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After the check up khushi was sitting in ayaan's cabin putting her head on his table.

" I won't talk to you ". She said while crying hiding her face.

" Calm down now tell me is it my fault ". Ayaan said she look up nodding her head.

" I will never talk to rohit because of him I'm suffering. It's all his fault. If he didn't
force me that day then it wouldn't have happened. I should have stop. Why I'm suffering alone. " Khushi keep saying while she started crying covering her face.

" Here drink some water and calm down. Look there was some waste in your stomach it was needed to be out right. Otherwise I would have caused an infection. " Ayaan said still khushi keep on crying.

" Is it hurting ". Ayaan ask she nodded her head quickly.

" I will tell roshni to put some ice on you.... I wanted to ask you this question from very long time ". Ayaan said and walk towards her pulling her chair closer to him.

" Now tell me did that boy even try to comfort you after happen " Ayaan ask she shake her head.

" He is ignoring me because I share my pregnancy news with you all I should have waited for him to solve it it's my mistake ".

" Khushi I'm in no mood to slap you it's not your mistake you should share your problems with parents you take a right step. I'm proud of you for that it show you trust your parents ".

" But I come to you first".

" So what tell me what happen that day did he force you I mean you can't just go beyond kiss like that and don't give eme the answer you give to your mumma ". Ayaan said sternly. She look up and start crying more loudly.

" Why are you scolding me now even papa forgive me for that " 

" Khushi firstly I'm not scolding you and do you think I'm angry of course not. Look your father is too shy to hear your this story but I'm not so tell me. Did he force you ".

" Chachu he don't force me. My lower body is hurting because of that freaking lady do something ". She yell ayaan dial his nurse number after talking for some second he cut her call.

" She is bringing some ice then we will continue I'm free whole day for this ".

Ayaan put ice on her lap then again come back to his previous conversation.

" Now done you will get some relief now tell me did he lead you or you were already aware about all of these."

" I know little bit and he lead me too. He told me to trust him so we both can...........
enjoy. " She said last word to herself in whispering tone.

" So you must be enjoying now right ". Ayaan said she look up and punch his shoulder.

" You are mocking me right I'm sorry I don't know at that time everything felt right ".

" It's never right you know when she talk to you about this you should have punch him and come to your parents tell them everything but no " He said glaring towards her.

" Are you compensating for papa because he don't ask me anything ".

" Khushi I'm serious it's not just for fun that you feel everything right. Feeling should be involve and strong feeling not some fun pleasure. Next time you do something like that and call it fun then see no one will save you from me you have younger sister will you teach the same to ayushi ".

" I understand now I won't teach her anything wrong ". Khushi said and look elsewhere.

" You are not younger than any of your siblings khushi and look at me ". Ayaan said khushi turn her face towards him.
She hold her both ears keeping ice on table and slowly stand up and start doing sit ups.

" Chachu I'm sorry look I will teach ayushi to not go with flow once she enter in her teen years. I will never let anyone touch me convinced me. You can trust ayushi with me I will not let her go off track but please now stop I'm already in pan I don't know why that lady insert some freaking machine in me. Look I'm doing sit ups but I can't even do it properly but still consider it my punishment and forgive me I can't see you being angry with me. Be my sweet chachu and if papa is still upset but is acting normal in front of me then tell this to him too I can't do anymore sit ups I'm going to sit and after this no more this talk. " Ayushi said and sit on chair again.

" You understand it's wrong to let any one take your advantage right "  Ayaan said she nodded her head .

" Don't worry you don't have to repeat this whole things I will teach her all of these and won't let any boy near her but I can't take guarantee of girls she is tom boy because ". Khushi said smiling.

" Were chachi tom boy ".

" I don't know but she is a big trouble maker go pull ther curtains and lay down there I'm going out of this cabin I've work right. I will tell nurse to keep eyes on you if you feel uneasy then tell me ". He said and leave the cabin.

After leaving the cabin he dial aashika number.

" Aashi if you are free then pick khushi from hospital she will get bored here ".

" I'm so what happen in hospital ".

" You know she was on pills right so after they check today too if there are some waste still left inside her so for checking this they have to see inside and there were some waste left so they have to remove it so they insert machine inside her so it must have hurt so much. "

" I feel bad for her we should actually break that boy legs so he will suffer too.  Kanak was right". Aashika said ayaan sigh.

" I will break yours if you talk like this. If you come to take khushi then drive slowly and don't let her walk around in house she need to take rest. I will inform the same to daksh now I'm hanging up meet me before you left from hospital ok". Saying that he hang up their call.

After some hours aashika reach there. Ayaan also come to his cabin finding aashika sitting on his chair while khushi was sleeping.

" I don't wake her up because she is looking so relaxed while sleeping ". Aashika said and hug ayaan from side.

" Good but I'm waking her up in minutes". Ayaan said and start filling injection.

Aashika look at him with rised eyebrows.

" What are you doing ". She asked ayaan turn towards her holding it.

" By the way I have your report too but I have to read it hope everything is fine ". Saying that he mover towards khushi.

He softly hold her arms . Slowly insert the injection in her upper arms. Khushi in sleep try to take her hand back but ayaan start patting her head softly.

" You don't have heart right already she is in pain atleast let her sleep peacefuly".

" Yeah if I don't have it then I would have give it to her in morning only rather than waiting for her to sleep ". Ayaan said and start rubbing her arms with cotton.

" Let her sleep you had your lunch or should I bring it ".

" I did I'm also sleepy ".

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