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"How was it?" Aashika asked after feeding him a full plate.

"It was delicious. I'm not sleepy anymore. Can I get a hug?" Ayaan said, opening his arms.

"First, I want to say something. Yesterday, when you asked us to stop, I felt tired. But I thought you weren't tired and wanted more. You shouldn't feel embarrassed just because you get tired. And if you embarrass yourself like this again, I will kill you, get it?" Aashika said, pointing her finger at him.

"Okay, ma'am. Now, can I get a hug? And if you're okay, can you massage my waist? It's hurting... Wait, your waist is hurting?" Ayaan asked, as Aashika shook her head with a smile.

"I'm okay, just a little weakness that happens sometimes. Otherwise, I'm fine, and I'll massage your waist too," she said, hugging him tightly.

"Okay, let me go for a minute. I want to meet that little troublemaker," Ayaan said, as Aashika shook her head and looked at him with a pout.

"Forgive him," she said.

"I will. Let me talk to your Raja beta," Ayaan said with a chuckle, forcefully removing Aashika from him.

"I'll be here with both of them in a minute," Ayaan said, leaving for the babies' room.

Ayaan stood outside their room but stopped and peeked inside.

"Didi, sorry," Aryan said, holding his ears and looking cute with his chubby cheeks.

"No, you used a bad word for me. I'm not talking to you," Ayushi said, with folded hands.

"Didi, my dear sister, meri pyari pyari didi, sorry," he said, unfolding her hand and leaning onto her.

"No, you called me a bad word."

"But didi, you also use this bad word. You even call your friends with this bad word... It shouldn't be bad," Aryan said innocently.

"I'm a big girl, I can use them," Ayushi said, but her hand flew to Ayaan's hand, which was twisting her ear.

"Using it with friends? Being a big girl?" Ayaan repeated, twisting her ear more.

"Papa, sorry, I didn't use it, he's lying," Ayushi said, standing up to get away from him.

Ayaan's hand landed on her shoulder, causing her to stomp her feet.

"Sorry, Papa..."

"If you say it again, you'll be taking a different kind of round in the living room," Ayaan warned as he let go of her ear.

"Go to your mom," he told Ayushi. She ran out of the room, rubbing her ears.

His gaze fell on his little troublemaker.

"What did you call your sister?" Ayaan asked, raising his voice slightly.

"Come here," Ayaan called sternly.

Aryan hesitated and shook his head.

"Come on ," Ayaan said, opening his arms.

Hearing the gentle tone, Aryan crawled towards him.

Ayaan shifted him onto his lap.

"So, did your sister use a bad word?" Aryan nodded.

"But that's not nice. Mom and Dad feel sad when you use bad words. You're a smart boy, right? Will you listen to us?" Ayaan said in a sweet voice, mirroring Aryan's tone but with a hint of sadness.

"Are you sad?" Aryan asked, and Ayaan nodded.

"I won't say it again. I'm sorry," Aryan said, looking at Ayaan's face and hugging him when he saw the sadness.

"Papa, I'm sorry."

"I know you're a good boy, Aryan... If you hear your sister using bad words or anything else, you'll tell me, right?"

Aryan nodded and started playing with Ayaan's watch.

"What else did she do with her friends?" Ayaan asked out of curiosity.

"We eat ice cream and sometimes we go out. It's all fun. We even went to their house," Aryan replied.

"Okay, let's go downstairs now. My baby will not use bad words because he is a good boy, alright?" Ayaan said, pecking his cheeks.

"Yes," Arya said, pecking his cheeks too.

"Let's go downstairs," Ayaan said, coming downstairs with Aryan. His eyes fell on Khushi, who was sitting there with an angry expression.

"What are you doing here alone?" Ayaan asked Khushi,

"Papa is being so unreasonable. First, he was hitting my head, but then suddenly he slapped me. I'm not going to that place again."

"No, Chachu can't do it," Ayushi said with a shocked expression.

"Go play with Aryan," Ayaan said, chuckling.

He took a seat beside Khushi.

"He can do it. That's why I never wanted to be taught by him. His hand isn't in control; he uses it a lot," Aashika said, rubbing her own shoulder, remembering her time.

"Shut up, what happened?" Ayaan asked again.

Khushi put her chemistry book on the table and looked at him.

"Teach me this subject. I want to learn this chapter, but I don't understand a single thing about chemistry," Khushi said, grabbing her hair.

"And your brother isn't controlling his hand," Khushi said with a pout, pointing at her book.

"Khushi, wrong person. I don't know anything about it... I got just forty-five in chemistry," Ayaan answered. Aashika and Khushi looked at him with their mouths open.

"Really?... I thought you were a good student," Aashika said, giving him side eyes.

"Yeah, after school, but in school my grades were never good. Go home, your dad will teach you," Ayaan suggested.

Khushi rolled her eyes and started looking for the TV remote.

"I'm good here. Chachi, I'm hungry," she said.


"Nah chachu, I'm not interested in going. I suggested studying math, but he refused. So, I switched to chemistry since he's good at physics. Surprisingly, he's also good at chemistry. But I really dislike that subject. I should have opened my biology book instead and learned about human reproduction and reproductive health. "She sighed. Aashika chuckled and went to the kitchen to get some food for Khushi.

"Your study session wouldn't have been short," Ayaan remarked with a smile.

"No, he would have left me to study alone," she replied.

"Stop using your mischievous brain. Let me tell him you're here," Ayaan said, pulling out his phone.

"Your dad knows you're here," he added with a wink.

"Tell him I'm staying forever."

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now