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"Aashika, this is your final opportunity. You have the qualifications to seize this chance, and if you decline, you won't be able to work for me remotely anymore." Roshni's professional tone was firm as she spoke.

Aashika shifted her phone to her other ear as she paced around the room.


"Aashika, no excuses. Apply for the position right now, or you'll no longer be working for me," Roshni's tone was stern, causing Aashika to flinch slightly at the unfamiliar tone.

"Fine, then you can find someone else to be your assistant," Aashika's voice lowered.

"Thank goodness. There's an open vacancy, so give it your all in the interview," Roshni said, softening her tone.

"No, bhabhi. I don't want to join any company," Aashika replied, hanging up before waiting for a response.

"Hello?" Roshni said, puzzled by the lack of response as she stared at her blank screen.

"She hung up on me? Why does she have to be so stubborn," Roshni muttered, dialing Ayaan to fill him in on the conversation with Aashika.

"I'll talk to her, but the final decision is hers," Ayaan said before they ended the call after discussing for a few minutes.


After finishing my work, I returned home and found Aashi lost in thought while preparing dinner.

Quietly, I made my way to our room to freshen up before heading to the kitchen and standing behind Aashi. Slowly, I wrapped my arm around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"You're back?" she asked, and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"No, I'm on my way. Where are the two troublemakers?" I inquired, and she turned to me with an annoyed expression.

"Their tutor is here. They're in their room with the tutor. None of them wanted to have classes at home. You're so mean," she said, hitting my chest.

"It was necessary. They don't listen to you, and Ayushi is growing up; she needs to study properly for at least an hour. Since she doesn't listen to you, I had to hire a tutor," I explained.

"My four-year-old son doesn't need a tutor,"

" Five " I said but she glared at me .

" Four and half " Aashi said making me roll my eyes.

"Then who told you to make him attend the session? It's specifically for Ayushi because she has difficulty understanding. She doesn't listen to you at all, and I don't have enough time. I don't want her to learn things without understanding them. "

"I've noticed this so many times. Her grades are good, but if you ask her a question, she'll give you a textbook answer. If you ask her to explain it simply, she doesn't know. It's becoming a problem. " I raised my concern Aashi face show understanding.

She sighed and went back to cooking. After getting bored of her covered belly, I slipped my hand under her shirt and rested it on her bare stomach.

"I've told her tutor to be stricter. Because you're too soft with her, and we know the result," I muttered again. Aashika put down the spoon and leaned her back against me.

"Roshni bhabhi said I can't work for her anymore."

"Aashi, you know you can join work again, right? I'm not forcing you, but if you want to, you can," I said. She turned to me and wrapped her arm around me.

"Ayaan, I can't... I feel so stressed. Everyone talks about others behind their backs. Your married manager keeps trying to touch... I don't want that. I'm so scared," she said, her face hidden in my neck.

If I think about it now, she never actually told me what happened to her in the company that made her leave her job and never rejoin it.

"Shh, don't you dare cry. If you cry, I'm gonna give you a love tap ," I said, playfully smacking her butt.

She chuckled, looking up at me.

"I love you and only you. I don't want others to think that I'm in love with someone else or sleeping with my manager or something. Ayaan, it's only you."

"Yes, yes, I know it's me," I mumbled, pecking her lips.

"Yeah, it's you, papa," I immediately broke the hug and looked down at Aryan, who was hugging his mother.

"Is your class done?" I asked. He pouted and opened his arms. Aashika scooped him up and he slowly put his head on her shoulder, then looked at me.

"I want mommy, no other aunt," he said. When I continued to glare at him, his eyes turned teary.

Before he starts crying, I take him from Aashika.

"What is your tutor doing in the room?" he asks.

"She's teaching, asking qunti...

" Question?" I corrected him which he didn't appreciate much and roll his eyes. His way of saying 'I know everything'.

" Yes the same to her. I sneak out of the room. Can I play games? I don't want to learn multi..

" Multiplication  "

He again gave me a look.

" Yes and tables. It's boring, Mommy," he complains.

"Okay, go ahead then," I say, setting Aryan down as he runs to the living room to pick up his blocks.

"We'll talk in the room, and please tell me everything," I tell Aashika, giving her a quick kiss.

Leaving her in the kitchen, I make my way to Ayushi's room. I stand outside the door and quietly peek inside.

Ayushi is looking at her books and then at her teacher. A pout forms on her lips.

"When will this session end?" she asks, and I glance at my watch. She'll be free in a few minutes.

"It's not your concern, just concentrate on your book and read what I taught you just now," the teacher snaps at her, and it stings me a little.

Even though I scold both of my kids, I never like it when others scold them.

I close the door and lean against the wall.

If by any chance Aashika joins the company, she'll come home around seven or eight. Travelling takes a lot of time.

In such case both kids have to stay with Mom at that time or with Khushi. But if I have to leave them with Mom, I can tell Daksh to pick them up from her house.

But will they take this news well... Truth be told, I don't want Aashika to start working. She's holding us together, and if she starts working too, what will happen to Aryan and Ayushi? They're both too young. And I don't live in a joint family.

The kids will get irritated if I start dropping them off at Mom's house every day...

If we had both been working since the beginning, it would be a different case. But if she starts working now, it will be different. Both Aryan and Ayushi are used to having Aashika around them every day. It will affect them.

"Sir, do you want to talk?" Ayushi's teacher interrupts my thoughts.

"Y-yeah, how was the class today? Did she understand everything? She didn't say anything to you, right?" I ask.

"She's fine. I'll come tomorrow," the teacher replies.

I nodded, her teacher departed. I entered Ayushi's room and found her lying on her stomach with her face buried in a pillow.

"Hey mera baccha ," I greeted, putting my hand on her shoulder, but she didn't respond. She pushed my hand away and moved slightly away from me.

"What's wrong with her?"

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