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Aashika slammed the food tray on the table and shot a fierce look at Ayaan, who was engrossed in his phone.

"Bhaiya left?" Ayaan inquired in a hushed tone. Aashika grabbed his phone and forcefully placed it on the table.

"What's wrong with my wifey?" Ayaan questioned.

"What's wrong? Seriously? You fainted in the hospital. What's the matter with you? Can't you just eat something? Why does everyone want to drive me crazy with worry?" Aashika muttered slightly louder. She sat in front of Ayaan, scooped up some porridge with a spoon, blew air on it, and offered it to Ayaan.

Ayaan kept his lips sealed and reached his hand towards Aashika's lap.

"You know I'm perfectly fine. They're all just fools," Ayaan muttered, moving his hand towards Aashika's inner thighs. She swatted his hand away and once again extended the spoon towards him.

"I'm not eating if you're going to feed me with so much anger. Feed me with some love. I always feed you with love," Ayaan retorted, prompting Aashika to suppress a smile at his whining tone.

"What do you expect after neglecting yourself? I've told you countless times to take a break during work for lunch. But no, I'm a doctor and doctors are always busy. If you keep fainting, how will you take care of others?" Aashika scolded once more.

Ayaan glared at her, shifted to the other side, and lay down, covering himself.

"Go on, keep scolding me. I'm not hungry. If it were Aryan and Ayushi, you'd be showering them with all your love. You let them cuddle up to you. But when I'm sick, I just get scolded by everyone. Keep scolding me, I'm not talking to you," Ayaan declared, then suddenly began coughing.

"Sit up first," Aashika murmured, this time with a softer tone.

Ayaan complied, still coughing.

" Drink some water and stop acting like one of your children." Aashika said, handing him a glass of water. He took a few sips without looking at her.

"Why do you compare yourself to them? They're not my husband who knows how to take care of themselves. Open your mouth," Aashika instructed as Ayaan quietly started eating.

"How did you faint?"

"I was going to the canteen. I don't know how I fainted."

"Do you want to hear 'good boy' too like I say to Aryan?" Aashika teased after he finished his meal.

"I wasn't exactly saying that. I don't want you to scold me."

"This is your second time falling sick in just two months," Aashika said, holding up two fingers close to his face.

"Let's sleep," Ayaan mumbled, but Aashika interrupted him with pills.

"Take it quickly. Then you can sleep."

Ayaan swallowed the medicine and glanced at Aashika.

"Did our babies disturb you in the past two days?"

"Right now, my husband is the one disturbing me a lot. You should take care of yourself," Aashika scolded, playfully smacking him.

He raised his eyebrows and pulled her closer.

"You'll make me a laughing stock if someone finds out you smacked me," Ayaan whispered, sliding his hand lower.

"Now tell me, should I do the same? I've never smacked your butt, being the innocent one," Ayaan joked and his hand slipped inside her lower.

"Mr. Innocent Husband of mine, go to sleep. Let me check on Aryan; his forehead was warm earlier. I told him not to eat that curd rice, but he didn't listen," Aashika complained, wriggling in his arms. He tightened his grip and flipped their positions.

"Why don't you learn to smack Aryan like you did to me earlier? You should have just taken his plate. Go get the syrup from the drawer and give him some drops if he has a fever," Ayaan suggested.

After a few minutes, Aashika returned to the room and lay down next to Ayaan.

"If you didn't have a fever, I would have brought the kids here. I gave him medicine hoping he wouldn't catch a cold."  Aashika mumbled and Ayaan wrapped his arm around her.

"Let's sleep."

During the night, Aashika stirred in her sleep, feeling hot.

"Turn on the air conditioner, Ayaan. Your body is hot," she said to herself, but suddenly her eyes opened wide when she realized what she was feeling.

She placed her palm on Ayaan's forehead and found him burning with fever. She immediately checked the time.

"It's 2:00 am. I can't call Rahul right now," she mumbled. A frown appeared on Ayaan's face in his sleep, and he shifted towards Aashika. After feeling her body next to him, the frown disappeared, and he rested his head on Aashika's lap, snuggling into her belly.

Aashika looked out of the window and sighed, seeing the raindrops falling from the sky.

"What timing," she muttered. She tried to get out of bed, but once again, Ayaan frowned and held onto Aashika tightly.

"Ayaan, it's raining outside. Let me check on the kids. I'll be back in a minute," she whispered. As if understanding what she said, Ayaan moved his head to the pillow.

But instead of going out she picks up the thermometer from Ayaan's side drawer and comes to Ayaan.

" Ayaan open your mouth " She said shaking him. He whine and open his eyes.

" Why are you troubling me. Let me sleep my head hurts. " He mumble and again close his eyes.

" Ayaan let me take your temperature. " She whisper again and sitting beside him she put his head on her lap.

" Just let me sleep. I'm fine. " He whisper and push his face in Aashika's belly.

" Ayaan just two minutes. "

" I'm fine " He said again and wrap his arm around her.

" Go check ok kids room. " Ayaan mumble and remove his head from her lap.

" Open your mouth right now Ayaan " Aashika scolded. Ayaan open his eyes and look at her with little irritation. But open his mouth.

She place the thermometer in its place and waited few minutes. Ayaan take it out from his mouth and pass it to Aashika without checking himself.

" You gotta kidding me Ayaan. How did you get this much fever. I gave you medicine so you wouldn't get fever not for you to get this much high fever. "

" How much " Ayaan ask lazily

" It's freaking 102...

" It's not even fever. You know nothing Aashi. Go check on kids. I'm sleeping. "

" I'm coming in a minute you better take medicine. "

Aashika huffed and walked towards the kids' room and after checking all the windows, she sat beside Aryan and placed her palm on his neck. A worried expression washed over her face as she felt his warm body.

"What happened to you two?" Aashika said and pulled Aryan onto her lap. Aryan opened his eyes and upon seeing his mother, he snuggled into her and started sobbing.

"Mumma, my head hurts," he said. Aashika picked him up from the bed and started walking out of the room, but he pointed towards the bathroom, making her stop.

"Okay, let's use it then. Were you waiting for someone to come? You shouldn't be scared to use the bathroom alone at night. There's nothing there, alright? Now go and use it," Aashika said. He pouted and continued holding onto her.

"I thought you were a big guy," Aashika teased and entered the bathroom with Aryan.

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