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" Everyone left " I ask seeing Aashika. She didn't let me leave the room today.

" Daksh bhaiya is here. Ayushi doesn't want him to leave so I told him to take Ayushi with him for a week. Her summer vacation will also start this Saturday so he can take her. I will ask their school teacher to give me a holiday homework sheet. " She said and sat beside me.

She was about to say something but she stop hearing door knock. Daksh entered room holding Ayushi.

" I'm taking her with me. Me and Roshni will be staying at mom's place for some months . You should come too. Kids don't have to go to school so you don't even have to worry about dropping and picking them. " He said and this idea isn't bad. And mom had a big garden where Aryan and Ayushi can play a lot.

" Mom has even told Kanak to stay there. Rahul said he can't stay with her for two months straight at her mother's place but he will visit her . " Daksh explained further.

" Where is This idiot why can't he stay? " I started to leave the bed but both Daksh and Aashi pushed me back to bed.

" Idiot his mom has a shop you forgot. His mom can't handle the shop alone and house so he will just come to meet her. " Daksh said making me roll my eyes.

More like they will make out when he comes to visit her. I will not leave kanak alone with him if he doesn't decide to stay for a few days at least.

" There will be so many kids it will be fun but you know what sucks my job. I've to go everyday. But I can always come early." Daksh said in happy tone . This man loves kid a lot. He doesn't get tired playing with them.

" It would have been more better if we can have Divya too my kavi she is so cute." I said remembering my cutie baby.

She is such a innocent soul like her mother but she creat mischief too but she is adorable.

" Oh you didn't know, I don't know what mom did to Make Deepak parents agree to stay at her house. So Deepak will be there too. That means our divu will be there too with her two brother . " He said I look at him with wide eyes wait there are going to be soo many people.

" It will be too much crowed. I'm not coming there. " I said but he smacked my shoulder.

" It's not like you are going to cook or anything. Mom has maids for her work so shut up. I'm excited to be with my babies."

" No you know how Ayushi is she will create lot of trouble. And I can't even scold her there which encourage her to create more mischief. And don't tell me you don't know how twins are. House will become a zoo . Just send kavi here." I said and find Aashika glaring at Daksh.

Why she is glaring at me. I'm saying crap things not him.

" If it was Roshni, you would have spanked her irrespective of the face that someone is present there. " She said with folded hand on her chest. Did she actually said that?

" No Aashi I didn't. Don't make up lie. " Daksh said in his defense.

Aashika glare at me with her puff cheeks.

" If you call any of my baby trouble maker then I will kill you. " She said I pulled her on lap and rested my hand on her lap.

" We will come but I'm telling you . I don't want any of them to create trouble. Or if I find Ayushi or Aryan causing trouble then no one is going to say anything in their defense." I said daksh rolled his eyes but nodded his head.

" Where is khushi. " I mumble after a minute of silence.

" Home, she was sleeping when I left house so I let her sleep. "

" Aryan? " I ask and the same time Roshni enter holding Aryan.

" Ayaan give him to me. He is such a sweetheart. Can I take her with me? " Roshni ask I immediately take Aryan from her making her frown. Aashika shifted away from my lap making space for Aryan.

" I will not give him to anyone. Moreover my baccha has fever. Did it come down?" I ask and put my palm on his forehead. I smile feeling it normal.

" My baby is all fine. Why did you eat that cude rice look your nose is still not fine. " I said and rise my hand to bring it down to my babies back but three hands stop me.

" Don't you dare " They said together and now everyone can imagine how it's going to be in my mom's house.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now