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Ayushi pointed her finger towards the seller, pointing at the candy.

"Would you like me to put you down later, or do you want to walk?" Ayaan asked as Ayushi shook her head, resting it on his shoulder.

"I have a headache," she murmured, her eyes failing to recognize the place where a few people were waiting in line.

"Why are we standing in line, Papa?" Ayushi innocently asked.

"It's nothing, meei jaan." he replied, placing her head on his shoulder once more.

After finally receiving his number, he entered the cabin and sat on the patient's chair with Ayushi on his lap.

"What is your name, little girl?" the doctor asked as Ayushi looked up at Ayaan innocently.

"Tell him," Ayaan whispered with a smile.




"It's 12 and a half, so basically just 12," Ayaan said, causing Ayushi to look at him in offense.

"So, what seems to be the problem?"

"Fever and a cold. We had dinner outside last night. I'm sure the place was hygienic, but she caught a cold and then developed this fever. It got worse even after taking the medicine," Ayaan casually explained, holding onto Ayushi who was squeezing his arm.

"May I take your temperature?" the doctor asked.

Ayushi shook her head and said, "No."

"If you can," the doctor insisted, passing the thermometer to Ayaan.

"Ayushi, behave," Ayaan scolded, placing the thermometer under her arm.

The doctor took it back and nodded his head.

"Can I hear your heartbeat?"

"No," she replied rudely.

"Ayushi, if you answer like that again, no one will be worse than me," scolded Ayaan, feeling embarrassed by someone else's presence. Ayushi lowered her head with a pout.

"Sorry," she mumbled and remained quiet while the doctor did his work.

"I'm writing down the medicine to be taken from the medical shop outside," the doctor said, starting to write.

"Does she have a stuffed nose?" Ayushi made a face, causing Ayaan to chuckle, knowing why she was doing it.

"Not now, but she will in the morning. And her nose is running now," Ayaan said. Ayushi put her hand over his mouth to make him stop.

"Papa, I want to go home."

"And we will go home, baby."

"Here are the medicines. You can buy them," the doctor said, dismissing them.

"Can't you give her a fever reducer so I don't have to wait a day or two for her fever to go down? I mean, I did give her medicine in the morning, it gets worse. I don't want to increase the dosage later," Ayaan said in a straightforward, no-nonsense tone.

"Okay then," the doctor said and took out a syringe. Ayushi's eyes were still fixed on her father. Her eyes conveyed how betrayed she felt.

"I want to get down, let go of him," Ayushi said, wiggling in his arms but speaking quietly.

"Shh, it will be done in seconds, you won't even realize. Just keep hugging me, don't look at the doctor, look at the walls," Ayaan said in a baby tone, pushing her back.

"You can lay her down too," the doctor said after filling the medicine.

"Nah, I'm okay like this."

"Papa, no," Ayushi whispered, but Ayaan started adjusting her clothes.

"Just count to ten," Ayaan whispered.

Ayushi bit his shoulder, feeling a cold wipe.


"Shh," Ayaan said, pecking her hair.

"Are you waiting for her to jump out of my hold? She's already scared, and here you are staring at my face. Do your work," Ayaan said in a slightly stern tone.

"Sorry, I thought I've seen you somewhere. And if you can adjust her pants a little lower," the doctor said.

"Oh...yes" Ayaan said ignoring his pervious Statment.

Ayushi winced as she bit him harder, feeling the burning pain of her emotions.

As he left the clinic, Ayushi continued to sniffle, not even holding the stick candy he bought her, instead crying and burying her face in his neck.

As soon as Ayaan the house, Ayushi start crying loudly to get her mother's attention.

"I'll take you to her," Ayaan said softly, but Ayushi punched his chest repeatedly until Aashika took her from him.

"What happened? Did Papa say something? Don't worry, I'll scold him. Stop crying," Aashika said, kissing Ayushi's cheeks.

"M.. Mu... Mummy.. Pa.. Papa.. Told.. Do.. Doctor.. To..." Ayushi couldn't finish her sentence before bursting into tears again.

"Hey, calm down, my daughter is not this weak. Here, drink some water," Ayaan said, but Ayushi pushed his hand away.

Aashika took the glass from Ayaan's hand and pressed it to Ayushi's lips.

"Baby, please drink it," she urged.

"I don't want to," Ayushi said, pushing Aashika's hand away.

"Just a little bit, only two sips," Aashika tried again.

"I DON'T WANT TO, TAKE THIS SHIT THING AWAY FROM ME BITCH ," Ayushi shouted, causing Ayaan's eyes to widen. Aashika, however, continued to try to make her drink Ignoring her Statment completely.

"Aashi," Ayaan called, attempting to take Ayushi from her.

"Yes, and leave her with me. Why is she crying so much?" Aashika said, sitting with Ayushi on her lap, pressing her face into her chest and rubbing her back.

"Calm down now. Do you want some water?" Aashika asked, and Ayushi nodded.

Ayaan, feeling angry, glared at them before leaving the room and going to his own. Knowing very well he can't scold her daughter right now.

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