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When aashika don't move from her place and sit standing there covering her face ayaan chuckle and stand in front of her.
Removing her hand from her face which was covering her face.

" Aashi ok wear it over your inner just inner common you can do it ".

" Let me change in bathroom I will come I in minutes "  Aashika whisper ayaan nodded his head.

She quickly run inside bathroom.

Ayaan waited for her outside and when even after half an hour aashika don't come out he knock on door.

" Aashi come out ". Ayaan said from outside.

" Ayaan in a minute you don't understand I have to got ready properly and... We will go out too right. Book movie ticket I wanna watch it". Aashika said from inside

" Amusement park " Ayaan ask in questioning manner.

" No no movie ". Aashika said and come out with her wet hair wearing bath robe.

" You start taking shower "

" Not just shower chill I have to get ready   who know you will bring those weird things let me dry my hair first ". She said and move towards mirror.

" You are doing all of these deliberately " Ayaan said and hug her from behind.

" But don't you think we should go out rather than doing this. I mean we can do it later too".

" Yeah wheh ayushi is sleeping between us I told you I'm taking you out too right." Ayaan said rolling his eyes.

Aashika walk towards him and sit on his lap keeping both legs either side of him.

" But this idea is also good ". Aashika whiper her dip her head on his neck.

" Wait let me see you remove this robe ". Ayaan said and open her robe and take it down from her body slowly while gazing her body.

" Let's take some picture ". Ayaan said taking out his phone. Aashika shake her head.

" No I'm wearing nothing "

" It's my phone baby don't worry come and the bra you are wearing I won't consider it as nothing come." He said aashika still was very unsure about this.

" Come I'm not taking complete picture ". Ayaan said and pull aashika towards himself taking some selfie.

" What if someone else see these pics ".

" Don't worry baby it's my phone and it's with me only ". Ayaan said and put her phone down before connecting his lips with her.

" You are looking beautiful ". Ayaan whisper leaning down towards her lips and start giving light kisses there .

" Although it's looking good on you but it need to be taken off". Ayaan said and start taking off her waist chain while still kissing her neck and shoulder.

His finger reach to her back .

" This piece of clothes is needed to taken off". Ayaan whisper and take it off quickly.


After their all activities they both just lay there looking at eachother.

" I still want to go to movie ". Aashika said ayaan nodded her head.

" We are going . First let's take shower and get ready then we should pick ayushi and khushi so they both can enjoy too".

" But i want to walk while holding your hands together and while watching movie I wanna put my head on your shoulder. Can't they just stay at daksh bhaiya house we can watch movie with them some other day ". Aashika said cutely ayaan nodded his head taking her to bathroom.

After getting ready they both left for watching movie.

" Which movie ayaan"

" Your favorite "

" Really " Aashika said smiling.

" Yeah horror " Ayaan said and hold her hand while entering in movie theatre with popcorns in other hand.

" Horror you are joking right "

" No it's horror let's go we got a corner seat ". Ayaan said whispering taking aashika to her seat.

" No no no no horror ayaan ".

" Shh sit ". Ayaan said.

As the movie start it turn out to be comedy movie. Aashika keep trying to control her laugh during whole movie.

After the all these they reach to home sleeping in each other embrace .

Next day....

" Khushi get ready fast I have to leave you to ayaan's house ". Daksh said himself getting ready.

" Why I have school ". Khushi said and look around for roshni.

" You mom is in shower she also has to go me too that's why I'm leaving you to ayaan's house come".

Listening to this khushi eyes filled with tear.

"Papa I'm sorry you can trust me alone at home . I won't leave this house or I won't even call any of my friends here". Khushi said and wipe her tears.

Daksh turn towards her slapping her head.

" Get ready you have an appointment but I got some important work in college same goes to your mumma so ayaan chachu we take you. " Daksh said khushi look at him confuse she turn her head towards roshni direction .

" Mumma you are done with bath".

" Yeah why don't you get ready baby".

" Mumma I don't want to go to hospital please it's no fun ".

" We don't go to hospital for any fun miss and get ready fast and roshni I'm leaving do tell ayaan about her tummy ache because she won't tell him ". Daksh said and left the room .

" Atleast have breakfast " Roshni yell but got no response.

" Get ready by this you can meet aashika chachi too you like her a lot right so get ready ". Roshni said khushi shake her head. Roshni look at her with rise eyebrows.

" I'm fine now why doctor appointment I don't like them ". Khushi said and hug roshni waist.

" I will tell ayaan to stay with you ok come let's go ".

" Tell him to not give any injection too ". Khushi mumble roshni nodded her head.

After the breakfast roshni leave khushi to ayaan's house.

" Chachu where is chachi ".

" She went to drop ayushi to school . I was waiting for you only let's go. You had your breakfast right ". Ayaan ask khushi nodded her head and look at him nervously.

" What happen " Ayaan ask cupping her face.

"I'm scared. Last time that lady was telling me how irresponsible I'm to be pregnant at this age and so many things I don't wanna go ". Khushi said and hug ayaan while pouting.

" I will be there don't worry ". Ayaan said and take his car keys leaving the house .

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