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Next morning aashika was waiting for ayaan after making breakfast while ayushi was sleeping in her room.

As the door bell ring ayushi run towards door opening it with smile.

" You were up all night right go get fresh and have your breakfast then you can sleep. " Aashika said ayaan hug her putting his chin on her shoulder.

" I was not up whole night I get some sleep. As per your instructions I don't drive late at night . How is ayushi is her fever down".

" Hmm little bit go get fresh call your princess too do you even know what she did in school I think we actually have to talk to her teacher. I don't understand their prank". Aashika said ayaan look at her confused.

" Why what happen ". Ayaan ask aashika start to tell him everything which ayushi told him.

" Really.... Did you check did she actually got injury due to this ". Ayaan ask aashika shake her head.

Ayaan sigh and went to ayushi room with aashika.

Ayushi was sleeping while cuddling her soft toy while her mouth were little open.

" She has a stuffed nose why can't you take care of her ". Ayaan said in fake crying tone stomping his feet on floor.

Ayaan went near her checking her temperature.

" Almost normal but not normal I'm not giving anymore medicine now but this syrup I don't how she will drink this syrup it's your job. I bring it from hospital ". He said and give syrup bottle to aashika.

" Do I have to check her back too " Ayaan ask aashika nodded her head.

" Whatever just pass me that cream. Change her doctor I can't stop thinking like a father. Doctor in me die in front of her ." Ayaan said and press his face on aashika stomach hugging her from waist.

" I want some coffee." Ayaan said and turn towards ayushi taking down her lower. His eyes widen he turn towards aashika.

" Aashika in a week of seven day I hear her telling you to bath with her because the bathroom is too big and she is scared there alone right ". Ayaan said seriously.
Aashika give him full attention because he called her with her full name.

" Yes so what "

" So how is it possible for you to ignore this. Do you keep your eyes close or you have lost your mind completely to not understand anything " He shouted making her flinch.

She look towards ayushi who also wake up hearing him.

" What happen " Ayushi said rubbing her eyes.

" You sleep I've to talk to your mother about something important ". He said and pat ayushi head.

He take aashika hand and lead her towards their bedroom.

" Atleast tell me what happen why are you becoming so angry suddenly. " Aashika said confused.

" Aashika you stay at home you are supposed to take care of her. How can you be irresponsible don't you know how to take care of your only daughter. What do you do at home whole day when you can't even take care of her. " Ayaan yell aashika fold her hand in front.

" Ayaan i take care of her and when I come to know how she get injured I did inform you don't make it a big deal."

" Yeah aashika be ready to hear her shouting now. For hom many freaking days she is like this. How you don't know about this ".

" Ayaan stop yelling first."

" Aashika you made her bath change her clothes and you are not aware about her injury it's all yellow filled up how the hell you don't realize. Atleast be a good housewife and mother or you can't do it too should I appoint caretaker for her ". Ayaan again yell Aashika don't reply to him just keep standing there listing to him.

" Ayaan calm down ".

" Aashika you stay calm collected if you were a working women I would have considered appointed caretaker but being a house wife you can't take care of ayushi. What do you do at home use your phone neglecting your child. That's why she ask for phone most of the time because kids learn what they see".

" Ayaan you are crossing your limit. It's nothing like that I do take care of her ".

" If you take care of her then why don't you know about her injury how you were not aware about it . Do I have to do everything . You can't handle a eight year old kid how you are going to take care of your this kid or you just gonna start working to escape this child work to like you did when you had ayushi"

" Ayaan I did take care of her ". Aashika said defending herself.

" Yeah but you start working just after nine months then you leave your work within a year. You never wanted to hold crying baby you wanted a walking baby whom you don't have to take care do it this time Or I will just give this kid to roshni she may take care of him far better than you ".

" Ayaan " Aashika said hurt.

" Aashika I still can't believe how can you be so irresponsible. You can't take care of a kid really is it that hard. I'm going to ayushi room and you are not going to enter ". He said and went to ayushi room locking the door from inside.

Aashika just keep looking at the door but as soon as she hear ayushi crying sound she left for her room too locking the door from inside.

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