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" So shall we start with kiss on your lips or.. " Ayaan trace down his finger. Aashika slap away his finger with glare.

" I was kidding. I know you don't like it. Don't show me this face. " Ayaan mumble and peck her lips.

" Now corporate " He mumble and start kissing her . She wrap her arms around his neck pulling hik possibly close. His hand went down and slip under her pants. Which take Aashika with surpise she gasp taking a chance Ayaan deepen the kiss more and pull back once she felt her tapping her finger on his shoulder.

" You are wet with just a kiss. You know I like how this little things excite you. " He whisper and dip his head in her neck.

He started to leave purple marks all the way down to her neck. He stop just about her breast.

" Take off your top " He mumble pulling back. She just look at him blinking.

" Take it off "

She just rise her hand indicating him to do it.

" You are still shy about some things " Ayaan said with chuckle and take off her clothes.

" I'm not " She said angrily and pulled him for a kiss.

" You know what.. Next time we do it then wear your waist chain. I like that thing on you. And I would like you to wear it while I love you. " He whisper in her ear. She nodded her head and soon they both lost in their pleasure.


" Now stop crying Aryan " Aashika mumbled looking at the mattress which was wet.

" I'm sorry...

" It's ok buddy. But your mom told you beforehand but still you were too stubborn. Now change your clothes. " Ayaan said sitting on his knees in front of Aryan.

Suddenly Aashika sneeze which took Ayaan's attention.

" Aashika...

" It's nothing. Just some dust. Go and  make both of them ready. Someone is in bathroom? " Aashika mumble Deepak start coughing and spilled the drink from his mouth.

" Yes someone is in bathroom with someone. " Deepak said taking ia clie what he is talking about Ayaan move his attention to Aashika.

" No need to take bath..

" Shut up and give bath to both of them too. I'm going to take out their clothes in the mean time and Aryan take off your pants how long will you stay in wet pants. " Aashika said walking towards her room.

" You will not take it off in front of other since you are a big guy right. But you can take it off in room I will give you new one. Come with me. " Ayaan mumble taking Aryan in room.

Ayushi keep looking out of the window and pouted sadly.

" I wanna go out. I don't want to stay inside. I'm going out. I will be back in a minute. They still have lot of time to get ready " She thought and wear her boots and sneak out.

After walking some distance away from resort Ayushi clap her hand in excitement and start walking more but hear foot step behind her.

She looks back and finds Divya deepak's daughter standing behind her.

" What are you doing here "

" I also want to come.... I was getting bored " Divya said timidly.

" No you can't I will come back in a minute go back. I'm not taking you with me. " Ayushi said but Divya hold Ayushi hand and said in sweet tone.

" But you said we are friends. I wanna come too please. " She said showing her puppy eyes.

" Okie but you will listen to me. Let's walk around. Its boring to stay at home.
I say a red tree from the window let's go there. " Ayushi mumble and they start walking straight.

At home Aashika was looking for Ayushi after making Aryan ready.

" Ayaan did you see Ayushi? " Aashika ask confused.

Deepak too was looking for Divya along with Bhavya.

" Maybe she is in bathroom. " Ayaan mumbled and was about to knock but Daksh interrupted him.

" Khushi is in bathroom. "

" Have you seen Ayushi? " Ayaan ask they shook their head.

" Divya? " Deepak ask running his finger through his hair.

They again shook their head.

" Ayaan look around they must be playing with twins " Aashika said hurriedly take stairs.

Ayaan hold her and shook his head.

" Daiwik and darash is with Aryan they are playing with board game. "

Everyone look at each other then to door.

" They didn't decide to walk around right? " Ayaan ask as his face start reflecting worry which he composed real quick.

" Ayaan.. I.. It's cold.. And snow.. Ayaan.." Aashika couldn't complete her sentence. She sit down bouncing her knees.

" I will look for her. " Ayaan said wearing a coat.

" Roshni take care here. We will look for both of them " Daksh mumble and look at both Ayaan and deepak who seems like have lost their color from their faces.

" They must be near by. Why are you worried unnecessarily. " Daksh mumble and pull them out of the house.

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