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" Aashi, are you sure he didn't tell you? I'm feeling a bit worried because it's already night. She mentioned that he left the house in the morning.

"I swear he didn't tell me. I told him to head towards the kitchen. Ayaan, I'm really worried," she said, wiping away her tears as Ayushi entered the room.

"Dad, is Aryan actually missing?" she asked in a timid tone, which is quite unusual for her.

"He'll be back, sweetheart. Don't worry, go and watch TV," I reassured her, ruffling her hair.

She pouted and remained still, as if she wanted to say something. Wait, did she send him somewhere?

"Ayushi, did you say something to Aryan?" I asked. She shook her head, avoiding eye contact. Maybe she's just missing Aryan.

I was about to call the police but then I heard the doorbell and stopped. I felt a little relieved. Maybe he finally came back.

"It must be Aryan," Aashika said, opening the door.

"Daksh? Why are you here so late?" I asked, as it was already 10:00 pm and he didn't usually visit us at this hour without any reason.

"Are you mad? I don't mind keeping Aryan for a few days, but he's been missing Aashika so much that he's been crying nonstop," Daksh explained, and then my eyes fell on Roshni, who was holding Aryan.

"He was at your house?" I asked, Aashika sob and pulled Aryan towards her, showering him with kisses.

"Why didn't you tell me, huh?" Aashika asked, tears streaming down her face.

Both Daksh and Roshni looked shocked. It seemed like I was the only one glaring at him.

"He didn't tell us, and we had no idea he came without informing," Daksh quickly responded.

I didn't reply to him, but I pulled Aashika away from him. Before I could ask him anything, he was pulled behind Daksh.

"Let me talk to him," I calmly said. Daksh didn't say anything, but he didn't move either.

"I know you're angry, but he's just five," Roshni said, standing by Daksh.

"I need to talk to him. I promise I won't cross any boundaries," I said, and it was true.

" ARYAN. COME. HERE " Aashika called out for Aryan in a firm tone. Daksh and Roshni look at Aashika, who had been in tears just a moment ago.

"Aashika..." Roshni said

"Come on, Aryan, go to mumma" Daksh interjected, stepping aside.

"But Daksh," Roshni protested, but Daksh shook his head.

"I want to stay... but I'm good with kids. I'm not as strict as you are with them. And I know Ayushi doesn't like the audience. I may have used my hand on you, but you know things can change," Daksh explained.

I couldn't help but hide my smile at Daksh's attempt to defend Aryan.

"He's just a kid, and look at your hand. You even go to the gym. It's our fault for not informing you properly, right Roshni?" Daksh turned to Roshni, who nodded in agreement.

"You know what, let Aryan stay at our place tonight," Roshni suggested. Daksh nodded in approval.

"Daksh, I'll put him to bed. Even if I have to discipline him, I'll never use full force," I assured them, glancing at Aryan who had already fallen asleep with his head on Aashika's shoulder as she comforted him.

"Was she scared?" Roshni inquired, to which I nodded.

"You're right. But Ayushi can be quite bossy with him too," Roshni added, pouting and leaning towards Daksh.

"Go get some rest and give my love to Khushi. And when you can trust your daughter with me, even when she makes mistakes, then you won't have to worry about Ayushi and Aryan," I said, closing the door and playfully sticking out my tongue at them.

"He is my older brother,I can never change some habits.

" He is ok" I whispered to Aashika, who looked at me with teary eyes.

"I was scared. Your kids will kill me someday," she said, hugging me from the side.

"Let's put him to bed," I suggested, taking Aryan from Aashika and heading to the kids' room to tuck him in. As I placed him on the bed, I noticed tear stains on Ayushi's cheeks. I gently kissed her cheeks and shook my head.

She must be worried too. Meei Nanhi Si Jaan.

Returning to our room, I knew Aashika would be there. Neither of us had eaten anything.

Entering the room, I found Aashika sitting on the bed, holding her head.

"He is safe," I assured her, taking her onto my lap.

"They make me sick with worried. I will die because of them," she mumbled, her tears falling onto my shoulder.

"He is already safe. I will make sure he doesn't leave without telling us. Stop crying now," I said, lightly patting her thighs.

Suddenly, her stomach growled. She looked at me, sniffling.

"I'm hungry," she said. I wiped away her tears along with her red nose and grabbed my phone.

"Pizza?" I asked. She nodded.

"Cold drink?" I asked again. She nodded once more.

"Order a small cake too. I will give it to Aryan and Ayushi tomorrow during breakfast time," she said. I chuckled at her request and added a fruit cake as well.

Soon, our order arrived. We started eating the pizza, which was surprisingly delicious. Having it once a month was fine with me.

"Is it good?" I asked. Aashika pouted and sat on my lap again.

"Now it's better," she mumbled, taking another bite.

"Now let's sleep. I'm sleepy too," I said. She lay down, and I threw away the pizza box before joining her on the bed, placing my hand on her tummy.

She held my hand and placed it under her shirt, turning towards me for a cuddle.

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