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Aryan was laid down hiding his face in Aashi's chest. Showing me how he is upset with me. Ayushi too was doing the same. None of the kids was on my side when I didn't even do something.

" Ayushi daddy isn't at fault. " I said pulling Ayushi little. She hold Ayushi tightly.

" Mumma dadi maa was scolding you why? " Ayushi ask Aryan too look at Aashi for answer.

" I will tell you come to me sona. " I said and pulled Aryan forcefully from Aashi. I held him tightly and pecked his nose.

" I'm your dad right. And I scold you when you two do mistake right Ayushi. " I said they both hmm. I could easily feel how Aryan was trying to put his hand under my tshirt but wasn't able to do it .

I hold his hand and put it over my stomach.

He immediately snuggle to me . This guy and his obsession with snuggle cuddling.

" Just like that your grand maa is also me and your mom's mom them if we will make mistakes then who will scold us" I ask softly. Ayushi turned facing me not anymore with pout which was showing their anger.

" Grand maa " They both said unison.

" What did mumma do? " Aryan ask looking up at me adorably.

" Mumma hurt someone. Like you fight and punch someone like that. " I said Ayushi widen her eyes and turn to Aashika.

" Mumma you punch someone whom " Ayushi ask almost happy with the fact. And I know why. It's like if mumma can do then I can do too.

" You give mumma spakig " Aryan ask looking sad. His eyes again turn teary and he crawl to mumma and try hiding her back.

" Fogive my mumma " He said giving me puppy eyes.

" No papa can't give mumma spanking. Tell grand maa to forgive my mumma. Even she shouldn't do it. " Ayushi said coping Aryan's action.

Aashika look at them with lovable eyes. Who will not like their children taking their side.

" No one is doing that. But you understand why grand maa can scold your mumma? " I ask they nodded their head. Ayushi coke to my side and snuggle into me.

" I'm sleepy " She said she was about to put her legs on mine but Aashika held her.

" No baby papa is hurt." She said Ayushi eyes widen she sit up .

" Papa mumma punch you? " She ask I immediately shook my head.

" Mumma didn't punch anyone Ayushi. Sona I take example. Papa is sleepy let's sleep. " I said and pulled her to me. While Aryan snuggle into Aashika.

I started closing my eyes but our door opened. Mom entered, holding tray.

" Why are you all troubling me. This is for everyone. Aryan Ayushi let's sleep together. " Mom said opening her arm without thinking they jumped on her.

Dad held Ayushi while Aryan was in mom's arm.

" I'm taking their glasses of milk you two finish your mill glass. " Mom warned and left the room.

I pick my glass and completed it within a minute. I wanted to laugh out loud at Aashi's expression. Good at least I wouldn't have to worry about her food here.

" Mix the medicine powder which I gave you for your bone strength. " I said in disinterested tone.

She left the bed and started searching.

" My bag " I mumble she started finding it inside my bag and finding the medicine she mix it in milk but big thing is how she is actually going to finish this milk. Mom put haldi powder not a chocolate mixture which I mix everytime.

I turn my face a minute later Aashika put empty glass on table. I turn to her but milk trace on her lips confirmed that she drink that milk.

" Will you not talk to me " She ask and shift near me.

I shifted away more.

" Babe " She whisper leaning towards my ear.

" Aashi please.... I will go back to our house if you keep things like this ." I said she move little away. After a minute I hear foot steps. After locking the door she come to my side with never leaving pout on her lips.

Removing my blanket she held the waistband of my shorts. God this girl.

I held her hand and pull her on bed.

" Sleep "

" You weren't wearing it when daksh was here. I saw you naked more then he did. You can take it off and sleep comfortably." She mumble I hold her hamdore tightly pushing it away from me.

" You didn't think this much when you left the room after tieing my hand. "

A hurt flash in her eyes.

" I'm sorry " She said and hold her both ears.

" Sorry Ayaan "

" You are not sorry . You don't mean it. Go get a bite from Crabs then I will forgive you " I said and closed my eyes . After a minute of silence I hear the door opening sound. Which immediately made me leave the bed.

But finding the room door close I sigh in relief.

What a great time to use the bathroom.

After few minutes she come to bed and without my permission she snuggle into me resting her hand on my chest.

I'm not complaining. I can sleep like this. I love sleeping like this with my babe.

Any request?

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now