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" Now tell me about your office drama." Ayaan said scooping Aashika in his arms.

Aashika pouted and tried to divert the topic.

" You know I feel like Ayushi is ignoring you. Did you feel it too? "

Ayaan put finger on her lips and sensually started rubbing her lips with his thumb.

" Talk about yourself. I know Ayushi is acting weird. But right now I don't want to be distracted. Tell me. " Ayaan said in a dominating tone which made Aashika comply with him.

" You know when I joined the office just after one month I went to dinner because of some celebration? "

" Yeah at that celebration that fucker manager was giving me looks and keep touching his knees with me. And after that day he used to call me in his office and deliberately used to put his hand on my shoulder or keep sneaking his hand here and there. I'm telling you Ayaan at that time I was naive but if I encounter such a person at the workplace or anywhere I will hit him so hard that his baby making mechanism will stop working. " Aashika said showing him her fist . Even though he was angry but still chuckled seeing her reaction.

" That fucker will die in hell....

" Shh did he touch you inappropriately in other places too. "

" I left my job when he put his hand on my waist. But now I regret leaving without slapping him. At least I deserve to slap that man. You know once he collides with me and his hand directly presses my breast and i thought it was a mistake I didn't know his motive. I want to pull his hair out of his HEAD. "  Aashika took a deep breath and again leaned in Ayaan's touch .

" You know there are some good men too. Not everyone collides with you to touch you. There are a few motherf...

Ayaan covers her mouth and starts rubbing her back.

" I still don't like hearing this kind of cursing words from you. But more than him I'm angry with you. Who will tell me about this. You keep it hidden for so long. " Ayaan scolded and smacked her back lightly.

She just snuggled Into him with a pout.

" I said I was naive at that time. " She said  Ayaan slipped his hand under her shirt and pinched her bud .

" You will give me a blood pressure problem I'm sure about this " Ayaan mumbles playing with his very personal pillow.

" You are still naive. " Ayaan mumbled pulling Aashika's tshirt. After taking it off he snuggled up into her chest and closed his eyes.

" Our daughter is ignoring me "

" What will you do if our son and daughter enter in room right now? "

" It's lock let's sleep. "

Aashika smile hugging him tightly.

" Aashi... Are you going to give interview? "

" Will you get angry on me if I don't? " Aashika ask innocently looking up at him meeting his eyes.

" Never " Ayaan mumbles connecting his lips with her. After giving a kiss filled with love he pulled back caressing her hair.

" Good night jaan. "


" Mummy can you buy me a school pants instead of this skirt. " Ayushi ask adjusting her skirt.

Aashika sit in front of her on her knees and fix her skirt right.

" But pants are for boys didi you are a girl. " Aryan said holding his belt unable to put it in correct way.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now