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Aashika couldn't help but steal glances at Ayaan, who was engrossed in conversation with Deepak and Daksh, while the other kids were playing around.

"Didi, let's consider going to a warmer place next time," Bhavya said, causing the others to chuckle, as Bhavya was the only one dressed in multiple layers of clothing.

"Come here," Deepak called out, motioning for Bhavya to sit beside him. Roshni shifted to be closer to her husband. Aashika, on the other hand, chose to sit alone, away from Ayaan.

Deciding to ignore him just as he was ignoring her, she looked down at her feet, even though they were in unbearable pain from playing with the kids the night before. She didn't want to compromise her self-respect by giving in to her ego.

Suddenly, Ayushi threw a snowball at Aashika, hitting her directly on the head. The lack of a cap caused the snow particles to spread through her hair.

"Mumma, come and play with us," Ayushi called out. Aashika shook her head and glanced at Ayaan, who still wasn't paying her any attention, fueling her anger.

"So, do we have any other places to visit or are we free to go back home? I'm feeling homesick," Daksh said. Roshni gave him a look and playfully pushed him.

"Since we're already here, we should explore more. Let's not talk about going home," Roshni murmured, showing Daksh tourist spots.

"Okay, but let's head home soon. I heard it's going to snow soon," Deepak said, looking down at his wife, who was already feeling the cold.

For a moment, Ayaan's eyes fell on Aashika, who was shivering from the cold. Even though he was ignoring her, he had brought a long jacket for her to wear, but Aashika chose to ignore everything Ayaan did for her and wore whatever she wanted.

"Same old drama every time," Ayaan muttered to himself, standing up.

" Roshni can you go with Aashika? I have to go somewhere else." Ayaan said Roshni looked at him puzzled but agreed.

When Aashika arrived home, Ayaan was already in the room, sipping coffee and scrolling through his phone.

"You mentioned you were going out," Aashika remarked.

"Yeah, I had to come back here. Who knows, you might feel suffocated in the car with me," Ayaan replied without looking up from his phone.

"You know what... I wish you had married Radha didi. At least then your priorities would be in order. And you mind be at the right place. Instead, you just show your ego to a simple person," Aashika said, sitting on the bed and blowing air on her feet.

"Why the sudden silence? Aren't you going to respond?"

"You always bring Radha into our arguments. I'm not in the mood to fight right now. I know I'm not a good person. So, you can be quiet now and get the painkillers from the drawer," he said, refocusing on his phone.

"Yes, that's right. A good person or a good husband wouldn't almost kill his wife, like you did when I was pregnant with Aryan," Aashika muttered. Ayaan's grip on his phone tightened as he glared at her in anger.

"Are you going to say it now?"

"Yes, I will. Do you have a problem with that? Didn't you do it? Aren't you the reason why Aryan came into this world prematurely? Aren't you the cause of my baby spending weeks in observation and having a weak immune system? And when I refused to let you punish him, you gave me the silent treatment," she continued, fueled by her frustration at his indifference.

"Fine," Ayaan whispered, grabbing his bag and leaving the room.

"Now you have even more reason to ignore me," Aashika muttered as the door closed.


Aashika what did you do 🥲🥲🥲

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