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I was helping Ayushi and Aryan with their homework earlier. It's almost evening now, and I know they really want to go to the park and play, but unfortunately, they can't go.

Ayaan had specifically instructed me not to let them go anywhere today. They are basically grounded, to be more precise.

" Angrezon ke Chonchle " I mumble cursing in my mind.

I nervously bit my nails, thinking about the situation. My attention suddenly shifted towards the door.

Ayaan entered through the door, looking a bit tired.

"Here, drink this," I said as I passed him a glass of juice. He sat down, leaning on the couch.

"Are you two done with your homework?" Ayaan asked in a stern tone. Both Ayushi and Aryan looked at him, taken aback by his tone.

"Go to your room and face the wall," he said, looking at them. I wanted to save them, but I was also frustrated with Ayushi bothering Aryan and Aryan doing whatever he pleased. But again this is english chonchle.

They both gave me their puppy eyes, hoping for some leniency. I avoided looking at them and went to the kitchen to get some ice.

"Didn't you hear me?" he said again in a stern tone, making both of them quickly run away.

"Here, drink this. You must be tired," I said, offering him a glass of juice. He smiled and handed me a packet.

"What is this?" I asked, peeking inside.

"You were asking me to bring dress material. You wanted to stitch a white dress for all of us. I've brought the most beautiful dress material. I will wear a kurta since you want to stitch it. Please stitch the same for Aryan too. The dress material is the same, it has a net and some pink fabric too."

I smiled, touched that he remembered. I had mentioned it a month ago when I was half-asleep. I didn't expect him to actually bring it.

"Thank you," I said, hugging him tightly. It will be fun, all of us wearing matching clothes.

"Can you make the same for Daksh, Roshni, and Khushi too?" Ayaan asked. I playfully bit his shoulder, giving him a glare.

"I will make the same for Deepak and Bhavya too, and even for their baby," I said, getting excited just thinking about it.

Alright, here, have some of this juice. I can't drink anymore. And let's go to the kids' room together," he said, handing me his half-filled glass.

I took a slow sip, but suddenly he lightly smacked me, causing me to glare at him.

"Quickly," he said. I gulped it down in one go and stomped my way towards the stairs. I couldn't help but act out in front of him.

"This is only for Aryan and Ayushi. I'm not being cruel, you understand," he said, tucking my hair behind my ear. I nodded in agreement.

"Let's help her get rid of this bullying nature. It's okay if she's naughty, but we can't let her become a bully. She's our responsibility, right Aashi?" he said calmly, his words making me realized that he's capable of handling any situation.

"Okay," I whispered, wanting to hug him tightly.

"Let's go," he said, pulling me close and putting his arm around my shoulder. We walked like this until we reached the door.

He took a deep breath and smiled.

"Being a father can be really tough sometimes. But I love them too," he whispered. I pulled him closer and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you. You're the best father," I encouraged him. He nodded and entered the room.

We found Aryan and Ayushi in the corner. They may be mischievous, but if any of us is angry, they will listen to us.

"Come here, Aryan," Ayaan called out. I looked at my little baby's face. He wasn't scared, just upset. He didn't like being scolded by any of us.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ayaan asked. Aryan looked at me for help, but I kept my expression neutral.

"I'm asking you something, so look at me," Ayaan said sternly. Aryan looked up, his eyes becoming teary.

"Because didi said," he said, looking down.

"Look up, don't look down. You understand that you made us worry. If your sister tells you anything like this, you need to come to us, okay?" Ayaan said firmly. Aryan nodded his head.

"Wait, if she says that I can't tell you, then" Aryan innocently asks, " I try to hide my laughter by coughing, not wanting to get killer here with just glare.

"Still, you have to let us know. And if you go out without telling us, you'll have to sleep alone in your room," Ayaan warns. Aryan nods his head, visibly scared this time.

"Now come on my lap," Ayaan instructs. I feel sorry for him; no child should be punished like this.

Aryan hesitates, standing in his place. Ayaan gently touches his hand to his cheek, causing him to sob.

"Such a drama," I muttered under my breath, noticing that Ayaan only touched his cheek. I poke Ayaan's thigh to get his attention.

"Be gentle, he's so delicate," I whisper. Ayaan rolls his eyes and pulls Aryan onto his lap.

Aryan tightly grips my pants and looks at me for help. I turned my face away, remembering how much I cried for him. When I turn back, I hear a swat sound. I widened my eyes and glared at Ayaan, who just smacked my baby on his bare back. We didn't talk about it right.

"Tonight, come to our room Mr Ayaan Agnihotri, I'll do the same to you," I say quietly. Aryan cries out, kicking his feet.

"If you move, I'll increase the count," Ayaan warns, holding him tightly.

I continue to watch Ayaan. He's not hitting him too hard, I know that. He never raises his hand too high. but the count keeps going up.

And once again, Ayaan smacks him, this time a little harder, leaving his skin bright red.

"My poor baby," I say to myself, but I don't say a word out loud.

"You won't hide anything from us, and you won't go out without telling us," Ayaan repeats, smacking him again with his little strength, causing Aryan to cry even louder.

I notice Ayushi looking at us, but she doesn't say anything. She's in trouble herself. I'm 100 percent sure Ayaan won't do the same to Ayushi, but it's okay; let her be afraid for a few minutes.

"Go to the corner again and hold your ear," Ayaan commands. Aryan crawls onto my lap, and I immediately

"Aryan!" Ayaan called out, but I could see the frustration in his eyes.

"Aryan," he repeated, this time with a stern tone. Aryan hopped off my lap and looked at Ayaan.

"Can I sit on the bed? I'll face the wall. My legs are starting to hurt," Aryan said, his voice filled with innocence. Ayaan nodded in agreement, and I understood why.

Yes, Aryan often experiences body pain. That's why I still massage him with oil. I didn't stop after he turned three because when I did, he was fine for two days, but then he started complaining about pain again. So Ayaan told me that he needs extra care for now. Once he hits his teenage years, he'll be fine.

"Ayushi, come here," Ayaan called out.

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