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" Ayaan I don't want to go to the room. Kids will wake up then they will be in the living area. Put me on the living area couch please." She said and showed me her puppy eyes .

" Sweetheart you don't want to wear your clothes? " I ask she look down at her bathrobe.

" I don't want to wear anything. I'm ok with the robe. " She mumbled but I rejected her request immediately because Aryan is a little touchy child.

So it will be better if she wears a suit or t-shirt which will give Aryan access to Aashi's tummy.

Aashika immediately changed her clothes and showed me . She was wearing my black t-shirt and shorts which ended on her knees.

She actually doesn't want to dress up. Because this kind of clothes she only wear when she doesn't want to dress up. Before we have baby if aashika was ever irritated with clothes she will just end up wearing my tshirt only. But being with kid she choose shorts too.

After leaving Aashika downstairs I came back to the room to wake up my little trouble maker.

" Aryan " I whisper when still he didn't wake up I start tickling him which makes him laugh loudly. He sat up in bed still laughing .

" Papa gud monig "

" Good morning beta. Go brush your teeth. " I said but he keep sitting there.

Leaving him I move to Ayushi who was sleeping soundly. Even a drool was dipping down her mouth.

" Ayushi wake up " I said and scoop her in my arm. I don't wake them like this everyday. But I want to give them lot of love before I discuss about their little stunt.

" Let me sleep "

" No beta wake up even Aryan is up let's brush our teeth so we can have yummy breakfast. " I said she open her eyes with the name of food.

"What did mom make for us. "

" Daddy will do it for us because mumma got hurt. Let's get ready go and start brushing. Take this bathroom I will take Aryan to other room. " I said she shook her head and cling to me.

" I don't want to brush. Some ghost was there I swear. He was coming near but the police uncle came first. "

Wait am I think I correct? It was the murderer whom police were trying to find. He was just minutes closer to my baby. Why can't they stay away from the problem? Is it that hard?

" I can use bathroom with Aryan.... You can join too. Please I don't want to go to bathroom alone. The ghost will eat me."

Ayushi shook me and I felt tiny hand wrap around my stomach. Aryan had pushed his face in my tummy .

" Papa come with us. " He said giving me innocent look.

" Ok come with me then I will take shower too. " I mumble and bring towel for them.

We all enter in bathroom. I pick my brush and started brushing my teeth.

Ayushi did the same.

I look over her and put down my brush .

" Ayushi how about you take shower and me and Aryan wait outside. You can leave door open. "

Her eyes look all the corner of bathroom then she shook her head.

" Please.. " She pouted stepping closer to me. I sigh again looking at mirror in front of me.

Aashika had to hurt herself today only when everyone is freaking out here. And can't I wait a little longer to wake Aashika up in this way she would have been able to take bath with kids.

" Papa Aryan is making bubbles. "

" Both of you take off your clothes. I'm going to bring your clothes from your room ok. " I said they both look at me with pout like they didn't like something right now.

" I willl come too "

" And if any of you want to get slap than only follow me. If not then stay here and make bubble and Aryan you don't have to play with water. " I mumble and left after walked some distance I look back and sigh in relief finding no one behind me.

After some minutes I come back. Their giggling and laughing sound was all over the room.

I smile at myself and enter in bathroom finding Aashika. Who was Rubbing soap on Aryan.

" Aashika "

Aashika look back at me and smile. Just wait, I told you to stay at one place.

" I remembered Kids were sacred. So I thought to help them because I'm sure they didn't want to take a bath alone. " She mumble looking elsewhere.

Without another word I pick her up she gasp and look at me with wide eyes.

" You are hurt right. If you move alot then pain will increase then I have to take you to doctor. Do you want that. " I ask her sweetly suppressing my anger in front of kids.

I move out of the bathroom and put Aashika on bed. Pinching her buds hard then move towards bathroom again not before giving her glare.

After spending good time in bathroom we all come out. Aryan and Ayushi was wrap in their fluffy towel and they look extra cute like this.

I still remember how Aashika was a little scared when I told her to give a bath to Ayushi. There were so many ifs. What if this happen and that happen. But making her quiet I gently put Ayushi on my lap to give her bath.

And the surprising thing Ayushi didn't even cry. Which child usually do.

" You two wear your clothes. Aashi don't get up from bed they are capable of doing their work. And don't get scared I'm in bathroom only. " I said and shut the door of the bathroom to take bath .

" Shit I forgot my clothes. "

I again open the door and here we are. Aashika was applying body lotion on Aryan. I told her they can do it.

Leave it I'm in no mood to glare at her again.

I simply shut the door again and after taking a bath wrap my towel around my waist.

Just hope everything goes smoothly.

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