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" Ayaan please I don't wanna go there why are you packing our bag please this is our anniversary gift please no what if some ghost start liking me " Aashika said holding my both hand.

" Aashi baby we have to go right just for some day baby and don't worry I won't let any ghost take you away ok ". I said cupping her face.

I don't know what ghost thing she keep talking about. I still remember her first time in my hometown she actually take me with her for washroom purpose and it was our first day of marriage.

" Ayaan no please ". Aashika said while pouting.

" Aashi baby we will be back just after Tomorrow there is a pooja over there everyone has to attend it baby " . I said she still shake her head.

" We will go by plan ok no need to travel for a day it will take just some hours to reach. " I said kissing her cheeks. Still sbe was pouting looking down.

I pick her up making her in front of me. I slowly take my hand inside her tshirt . Still she was looking down.
My hand reach go her bra lining. Pushing it upward I replace it with my hand while kissing her neck.

" Still so quit baby ". I whisper she shake her head.

" I don't wanna go ". She said with tear feeling eyes. She is actually giving me hint of getting pregnant but real things are missing like vomiting. What I'm talking about she don't have any pregnancy symptoms during ayushi time too.

" Good don't talk if you will be quit then ayushi will not get disturbs " I said and while lowering ny hand. When my hand reach to her navel she hold it biting her lips.

" Don't I'm on my periods". She whisper still holding my hand.

" Really "

" Oh so the glow she was getting is because of it ". I thought while rubbing her belly.

" Ok miss don't distrub me now ". I said pushing her away. She stand up and correct her dress .

" I'm not on my periods " She said and run away from room showing me her tongue.

" Idiot " I mumble and again start to pack our things... No we are not going to hometown but manali. Yeah it's risky to take her to somewhat too cold but madam like this too.

When I was done with packing aashi come to rook looking worried.

" What did you do now ". I asked smiling

" Ayaan bhaiya...... He is downstairs".

" Really now what happen". I pick my call and saw missed call from roshni.
I call her back quickly.

" I will ask her you go and check on bhaiya ". Aashika said I give her my phone before going downstairs.

" Hello babhi you called ayaan". Aashik ask as roshni answered her call.

"Yeha daksh is at your home right ". Roshni ask her voice was dull not excited as always.

" Yeah something happen "

" Yeah not just something. Khushi and daksh get in an argument he was trying to make her understand what she did was wrong and hereafter be careful and don't talk to that boy again but she was not ready to understand so .... Just argument start like this. I can't come right now tell ayaan to take care of him ". Roshni said and hand up their call.

Aashika was about to go ayaan but ayaan himself enter in room.

" What did the babhi said ". Ayaan ask while taking his bag from drawer.

Aashika tell him everything quickly.

" Unpack our bags we are not going anywhere and if you coke downstairs then come slowly don't jump around."

" Can I come downstairs after that " She asked He nodded his head aashika start to unpack their bags.

Ayaan coke downstairs and walk towards daksh.

" Why don't you come to room "

" Ayaan I like this couch and it's more comfortable then bed here and please lower the temperature I'm feeling hot." Daksh answer closing his eyes.

" What happen with khushi now ". Ayaan ask while opening daksh's shirt button.

Daksh hold his hand shaking his head.

" Firstly brother it's roshni right only she can open my shirt button and secondly nothing happen between us she just proved me how I have risen her how wrong I was when I thought my daughter is so well behaves and all."

Ayaan slap his hand away and open his all button .

" Why don't you change into something comfortable you can wear my shorts ". Ayaan said daksh give him a look .

" You can't be serious I'm not wondering around here in shorts in front of aashika."

" She is just like your sister ". Ayaan said aashika also come there and look towards daksh passing him smile.

"What happen with khushi " This time aashika ask and sit on other couche facing them.

" I don't know what happen but for the first time I slap her..... Like I slap you when you went to brothel. " Daksh said looking towards ayaan.

" Ayaan you went to some freaking brothel. You hooked up before our marriage right. How can you do it . You didn't know you were going to get a lovely wife ". Aashika shouted pointing her finger towards herself.

" He was even drunk that day come sit I will tell you all his story he was not at all a decent person he used to...

" Daksh stop aashi baby he is lying you go and make fish for tonight for now cut some fruit and bring it with yogut ". Ayaan sakd pushing aashika away but she don't move from her place at all.

" You went to some fucking brothel and you used to drink too what if I tell you I hook up with someone will you like it. It's really good that you can prove my virginity but i can't prove yours. Tell me truthfully with how many girls you have slept yet". Aashika said grabbing his collar.

" Aashika what you are saying atleast see Bhaiya is still here ". Ayaan whisper  still she look at him angerly.

" You must have fuckinv kissed them too right go and sleep with them from now on ". Aashika shouted and left ayaan and daksh alone.

" Why did you do that ". Ayaan ask daksh while glaring towards him.

" It's fun . No need to thanks me and it's your fault why don't you tell her about all these things now don't disturb me everything is buzzing around me ". Daksh said chuckling and try to control his laugh.

Ayaan sit besides him and start checking his blood pressure.

" Indeed it's high you will get heart attack someday why don't you try to control yourself "

" I want roshni here can't you bring her here. I will just act like I don't have any child from now on keep khushi at your home or go and actually fill her form in a boarding school I don't care ". Daksh said and turn his face.

" Go and call her don't just sit here and lower the temperature I'm feeling hot ".

" I can't lower it's temperature go and wear shorts and stay in room if you have problem with aashika seeing you like that. " Ayaan said daksh put his palm on his eyes.

" Yeah don't listen to me nither I'm a good father nor a good brother but atleast roshni listen to me.".

" What actually happened now I thought everything between you and khushi is ok now ". Ayaan ask daksh don't answer him and turn his face.

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