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I hide my face in the pillow while tears keep streaming down. I try to stifle any sound that might escape my lips.

I didn't even notice when the door opened. I distinctly remember locking it.

I don't lift my head to see who it is because I already know. I can sense his presence. It usually calms me down, but I make no effort to stop crying.

He sits beside me without saying a word or offering comfort. Yet, I can feel his eyes on me.

As I cry, I hear some movement. Then, the sound of the bathroom door locking. He never directly touches us or anything after arriving at the hospital. It's nothing new.

I glance up from my pillow, but his absence in the room only makes me cry harder. I look at the now-locked door.

Once again, I bury my face in the pillow and continue to cry. I don't understand why this flood of tears won't stop. Why am I such a crybaby?

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door unlocking.

After some shuffling, the bed beside me sinks down.

Suddenly, I feel his hand on my hips. Here I am, crying, and he's not even choosing his actions wisely.

In one swift motion, my head shifted from the pillow to his chest. With a few buttons of his shirt undone, I catch a glimpse of his chest.

He used to go to the gym daily, but when I mentioned I preferred a softer physique, he toned it down.

I like his soft body. I prefer his flat stomach over his abs. I breathe in his cologne or is it his body wash? I'm not sure, but it's so soothing. He himself is calming.

Despite my mind racing with thoughts, my eyes continue to shed tears. It feels like a flood is imminent.

He continues to massage my scalp with one hand while his other hand rests on my back.

I felt his hand slipping under my top. And let me tell you, I absolutely adore his warm touch.

I was only sniffling now, no more tears in my eyes. I turned my face to the side, listening to his heartbeat. The sniffles stopped soon after.

I'm just lying there, my head on his chest, his hand massaging my scalp and the other rubbing my back.

It feels nice. I hate fighting with him, yet I still started an argument. I can be so foolish sometimes.

He stopped his hand and pulled it out from under my shirt, ceasing the scalp massage.

I wanted to look up, but I couldn't meet his eyes. I felt so ashamed for bringing up Aryan's premature delivery in our argument.

I love Aryan so much, but I can't say that Ayaan doesn't love him. He loves them both more than anything.

"Feeling better?" He murmured, pulling me up slightly so my face nuzzled into his neck.

I still didn't say anything or look at him. I just couldn't.

He lowered himself to be face to face with me, gently removing my baby hair from my face and kissing my eyes.

"Feeling better now?" He asked, but I still didn't respond. Anger was starting to build up inside me again. He had been gone for three days, leaving me alone. His absence felt like loneliness. Fresh tears started to fall without me even realizing it.

I hiccuped and clutched onto his shirt.

He gently turned my face to meet his, his eyes soft and filled with love, no anger, frustration, or irritation.

"Shh," he whispered, his lips brushing against mine. I didn't react, just kept staring into his eyes.

"I'm sorry," the words slipped out of my mouth unknowingly as I hugged him tightly.

"It's okay," he said, accepting my apology for the first time, or maybe it was my first time saying sorry.

"Stop crying," he said once more, this time with a slightly firmer tone, as he gently wiped away my tears.

We remained in each other's embrace, lost in the moment. Time seemed to slip away, until suddenly I remembered Ayushi had gone to the park.

I sat up, feeling a bit confused as Ayaan held onto my hand.

"Ayushi went to the park. I should check if she's back home or not," I whispered.

"Stay here. I'll take care of them and stay in this room. Rest for a while and try not to cry," he assured me before leaving the room, planting a tender kiss on my temple.

I laid back down, surprising myself as I didn't ask him to refrain from scolding them. For some reason, I just wanted to be silent.

My eyes grew heavy with drowsiness. I closed them for a moment, hoping to open them when he returned to the room.


I stride towards the children's room, but only Aryan is there. I close the door and look around before heading to the park.

In the park, Ayushi is sitting alone on a swing. It's nighttime, so it's understandable that the other children aren't playing. Except for my daughter, of course.

Ayushi spots me and happily jumps off the swing, wrapping her arms around me.

"What are you doing here at this time?" I ask, noticing her pout.

"I didn't want to do my homework, it's too much," she whispers. I run my hand through my hair, not in the best mood after seeing Aashika cry her heart out. She doesn't usually cry like that.

"Finish your school work first, and then I want you to neatly write it in a rough notebook. At least five times for each subject," I mutter. She looks at me with her mouth hanging open.

"Dad, I can't do it..."

"I didn't ask for your opinion. If you have enough time to come here and play at night, then you should dedicate that time to the work I assigned you. And Ayushi... you may not be aware, but you and Aryan will have a personal tutor starting tomorrow. I've noticed how much you both listen to mom. Now, without any further delay, make your way home," I say. She seems like she wants to argue, but wisely chooses to head home.

Once inside the house, I quietly make my way to the room and find Aashika sleeping. I gently close the door and go to the children's room.

There, they both sit quietly on the bed.

I grab Ayushi's study chair and bring it closer to the bed, taking a seat.

Let's start our discussion now.


𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now