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Did he really just left for work like that? He didn't even talk to me nicely. I'm really upset with him. He's acting like it's my fault. And the spanking... it hurts so much. I should be the one angry, but he's the one showing his anger towards me. Does he spank Aryan like this too?

It's not just the pain, it's also humiliating. Instead of giving me the cold shoulder, he should have shown me love this morning.

I felt someone pulling my clothes. I looked down at Aryan who was pointing his finger on his cheeks.

"Mummy kissi," Aryan pouted his lips and I couldn't resist . How can I say no to my baby. I leaned down and gave him a peck on the cheek, making him smile.

Ayaan is giving me the cold shoulder, right? But it was his fault. I didn't smack his butt. It was so embarrassing.

"Aashika, where are you lost?" mom asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. Okay, I've had enough of his nonsense. If he thinks he's superior and can control me, he's wrong.

"Mom, actually my mom called me today. She's missing Aryan and Ayushi a lot. And I miss her too. I was thinking of visiting her for a few days since it's their holiday too," I said gently. She frowned, but her eyes shifted to Kanak.

She must be thinking like a daughter's mother, and if that's the case, she won't say no.

"Okay, but... I will miss my babies," Mom said, taking Aryan from me and showering him with kisses, making him giggle.

"I'm going to pack my bag," I mumbled and took Aryan with me.

I quickly packed my bag, along with Aryan and Ayushi.

"Aryan, let's get ready, sweetheart," I mumbled. He jumped on the bed and raised his arms, indicating that he wanted me to take off his t-shirt.

I swiftly undressed him and helped him put on his shirt and jeans.

"Now go call your sister. I'm getting ready too," I told him.

Aryan jumped down and immediately ran out of the room.

I started draping my saree and working on my hair. Which becomes a task for me because of my wrist. But somehow I managed it. Just when I finished it I heard the door to the room open, but I didn't turn to see who entered because I was sure it was Aryan and Ayushi.

"Why are you leaving?" I turn around upon hearing Kanak's voice. I found Kanak, Bhavya, and Roshni bhabhi along with Aryan and Ayushi. I glance at myself in the mirror once more. I don't want to share what Ayaan did. Even though they all share everything, I can't bring myself to tell them.

"Give love to your mom," Roshni bhabhi said.

I nod my head and took Ayushi from them.

"I will get her ready. You are evil, Aashika. You wouldn't let me spend time with my babies. I will miss them," Roshni bhabhi mumbles as she takes off Ayushi's clothes and puts on new ones.

"Ayaan bhaiya will join you at the airport?"

I shake my head at Bhavya bhabhi's question.

"Wait, he isn't going with you," Kanak asks, raising her eyebrows. She gives me a suspicious look, but I smile and give them a reply.

"You know about his work and the emergency, right? I will be back soon, so he doesn't need to come with me," I say as I sit on the bed, rechecking my purse.

Everything is here. Will he miss me if I leave? Or will he realize his mistake? Did he even make a mistake? Yes, he did. And it hurts a lot.

"Mummy, I don't want pink shoes, I want black shoes," Ayushi whines, grabbing my attention.

Roshni bhabhi glares at her, but Ayushi continues to whine. I chuckle at Roshni bhabhi's expression and pass the black shoes to Ayushi.

"She is a girl, she doesn't like pink," Roshni bhabhi says, pouting. Kanak smirks, putting her hand around Ayushi.

"Because she is like me. Good girls, pink color is for babies, and my Ayushi is a big girl. Punch whoever troubles you and kick them too, pull their hair..."

I immediately cover Kanak's mouth. Ayushi giggles upon hearing her, but I shake my head at her.

"No, good girls don't fight," I say, caressing her face.

She copies Kanak's smirk and says, "Mom, I'm a witch, a bad one."

"And your dad is just one call away. Should I tell him?" I ask. She quickly shakes her head, opening her arms.

"Let's go," I mutter as I scoop her up in my arms. I extend my other hand to Aryan, who happily grabs onto my finger and starts walking.

"Aashika, come back quickly. I will really miss you and my little one. You know Bhavya will be leaving in a few weeks too, so you have to come back before that. I will miss them a lot," Roshni bhabhi says, pecking both Ayushi and Aryan on the cheek.

They both give bhabhi a kiss on her cheeks and start doing the same to Kanak and Bhavya.

"I'll be back soon, bhabhi," I whisper. "I'll come back as soon as Ayaan comes to get me and realizes his mistake."

I look down at my hand, which still hasn't fully healed. I've applied ointment, hope it will be ok .

We all settled in the car to reach the airport. I don't enjoy traveling, but since I'm traveling alone with my babies, I have to be strong and make sure I don't get sick or lose my focus.

I'll be fine. I'm sure I will be. Ayaan thinks too highly of himself. I can travel without him. I'm not that dependent on him.


At night, Ayaan returns along with his brother. He lazily unbuttons a few buttons of his shirt, expecting Aashika, who usually waits for him.

"Here, Ayaan, lemonade for you," Roshni says. He looks behind her, then around, trying to catch a glimpse of Aashika.

"Where is Aashi?" he asks, pulling out some flowers from his bag.

"She left. She was missing her mom. So she left with Aryan and Ayushi to meet her mom. Didn't she tell you?" Roshni says, confused.

Ayaan's eyes widen, and his grip on the flowers tightens.

"Left? What does that mean? She didn't inform me. Why did you allow her?" Ayaan asks, raising his voice.

"Because she doesn't need permission to see her mother Ayaan. Beta why are you acting like this she will be back in few days Or week. " Ayaan hear his mother voice. He pass the packet to Roshni and move toward his room.

" He bought pink roses for her. " Roshni said and showed the flowers to Daksh.

" Do you think she left because they had argument? " Daksh whisper Roshni nodded her head looking at Ayaan's retreating figure.


She left because I scolded her? And also with Aryan and Ayushi. She clearly knows she can't travel. She will end up getting sick at the end of the day.

But what if I scolded her? I know I should have apologized for spanking her. But I do have the right to scold her. And with her all the trouble she deserves more than that. And she has the right to be angry too. But she can't just leave like that.

She scolded me too. Did I ever leave her?

After angrily pacing in my room, I called her but she didn't answer. I tried calling again but she rejected my call.

"Fine, stay wherever you want. My words and actions seem to hurt you a lot. Stay where you find happiness. Because in your eyes, I'm the only one who hurts you."

"Ayaan, come out, let's have dinner," Daksh called me, but I'm not hungry, especially after how Aashika left in anger.

"I'm sleepy, Daksh," I said a little loudly.

"Come on, Ayaan, we'll call Aashika. Eating will do you good, being angry won't."

I remained quiet and simply lay down, lowering the temperature of the air conditioners.

Not hearing any more voices, I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.


𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now