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" Aashika what she is talking about ". He ask me angerly.

This girl why she want me in trouble all the time .

Without answering him I enter inside and went to kitchen taking water bottle from freeze. Which ayaan snatch from my hand.

" What the hell "

" Wait for a minute before drinking it and tell me why did you went to market. Aashi it has some weight and not some it's actually heavy and you carry it here all your way. Why don't you take taxi ".

" Ayaan ask ayushi how she was behaving. She actually was ready to cry in middle of roat for some fucking burger and ice cream and I was out of money too". I said ayaan hold me up by putting his arm under my armpit making me sit on kitchen counter.

" Did she misbehave "

" Yes she did. If we had skipped that burger then i would have taken a taxi." I said folding my hand in front.

" If you carry heavy materials again then no one will be wrost then me ". He said an pull me from counter and slap my butt making me glare towards him.

" Why "

" Don't do this I can buy these things . Go and take rest for sometimes you can cook later too". He said and again pat my butt before leaving.

" Wait did you both have burger.. " He ask me rising his eyebrows.

" Ice cream too". I said and attempt to run but he hold my hand and lead me to leaving room where now everyone is sitting.

" Bhaiya you come back wait here I will bring some tea for you ". I said but ayaan push me on couche.

" Ayaan don't do this " Daksh said ayaan roll his eyes.

" Khushi feeling better ". Ayaan ask khushi nodded her head.

" I'm giving you one more dose at night and you all just stay here untill khushi is not alright. " Ayaan said and look towards ayushi.

" I like khushi didi she can stay here forever." Ayushi said hugging khushi form side .

" Ayushi come here ". Ayaan said ayushi walk towards him.

He trap her between his knees.

" Why did you misbehave in market when you already know mummy is holding heavy things ". He said she look up pouting.

" I don't do any drama mummy promise me before leaving ".

" What promise ". He said sternly.

" That she will buy me ice cream ". She said looking down.

" Chachu is angry mumma ". Khushi said to roshni who nodded her head.

" Daksh let's go to our room ". Roshni said daksh nodded his head.

" Ayaan I will join you later I'm going to get fresh ". Daksh said and walk to his room with khushi and roshni.

" Do you think we should save ayushi". Roshni ask daksh shake his head.

" He know what to do he is her father and responsible man don't interfere in this matter. Khushi how are you feeling did you had your food properly ". Daksh said khushi nodded her head.

" Papa no dose tonight ". Khushi said pouting.

" No argument if you want to defy then go to your chachu and tell him yourself ". Daksh said and enter in bathroom.



I should confirm if aashika is pregnant or not what if it's just my assumption.

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