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Aashika was serving food in everyone's plate while ayaan was in room.

He come in kitchen towards dinner table with ayushi who keep telling them about her day.

" Aashi it's last night food why are you eating this throw it away ". Ayaan said looking at her plate she shake her head.

" Ayaan it's fine why we should throw it away I can eat it still...

" Aashi don't argue you are not eating this understand ". He said and take her plate changing it with his plate and throwing her plate in Dustbin.

" Never do this and don't use your hand sit I will feed you ". He said and make her  sit besides him.

" Papa don't scold mumma. Mummy I will feed you". Ayushi said and forward her spoon towards her.

Aashika smile ruffling her hair.

" Aashi take painkillers after that last night you were up all night. " He said she nodded her head and lean down towards his ear.

" I wanna sleep besides you please our one side is secure so can I change my  side with ayushi ". She ask looking at him innocently.

" Ok but after she sleeps ". He whisper she nodded her head quickly.

After they were done with dinner they went to their room.

When ayushi was in her deep sleep aashika push ayushi to her side and hug ayaan who was still using his phone.

" Are you just going to use your phone " Aashika said pouting.

Ayaan put his phone on table and look towards ayushi who was sleeping wrapped in blanket he cover themselves with blanket and lower the temperature of air conditioner.

" She will not wake up now ". Ayaan said aashika nodded her head.

Ayaan move his hand inside aashika night dress while smiling towards her.

He take her lower lips between his lips and start to move his lips aashika start responding to kiss equally closing her eyes while her hand move towards his neck pulling him closer.

Ayaan move their place pull aashika over himself. While his hand start to run over her back .

His eyes fall on sleeping ayushi who was sleeping back facing them.

" Aashi should I put ayushi in different room Or we should leave this room". Ayaan ask she look towards ayaan then aysuhi.

" Put her in her room because I don't want to do it in her room Or guest room. I only find this room relaxing enough ". She said ayaan nodded his head and take ayushi in her room.

He come back to room after putting her to bed.

" At what age childrens stop sleeping with their parents ". Aashika ask ayaan chuckle listening to her.

" I don't know should we continue now ". He asked she nodded her head smiling herself.

He take off his t-shirt before coming to bed and start to kiss her again and after some minutes he move towards her neck going down slowly .

As his hand reach to the hem of her tshirt . She start blushing while biting her lips.

" When will you stop being shy baby ". He said and completely take off her tshirt.

" We are even now " He said winking towards her.

" So aashi do you want another kid " He said in joking manner.

Aashika look at him with just by pure irritation.

" Don't even think about it. Your love is already divided if it got divided more then I will not be getting it moreover I can't go through all of these again and my bed is not big enough for four people. In short I don't want any kid my baby will feel jealous "  Aashika said biting her lips.

" My baby too but I actually thought you will want another kid because I have seen someone going crazy for this ". He said remembering something before shaking his head.

" Let's just enjoy then " He said while his hand reach to her lower removing it too.


Daksh was laying down with roshni in his room none of them was sleepy.

" Did you give her medicine " Daksh ask pulling roshni closer to himself. Putting his hand on her waist.

" I did "

" Take care of her and take good care of her diet for now ".

" I will "

" Why don't you go and sleep with khushi for someday ". Daksh said roshni look at him shaking her head.

" Go and bring her to this room she can sleep besides you if you don't want to go or you both can sleep here I will sleep on couche ". Daksh suggest still roshni shake her head.

" Why are you not responding now go and bring her or go and sleep with her she was so upset already don't you see during dinner time she was just eating without complaining about anything like everytime go roshni ". Daksh said softly roshni just hug daksh snuggle into his chest.

" I'm a bad mother daksh we are not successful as parents. How we were not able to see all of these coming. It's all my fault just because I thought she is my only child I don't let you scold her even for once now this happen just because of me ". She said while some tears drop from her eyes.

" Roshni it's no one fault .. Sometimes childs get distracted ok you tell me when you start living with me don't you come to me for little make out you come right so maybe she also feel like this so don't think about it much we will talk to her about this later go bring her she is so upset already. Atleast she tell us everything. If she trust us with herself then we should also show her that she can totally depends on us right don't ignore her she can't see her all time cute and cool mother being upset with her ". He said roshni chuckle but snuggle more into him .

" Go bring her " He said again lightly pushing her.

" You know I actually want to punish this girl how can she do it don't she have some mind and about me approaching you for little make out it was purely for that only ".

" You leave it on me I won't just let her slip with it and second if I wanted to go far more than just little make out then you won't have stopped me. Now go and bring my baby she is alone in her room ".

He said roshni leave her room and after some minutes enter in her room again khushi follow her mother and stand besides their bed.

" What happen " Khushi said roshni point towards her side. Khushi come towards roshni side and stand there confused.

" What sleep now I don't want to leave you alone come don't be upset you are still my baby you can still sleep with us whenever you are upset your age doesn't matter." Roshni said khushi look at her and slowly her eyes start feeling with tears.

" I'm sorry " Khushi said crying out loud and lay down besides roshni while hugging her tightly.

Just after some minutes khushi was in her deep sleep while roshni was patting her head.

" She fall asleep really fast " Daksh said removing khushi face from roshni chest and putting it on pillow.

" Now you too sleep " He said to roshni and turn off room light.

" Can't you hold me too" Roshni ask daksh shake his head.

" Khushi is hugging you " He said smiling but still put his hand over her belly.

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