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" What talk I'm sleepy " Aashika mumbled and glanced at the pillow, longing to rest her head on it and sleep.

"First I forgot to make kadha, and Aryan and Ayushi will be asleep by the time I finish making it, so I will make it tomorrow morning," Ayaan said with a forced smile.

"Okay," she replied, making an 'ok' sign and attempting to lay down.

"Tell me everything," Ayaan asked firmly, but she just gave him a confused look.

"Tell you what?" Aashika asked, genuinely puzzled.

"Okay," Ayaan mumbled and took out test papers, passing them to her.

"I went to their school today."

Her eyes widened as she snatched the paper from his hand.

"Haha... I was about to tell you about the parent-teacher meeting..."

"Mrs. Aashika Ayaan Agnihotri, no lies," he said sternly.

She gulped and lowered her eyes.

"I was hiding it," she whispered, which he heard, folding his arms across his chest.

"Why?" he inquired. Even after some minutes not receiving any reply he pick up Ayushi's paper bundle.

"Let's look at Ayushi's paper," He said, placing the rubber band from her sheet on the table.

"Ayaan, I scolded her for that," she whispered, holding his hand to stop him from showing Ayushi's paper.

"Aashi, why didn't you tell me? Is there anything else?" Ayaan asked, setting aside Ayushi's paper.

"They... skipped their classes. I swear, for this, I put them in the corner. Really," she confessed.

"Aashi, my question is why didn't you tell me anything. I'm their father. I wouldn't harm them, right?" he said, a little upset, thinking he had never done anything to make her think otherwise.

"I'm sorry, don't be upset. I wouldn't hide anything about them, even if it means they get scolded," she said, wrapping her arm around his neck.

"Stop scolding me, you're making me feel like one of our children," she chuckled, holding him tightly.

"Let's go to sleep. I'm sleepy. Look, my eyes are even red. I need some good sleep," Aashika said again, rubbing her eyes.

"Okay, listen. I'll act like I never went to school and didn't hear anything from them. But if I catch them repeating these things, then... your babies will regret it," Ayaan said, throwing his t-shirt away.

"Okay, okay, now stop. Let's sleep," she said, slipping inside the blanket and wrapping her arm around him.

"Good night," she mumbled, receiving a peck in response.


During the night, I felt a small body clinging to me.

I opened my eyes and found Aryan snuggled into me.

"What happened?" I asked, but Aryan didn't reply and tried to get even closer.

"I'm here, bub," I mumbled, feeling his warm body against mine. Aashika did give him medicine. How did he get this fever again?

"Don't make me regret not taking you along with Ayushi. Where is she?"

I shook Aashi, but she didn't open her eyes. But I needed her to wake up because I wanted to check on Ayushi. I couldn't let her sleep alone. She would start crying if she found herself alone in the room.

"Aashi, wake up. Aryan has a fever," I said, and her eyes immediately opened.

She turned on the light and turned Aryan towards herself.

"Wait here, I'll bring Ayushi too, okay?" I said and left the bed, but Aashika's voice stopped me.

"Did you eat ice cream again?" she sounded stern. I turned around to look at them. Indeed, there was a trace of ice cream in the corner of his lips.

Leaving them to their conversation, I left the room and reached Ayushi's room. The very first thing I did was check her temperature.

A wave of relief washed over my face as I felt her normal temperature.

"Should I leave her here or should I take her with me? She's in a deep sleep. She isn't going to wake up," I slowly shut her room door.

Coming back to the room, I crushed the medicine in a spoon and mixed water in it. I had to give it to Aryan. I don't want to use an alternate option

" Aashi, please make sure he doesn't move his hand." I whispered as our baby was back to sleep.

I quickly poured the medicine into his mouth, his eyes opened, and he immediately started crying. Trying to spit the medicine.

"Here, drink some water," Aashika said, making him take a few sips.

"Now shh, not a single word. If you cry, I will give you more reason to cry. I will throw all the ice cream boxes tomorrow morning," Aashika scolded again. Aryan pouted, pushing her, and turned to my side.

"What, now you're going to get angry with Mumma?" Aashika asked, but he didn't reply, instead trying to hide himself.

"Your Mumma is talking, big guy," I said, trying to make him look at me.

"I don't want her scolding me. She's crazy," Aryan said, and ding so they do have this good habit of cursing her when they were angry.

But wait, didn't they get scolded for the same reason?

"Aryan, did you just call her crazy?" I asked sternly. Aashika sat up, the blanket gathering around her waist.

"I'm crazy? First, you make yourself sick by eating ice cream in two rows at night, and I'm crazy," she said, landing a smack on his back.

Okay, I'm shocked. When I told her to scold, she didn't say a word. But now she's actually angry.

"Will you sleep now, or do you want more?" She said sternly. Aryan went to her side and snuggled into her chest, and now I know they know how to calm down Aashika in a minute.

"Look how you get sick. It's wrong, na, baccha? Let's sleep and don't curse," she said, starting to rub his back.

After some minutes, when he fell asleep again, she looked at me and pouted.

"I scolded him, so don't scold him later. He is sick. We should ignore some of their words."

Oh, so madam scolded him because I was present. I shook my head, laying down again.

"At least reply," she said, pulling my blanket.

"Aashi, go to sleep," I said, ready to sleep.


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