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" Ayushi, I said something. Come here," Ayaan said firmly. Change your tone, my baccha loves you more.

Ayushi stood in front of him, looking down.

"Look up," Ayaan said. She looked up, but instead of meeting his eyes, she quickly turned her attention towards me.

"Why did you do it?" Ayaan asked. She held her ear with teary eyes.

"Papa, sorry. I will not bully anyone," she said in a super cute voice. But I doubt this will work. Ayaan and I have given her so many warnings before.

I don't know what kind of pleasure she gets from bullying. Ayaan didn't change his expression.

I sighed and looked back at Aryan, who was hugging me instead of facing the wall. And I know even Ayaan knows it, but he didn't stop Aryan.

Aryan kept hugging me, peeking at Ayushi, who looked so innocent.

"Ayaan, I have to make dinner. How about I go to the kitchen and cook for us? Let me take Aryan too," I said, standing up.

"She is coming downstairs too. Go prepare, I will be there in five minutes," Ayaan said. I internally felt happy.

"Okay," I said and took Aryan in my arms. I was about to leave the room, but the sound of a slap stopped me.

I turned back to Ayaan, who had just slapped my baby.

Ayushi put her palm on her cheek.

"Ayaan," I said. He looked at me and blinked his eyes.

I sighed heavily and left the room, standing outside, but I didn't hear any more slapping sounds, which relieved me.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked Aryan. He sucked his finger and timidly said, "Cake."

I pulled his finger out of his mouth.

"No baby, that's not good manners. Let's have some cake for your tummy," I said, giving him a peck on the cheeks.

I sat him down on a chair and took the cake out of the fridge.

"Baby, it's too cold. Let it come to room temperature. Wait until then," I said. He nodded his head like a good boy, but who am I kidding? He put a cherry from the cake in his mouth.

"They will never listen to me," I mumbled as I took out the necessary vegetables to make dinner.

I was about to start cutting them when my attention was drawn to Ayushi, who came towards Aryan wiping her tears.

She held her ear and started apologizing to him, then she walked towards me, still holding her ear.

"Mumma, I'm sorry," she said, looking down.

"Oh dear, just don't do it. Mumma gets worried, and troubling others is really a very bad habit. Okay, sweetheart?" I said, cupping her cheeks. Both cheeks were red. Why do something that can get you in trouble?

Ayaan came from behind and stood beside me.

"Done saying sorry?" he asked sternly. I pinched him from behind, but he didn't show any reaction or change his expression.

Ayushi nodded her head, shifting from foot to foot.

"Go, Ayushi, sit. I will give you a cake too," I said, but Ayaan held my hand from behind.

"Do what I told you to do in the room," Ayaan said. I looked at him in confusion, while Ayushi shook her head.

"I don't want to," she said, wiping her tears that flowed out of her eyes.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now