitamins khushi baby avoid junk food for some time just for some months."

" Milk you are telling us to give her milk ayaan. Is there any way for it because this madam will not drink it not at any cost you know that. She liked milky and never touched milk after her milky." Daksh said roshni glare towards him.
While khushi look at them confused.

" Mix flavor then" Ayaan said daksh give him tight smile.

" Yeah i bring chocolate powder for her to mix in milk but you know what they both did they both put spoon in that box and have it raw instead of mixing it in milk." Daksh said ayaan bite back his smile and look at khushi.

" Have what I told you to eat only understand ". Ayaan try to said that sternly.

" Give fever medicine too ". Roshni said at last.

" Ok khushi on the bed and daksh i won't give you any medicine without checking you". Ayaan said reading her prescription.

" Then don't I will buy it form some medical shop useless ".

" I hear you " Ayaan said and look up from prescription.

" Good then "

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