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" Papa how I'm looking ". Here comes my khushi showing her dress to me which she is going to wear in puja.

" My baby is looking like a princess ". I said looking at her suit. She put her dupatta on her head.

" Papa now "

" Like a goddess your ayaan chachu is busy you will decorate the house properly right I'm going to pick your chachi."

" Wait how I'm looking " Comes ayushi running towards me wearing same suit as khushi just with different color.

" Just like a princess ok your friends are coming right help didi in decoration." I said kissing her hair. She pouted sadly looking up to me.

" But look at my dupatta maker did partiality look at didi's dupatta then look at mine her is full length but mine is not bigger then my hand it's even smaller then my hand ".

This dupatta matter nothing to them it will be laying down floor soon.

" I will drape it beautifully don't worry papa you go ". Khushi said and put her hand on ayushi shoulder.

Bidding then bye I left hone taking ny car keys.

" Didi I will light the candles. " Ayushi said clapping her hand together.

" No candle I will do these things you just tap these things on wall. I'm going to hang the lightning". Khushi said ayushi nodded her head showing alphabet and flowers lines which are meant to tape on wall.

Soon they start doing their work and slowly other family member start to come too.

" Didi I'm done " Ayushi said khushi look down wall with big smile.

" I'm also done we just have to light the candles now ."

" You both done wow it doesn't look like it's done by kids good baby ". Deepak said ruffling ayushi and khushi hair.

" Don't do it khushi didi take so much time to do it ". Ayushi said glaring at deepak who just smile pulling her cheeks.

" Maa is downstair too with dad and your aunt didi all why don't you show your beautiful face to them ". Deepak said khushi shake her head.

"  Bhaiya i have to drape our dupatta I'm going to get ready with ayushi. " Khushi said Deepak leave them alone.

" Didi you go to your room i will come after some minutes I have to some work." Ayushi said khushi went to other room .

Ayushi start searching for matchstick here and there.

" Where is it I wanna light these candles." She look around more finally her eyes fall on matchstick.

" Finally " She said and tried to light the candle just after she light one candle she though match randomly.

Just focusing on her candle she start to light more candle kept there.


" Jaan walk slowly " Ayaan said to aashika whi just glare towards him.

" You are finally free good otherwise I would have killed you ". Aashika said they both enter in behind them roshni and daksh follow them.

" Sit here I will bring some water for you".

" No ayaan I don't want anything I also have to get ready babhi here hold ny baby ". Aashika said roshni happily hold baby in her hand showing it to daksh.

" Aashika " Ayaan said glaring towards her.

" What "

" I will bring saree go to that room no need to take stairs baby you are still weak " Ayaan said pulling her both cheeks.

Before aashika can reply they all hear ayushi screaming.

" What was that " Aashika said  running upstairs going towards that sound.

Everyone run upstairs towards ayushi.

Aashika ayaan enter in room where ayushi was standing in corner covering face.
Listening to door opening sound ayushi towards towards them opening her arms.

" Mummy " She said while crying.

" You stay here " Ayaan said pushing aashika out while looking at fire which get caught by candle.

Ayaan walk towards ayushi hugging her tightly.

" Don't worry it's nothing big " Ayaan said rubbing her back.

" Sorry I was just lighting the candle but the one line of plastic line caught fire then every...

" Shh it's ok " Ayaan said still hugging her tightly.

" Daksh put the damn water over cut down the power ". Ayaan yell deepak was working on trying to put the fire to end while daksh were cutting off the power.

Aashika walk inside just to get yelled by ayaan she immediately come out of room again.

" Maa look at him " Aashika said wiping her tears.

" Aashika let the room be safe for you to enter. Deepak is working on it right ". Maa said still aashika look inside.

" Why don't he come out "

" Wait he will come on his own. Why did they put the decoration like this ". Maa mumble standing outside.

" Papa I'm scared "

" It's ok beta I'm here " Ayaan said hiding her in his arms completely.

" Ayaan you ok " Ayaan turn around seeing daksh standing there she look around in room finding everything fine.

" It was no big deal don't worry everything is ok it just decoration got completely burn." Daksh said ayaan take ayushi in his arm while standing up.

" You ok ayushi " He ask confirming if she is ok or not.

She nodded her head putting her head on his shoulder.

Coming out of room he take her to different room making her sit on bed.

Aashika immediately hug her tightly.

" What were you doing there alone you meant to do everything with khushi right". Daksh ask keeping everything aside holding her both hand.

" Khushi " He shouted her name khushi come there and stand in front of him.

" I swear I told her not to touch candle and all I just went to drape my dupatta". She immediately said seeing anger in daksh eyes.

" Leave it bhaiya she is fine they are just kid ". Aashika said sitting beside ayushi.

" You both are not going to come out of this room and you khushi I will talk to you later." Daksh said pointing everything to go out of this room.

" Bhaiya leave it mistake happen "

" Aashika go get ready fast everyone out". Daksh said sternly.

Everyone start leaving the room one by one.

" Daksh it's ok leave it let them come they both were so excited they decorate the room too leave them ". Deepak said and sign ayaan to say something too.

Ayaan simple walk out of room with aashika who try to stay but just one glare and she went quit.

" Yeah Deepak they almost burn the house too they are not coming down " Daksh said finally and take Deepak too with him.

" I told you not to touch candle right ". Khushi said looking at closed door.

" I wanted to help . They are so selfish I wanted to hold my brother ". Ayushi said laying down on bed angrily.

" I thought only papa get an get angry but chacha ji too get angry. I won't talk to him now ". Ayushi said again throwing her hand up in anger.

" Yeah sometimes papa too get angry "


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