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"Finish eating, do you want something to drink? I ask after setting the plate aside.

She wraps her arm around me again, but I remove her hand and push her back. Still, she avoids eye contact.

I lift her chin to make her look at me, but her eyes still don't meet mine.

"Why were you crying?" I ask.

"You... You were ignoring me. You didn't come home for three days. I missed you. The kids were giving me a hard time, which made me miss you even more," she says, her eyes still cast downward.

"And I don't know why I always hurt you with my words when we fight. I know you love them. I'm sorry for everything. Don't leave me when we argue. I don't like anything without you," she says, her voice heavy as if she might cry again. How could I have been stupid enough to stay in the hospital?

I cup her cheeks and give her a gentle kiss on the lips.

"You know I can't control my words when I'm angry. Can't you overlook it and just stay by my side?" she whispers, a tear falling from her eyes.

I pull her into my embrace and kiss her hair.

"You're so bad," she whispers, looking up at my face and then her eyes fall on my lips.

I lower my face and bring my lips closer to hers. Soon, our lips meet and I start kissing her slowly, taking her lower lip between mine. She immediately responds to the kiss and holds onto me tightly.

She pulls back from the kiss and rests her head on my chest.

"I shouldn't have cried. I'm sorry," she says.

"It's okay. It's perfectly fine, but we need to discuss something and if it makes you angry, I won't hesitate," I say, giving her a light smack on her backside.

But I do agree with her last statement. She shouldn't cry. It was the first time I had seen her cry like that, and it broke my heart.

"If I catch Aryan and Ayushi misbehaving with you and you don't handle it properly, I'll punish you before dealing with them," I stated firmly. I don't always stay by her side, so she needs to learn what Aryan and Ayushi are capable of.

She nodded and pulled me down, wrapping her arms around me and intertwining her legs with mine.

"Now, talk," she whispered, resting her head on my arm.

"And no more crying like you did today. Oh, and I just remembered something," I said, sitting up and lifting her top, starting to remove her pants.

"What is it?" she asked. Without answering, I pulled them down and noticed a red mark on her thighs.

"How did this happen?" I inquired, even though I already knew the answer. I wanted to hear it from her as well.

"Aryan," she replied.

I nodded and applied some ointment before lying back down.

"Can't we make love? You said you would punish me, so let's do it," she murmured, tracing her finger on my chest.

"I wasn't referring to that kind of punishment. And we're not doing anything. You seem tired, so let's just sleep," I mumbled, patting her head, but she removed my hand.

"I want to," she insisted.

"You know I haven't slept properly in three days. Let's just sleep. My eyes are closing," I mumbled. She pouted but didn't try to convince me further.

She simply held my hand and placed it over her breast, closing her eyes.

"Try to understand me too," I whispered, removing her top.

"I do, but my angry side doesn't," she replied.

"And this is purely lovemaking. No anger or anything, just love," I clarified, burying my head in her neck while my hand explored her body and reached her wet core.




Aashika was busy in the morning preparing tiffin and breakfast for Aryan and Ayushi.

"Finish your milk, Aryan," she said, passing a glass to Ayushi as well.

"Mummy, my work isn't done. Can't I just take a day off? My teacher will scold me," Ayushi said, playing with her food.

"I already told you to finish it. It's your fault for not completing it. Now don't complain. And Ayushi, don't even think about skipping school. I'll drop you off in your class today," Aashika muttered to herself as she checked Aryan's bag.

"Everything seems to be in order. I've packed your crayons too. Have a good day at school, no fighting, no skipping classes. If I hear any complaints about you missing class, you'll be in trouble," she warned.

"Please, let me skip. I don't like that teacher, she's so annoying," Ayushi pleaded.

"Don't even think about it," Aashika scolded. Ayaan watched from the side, leaning against the wall.

"Let me skipp..."

"Ayushi, you disappoint me. Your dad must have talked to you last night, but here you are, starting the day like this," Aashika sighed.

"But mom, I swear no one likes that teacher," Ayushi protested.

" You would probably not like it if I appointe the same teacher as your personal tutor."  Ayushi's eyes widened in surprise for a moment.

" No, you can't," Ayushi protested.

" I already did. Now be quiet and have your breakfast," Aashika said firmly. Ayaan smirked and made his presence known. He kissed Aryan on the cheek and then did the same to Ayushi.

" Good morning," Ayaan muttered with a smile that seemed like it wanted to turn into a smirk and tease Ayushi. It was unusual for them to hear Aashika speak in such a stern tone.

" Ayushi, I'm not going to let you leave that glass of milk unfinished," Aashika reiterated sternly. Ayaan looked down and stifled his laughter with a cough.

" Ayaan, are you leaving?" Aashika asked, her voice softening.

" Yes," Ayaan replied.

" Can you come with me for a few minutes?" Aashika requested, pulling him into the room.

As soon as they arrived home, Aashika hugged him and looked up at him.

" Don't go. Please stay at home and take a day off," she pleaded, shaking her head repeatedly.

" Wait..."

" No, please don't go. I don't want you to leave. Please stay, please..."

" Aashi, if I stay, then I'll have to punish you all early. Do you want that?  You can enjoy your whole day, and I'll see you at night," Ayaan explained.

Aashika shook her head in disagreement.

" Please don't go. I don't mind anything. Please stay, please..."

" Okay, I'm here. I won't leave," Ayaan reassured her.

So i really need your answer. Do you think we can just forgive the kids now. Means no punishment just forgive them. 🐱

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