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" Khushi on the bed " Ayaan said khushi look towards roshni then ayaan.

" Mumma no shots ". Khushi said looking towards her mom holding her dupatta.

" Daksh no shots ". Roshni said to daksh putting her hand on his shoulder while daksh was sitting down.

" Ayaan no shots ". Daksh said to ayaan. Ayaan glare towards him .

" Then you should have told this to your doctor not to me. I don't actually write this prescription. " Ayaan said glaring towards them.

" Firstly that lady is not our doctor and I'm telling this to my doctor only . So change this and write some pills......... Please ". Daksh said please after taking a pause .

" But it's for her recovery only daksh why don't you understand khushi you too what's the matter even if it hurt then it will only take a minute." Ayaan said but still khushi shake her head.

" I'm not changing anything on the bed khushi roshni go with her ".

" Papa no shots " Khushi said and move towards daksh holding his finger.

" Ayaan will you change it or not ". Daksh said ayaan glare towards him.

" You are going to take fever medicine from medical shop right go and take some vitamin pill too or just tell them your problems." Ayaan said and pass that prescription to him delete his page from laptop not looking towards them.

" Ayaan you are not serious.... Are you actually serious good then I won't call you anymore ". Daksh said but turn towards khushi.

" Baby it's will not even take two minutes".

" Yeah just two minutes but if you start feeling dizzy then the iv with which we have to attache you, won't take just two minutes ". Ayaan said still khushi shake her head.

Ayaan sigh and write down medicine on paper.

" Give syrup to aashi on your way back home. Khushi take care and stop being stubborn and you daksh stop taking her side when you shouldn't ". Ayaan said and pass that paper to him.

" Oh aashi I remember something... Don't you think aashika is glowing so much now a day ". Roshni said daksh and ayaan look at her confused .

" Forget about it then " She said and bite her lips.

" Last time i said the same line was when she was pregnant but I don't think she is right now don't worry". Ayaan said smiling.

" You don't notice your wife ayaan."daksh said and they left his cabin.


" What glowing she look like ghost ". I pick up my phone and dial her number.

" Aashi baby what's going on ".

" I'm making report for client. Roshni babhi give me this work and i will be done in an hour ". Aashika said typing in her laptop.

" Don't take out your anger on your laptop baby " I said she stop typing and put her call on her ears.

" Ayaan when will you come I'm bored . Aysuhi is in her dance class . This madam really enjoy dancing because just after coming back she start getting ready for her class."

" Baby I can't take day off today love you and daksh Bhaiya will give you syrup so don't take it for now ". I said and hang up our call.

" She is clinge to me I know that but it's her usual behavior. I even deny her to take syrup.............. Stop thinking nonsense ". I said to myself and get back to my work again.

In evening I reach home and welcomed by ayushi.

" Papa I miss you too much today you know my teacher teach me some new steps do you want me to show you " She said excited I look here and there to find aashika.

After a minute she come towards me holding glass of water.

" Here " She said and turn her face coughing again.

" Did you drink warm water whole day ". I ask before she can answer me ayushi pull my shirt.

" Papa mummy was drinking cold drink and when I ask her then she told me that cold drink can cure cold and cough fastly. " Ayushi said I glare towards aashika who close her eyes must be cursing in her mind.

" Ayushi are you done with your homework ". I ask she nodded her head happily.

" So you go and watch movie I will come after taking shower ok I'm taking your mummy with me ok ". I said ayushi nodded her head again.

" Papa I also have cold can I also get some cold drink medicine ". Ayushi said and start acting like coughing.

" Aysushi mummy was just joking ".

" Then mummy you were lying. Will you punish mummy now papa ". Ayushi ask cutely.

" Baby go and watch movie " I said and move to our room with aashika.

" Aashi you are not at all a good mother why are you teaching her wrong things ".

" Ayaan don't say that it's hurt. I'm a good mother i was just joking about cold drink who know she will take it serious ". She said and peck my lips.

" She is actually glowing... Wait why I'm thinking about this it is not possible maybe she is using something ". I thought while tracing her face with my finger.

" You are glowing aashi ".

" Yeah i haven't showered for four days that why ". She said and start laughing.

I chuckle and pin her to wall looking into her eyes.

" Are you using some cream tell me ".

" Ayaan I glow all the time but I glow more when you are this close to me ". She said and this time start kissing my lips and encircle her arms around my neck.

" Ok glow clinging nature now a day plus bold.... Everything is ok but being bold is not her thing ". I keep thinking she pull apart from kiss still smiling.

" Look I'm not coughing anymore let's give company to my spies ". Aashika said still smiling her cheeks were covered with blush with red nose. She look really cute.

" We might have to go to our home town are you ok with this news ". I said she quickly shake her head.

" No not at all ayaan please I can't. I don't want to encounter any ghost there ". She said crossing her arms in front.

" You don't have any choice one more thing give some knowledge about touch to ayushi she is very bubbly in nature don't even mind what's going on around her ". I said and change my clothes quickly.

" Do it yourself nonsense ". Aashika said I back hug her inserting my hand inside her t-shirt.

" Our anniversary is about to come what we gonna do that day ". I asked kissing her neck.

" Maybe fuck all day ". She said smirking making me sigh.

" If you change your language little bit I will be very greatfull. "

" I'm serious ayaan .... Ok not serious we will go to restaurant then me you and ayushi ". She said and finally we went downstairs towards ayushi who was watching cartoon .

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