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Ayushi - 13
Aryan - 5


Me and ayaan was watching movie in his laptop ok not so holy type movie.

I was snuggling into his chest while eating the packet of chips.

" Ayaan you don't want this ". I said forward chips towards his mouth.

He shook his head saying no.

" I just wanna eat you rather than this chips. Your choice in movie are really ". He pause for a minute closing his eyes.

" Wild but when it come to real life no one is more innocent then you ". He said chuckling wrapping his arm around my waist moving my tshirt up.

" Don't say a single word ayaan you are so busy now a days do you even know I told babhi to not give me any work or report today when I come to know about your leave ". I said remembering how babhi tease me after that.

" Ok ok don't stare at that man in movie I will be jealous ". He said quickly moving his hand up tracing line of my inner.

He smirk towards me leading his finger inside my bra making me laugh .

" Kids are in school too you know right ". He whisper biting my earlobe.

He quickly get rib of my tshirt but his phone start ringing he look at his phone annoyed thinking of ignoring it but still answer the call.

" Hello " He said while roaming his finger around the waistband.

" Ok ok I'm coming to pick her up ". He said hurriedly and hang up the call .

" Are you leaving some emergency " I ask pouting I don't like him leaving like this.

" I'm going to pick ayushi. The call was from ayushi school they said she is complaining about stomach ache and crying too. I will be back in some minutes.

He said and quickly wear his full pants since he was just sitting here in his Shorts.

" Don't rush drive safely ". I said he nodded his head and leave taking his car keys.

After like twenty minutes ayaan enter in room with ayushi who was rubbing her eyes.

Her red eyes and red noes clearly show that she was crying a lot.

He was holding her up in his arm.

He come to bed and try to put her on bed but she wrap her arm around him shaking her head.

" Beta let me see atleast why my baby is having tummy ache " He said sweetly. She shake her head putting her head on his shoulder.

" Ok tell me did you ate something form outside or you skip your breakfast or you just have to use washroom . Should I tell mummy to bring warm water mix with salt in it for you ". He said rising his eyebrows pressing her tummy with other hand.

" I'm going to die I know ". She whisper we both hear it and look at eachother giving confused look.

" Who will save my little bunny from getting bully. Aryan don't even fight back he will just start crying ". She said crying more.

" I want to pull and kiss his fluffy cheeks. My bunny will cry if I leave him alone in school ". She said crying more loudly. Ok I know she has warned everyone in his class to not mess with his little brother.
Once a teacher scold aryan and this girl just want towards that teacher and throw her whole books on floor in anger. That teacher scold me and ayaan too much next day .

" Ayushi baccha stop crying why are you talking these nonsense ". Ayaan said while sitting beside me with ayushi on his lap.

" Yeah baby why are you talking like this".

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now