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Aashika close her eyes while pressing her body with me which I was doing too.

" Shall we go downstairs " Aashika mumble close to my lips. As she said this her lips touch with mine because of closeness.

" You are not tired right ".

" Little bit " She said this time pulling back from me.

I again press her to wall putting my hand on her bare waist taking it up little by little.

" Ayaan " She whine while pouting and try to get away from me.

" What " I also innocently.

" Everyone is downstairs let's go I have to save my baby too, moreover we can't do anything you don't remember doctor words."

" I do remember that's why this hand is going up not down". I whisper in her ear after tucking her hair behind it.

As my hand reach to her blouse line she hold my fingers.

" Ayaan please " She said again pouting I give her a quick peck finally opening her blouse from front.

I move my lips down to her neck giving light peck all the way down.

I quickly peck her nipple and was about to take it inside my mouth but we got startled hearing maa voice.

" Ayaan come down we are leaving what are you doing inside ". Maa said aashika quickly correct her dress cursing me in between.

" Maa I was just coming down you know aashika just got discharge so she have some difficulties to do her all work so I was just helping her. We are coming down".

" My baby have to go thought so many things take care of her me and papa is leaving if you need help or anything you both can come to our house or I will just tell daksh and roshni to help you both ". Maa said while caressing my face.

" Yeah maa let's go. Aashi come down too".

Soon we bid bye to maa papa kanak amd rahul. Now we were standing with deepak's family and daksh and roshni too.

" Where are kids ". I ask not finding them here.

" In room I actually want to have chat with them I mean how can they put whole damn room in fire " Daksh said in serious tone.

" Bhaiya are you leaving too don't go ". Aashika said while walking towards deepak with her open arm.

I pull her back quickly holding her hand.

" He have to go he don't leave nearby ". I said with tight smile.

" Leave my hand bhaiya don't go ." She said and run towards him hugging him from side.

" Bhaiya don't go ". She said while showing her tongue to me.

" Why she have to hug him. I'm actually jealous of him. My wife was crying when he was getting married so how I'm not suppose to get jealous now." I thought while glaring towards them.

" Aashika come here ". I said she shake her head still hugging him.

" This damn girl his hand is clearly touching something which is mine " I thought when my eyes fall on his hand.

" We can't stay here " Deepak said hugging her back and quickly break their hug before leaving house not before giving some toffee.

" Yeah toffee lover " I thought rolling my eyes.

" Now bhaiya you too go let khushi stay here today ". Aashika said almost pushing daksh.

" Nice try aashika I'm going to talk with them they should be responsible as well as accountable for their act ". Daksh said going upstairs to ayushi room.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now