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I was busy cutting fabric while Aryan and Ayushi were eagerly watching me.

"Mommy, is it ready now?" Aryan asked, and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Ayaan, are you free? Help them with their homework," I suggested, but both kids looked horrified.

"Mommy," they both whispered, but Ayaan came from behind, making them stop.

"Go get your bags, and make sure you have your diaries too," Ayaan instructed, taking a seat on the couch.

"Aashi, can we go out for dinner tonight?" he asked, and I nodded my head. Why would I deny him?

"I'll ask Daksh too," he said, and I frowned, raising my eyebrows at him.

"You can call Deepak too," I suggested, but he twisted my ears, making me grab his wrist.

"Deepak? Where is bhaiya, huh? Deepak bhaiya. And he lives an hour and a half away, but I'm still asking him. But know one thing, he always turns down these requests because he goes out with his wife and parents," Ayaan answered, which was true.

I know, but I also know one thing. We're all going to Ayaan's mom, uff, my mom's house to celebrate Holi. Deepak bhaiya will be there too. I'm excited to meet him.

Both of my babies came with pouts on their faces and placed their bags on the table.

"Aryan, pass me your diary," Ayaan said, but why was he checking their diaries?

"Ayaan, I do check their diaries every day, leave it," I said, but he ignored me and started flipping through the pages of Aryan's diary.

"Aryan, you don't know any poems? Aashika, don't you sing rhymes with him?"

Why did I tell him to teach them? Now he's even testing me. How can I tell him that I do teach him, but he just forgets the specific ones that the teacher asks for?

"Aashi, I'm asking you something."

"Yeah, I do, Ayaan. He just forgets the ones that the teacher asks for. It's okay," I said, starting to sew a dress on my machine.

Ayaan gifted me this machine because he saw me watching videos on dress stitching. He's so considerate, right?

" Aashi, he forgot tables too?" Ayaan asked, and now I want to kill myself.

"It's alright, Ayaan. He is just a kid. What if he forgets it? You leave it. I will help them later," I said, but he glared at me.

"You know plus and minus, right? Do your homework on your own. First, do math, then we will head to another subject. Ayushi, give me yours," Ayaan said, and I widened my eyes, remembering something.

I left my machine and took the diary in my hand.

"Ayaan, I'm done with the clothes. I will do it later. You can rest; you were tired, right? Let me help them," I said casually, trying to sound normal.

"Aashi, pass me that diary, baccha," Ayaan said, not wanting to shout at me in front of the kids. He doesn't do it anymore. I don't know whose soul possessed him when I was pregnant with Aryan.

I shook my head. He smiled at me gently. And pull me inside a room

"Baccha, pass it," he said again, his tone telling me not to argue with him anymore.

I passed it to him and stood with my head low.

He went through her diary, then looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"There is nothing. Why were you acting strange?" he asked. Oh, how could I forget it? I removed pages from her diary.

"I was just playing around. Can't I do it with my husband?" I wrapped my hand around his neck, standing on tiptoes.

"Don't hide anything from me because if I come to know something that I should know but you hid it from me, then you will be in trouble, not the kids," he said and left the room.

I also came back and started stitching. I'm good at this. This is a good hobby. I love doing it too much.

"Aryan, are you done?" Ayaan asked. I also wrapped up my work because even if it's a hobby, it can still get you tired.

"What is this, Aryan?" Ayaan said sternly. I took Aryan's copy from Ayaan's hand and checked his answer.

"Oh no, beta, look, you have to give carry. You can't..."

"You don't know a simple question," Ayaan said, holding Aryan's hand.

"What is your problem? He knows how to do it, okay. Please stop scolding them like this, otherwise no one will be worse than me. You keep scolding my children. Please go away, I can teach them." I said and turned to Aryan, but suddenly felt Ayaan pinching me from behind.

"Ayaan, let's get ready now. We will have dinner outside, right?" I said after half an hour later , stretching my arm.

"Ayushi, pass me your book," Ayaan said. Ayushi did the same and I snatched the book from him.

"Get ready, I will ask questions," I said, but he snatched it back from me.

"Let's see how much you've learned," he said and started asking questions. Out of five questions, she gave three correct answers.

I smiled at her and kissed her cheeks.

"Good girl, now..."

"Wait, now tell me what this chapter is about. I don't want you to learn it like a robot. Tell me about this chapter and you are free to use your local language. Start now," he said. Ayushi said a few things and then stopped.

"This is bad... She doesn't even understand what this question is about. Aashi, did you explain the chapter to her?" he asked. I nodded my head because I made sure she understood every chapter.

"Ayaan, she is a kid. She must have forgotten it. Go, Aashi, get ready," I said. She left, taking her bag.

"Aashi, I think I should talk to her teacher. I want to know how she is doing in class. I don't mind her not being top student, but she should be fine in her studies. I also want to know if there will be any parent-teacher meetings. Half of the year has already passed."

Ayaan, why do you want to kill me? Let it pass, please.

I just smiled at him nodding my head. I didn't want to make him suspicious.

"I should get ready too. I will get the kids ready as well. Just wait for us," I said and left.


I can't even give my time to my kids, so what's the point of them having me? I should give more attention to them. They don't take Aashika seriously, I've noticed that so many times.

How come I never receive any notifications from their school? I will talk to them tomorrow.

I started getting ready because under no circumstances I will cancel today's dinner. My babies are excited for it .

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