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" Daksh you come home really late now a days is it because of khushi"  I ask when daksh come inside.

He take glass of water from my hand and glup it down quickly.

" Here give this juice to her it's still fresh". He said not answering my question.

" Give it to her yourself daksh I want to talk to you about something too". I said finally collecting my all courage.

" Ok let me change my clothes first ".

" Daksh talk to khushi too she is in her room and you have to take her to hospital tomorrow . She is getting all weak due to bleeding and it's important too so take her hospital tomorrow because she was dizzy whole day today ". I said filling him with information.

" Then you should have just called ayaan why are you waiting for tomorrow wait I will call him right now ". He said and quickly message ayaan.

" She is in her room whole day right. Wait I will bring her here "  He said and move towards stairs but I hold his hand.

" Listen let her stay in her room she must be sleeping. I have to tell you something. Go and get changed. " I said he nodded his head and come after changing his clothes .

He wrap himself with blanket I look at him confused.

" Are you feeling cold wait I will turn off air conditioner ". I said and turn towards it but find it off already.

" Do you have temperature " I said and also join him in blanket.

" Indeed his temperature is high " I thought and put my head on his chest.

"Don't do this you will get sick too". He said pushing me away but I hold him tightly.

" Today I went to aashika house kanak and kajal were also present there. They made a plan to meet tonight at one I swear I deny them but they keep insisting me so I said yes ". I said he wrap his arms around me.

" Whose plan "

" I don't know maybe kanak ".

" Don't go durning night time it's not safe tell them too ". He said caressing my hair softly .

" I don't wanna go " I said snuggling into him .

" No you should go it will make your mind fresh you know I always like ocean and whenever I look at the waves I feel kind of peace in my head and when the waves touched your feet it's awesome feeling. I agree at night times it's more beautiful but it's dangerous too otherwise I won't have deny you. "

" If you find it peaceful then join us tonight "  I said he don't answer me just keep running his finger through my hair.

" Someone has to stay with khushi right " He said smiling I shake my head.

" I won't go ". I said he try to say something but I seal our lips together.

" Ayaan will be coming anytime. Better make some distance he don't have habit of knocking ". Daksh said chuckling still I keep sitting there hugging him.


" Aashi I can't believe you all make this kind of plan. I mean you know they are already worried then why ". Ayaan said irritated.

" Ayaan it was kanak suggestion and I don't find any loose in it. She was telling me something like they like ocean and they even went to honeymoon near that area too that's why."

" What that's why aashi I don't understand ".

" Ayaan if we like something then that things make us happy calm give us some peaceful feeling and at night its mostly empty ". She said putting her both hand on ayaan's shoulder.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now