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Kanak kajal roshni and aashika was sitting in aashika's home.
Roshni was looking towards them weirdly.

" Why are you making this kind of plan. You all know daksh will kill me if I actually do it. " Roshni said they all look at her nodding their head.

" I agree but my husband is out of this city so I can join you all ". Kajal said happily.

" The far rahul will do is scold me like some fucking kid it's ok he will not get to know ". Kanak said rolling her eyes.

" Ayaan won't get to know babhi agree na we will have fun". Aashika said holding her arms and pouting towards her.

" We can have this fun right now to and daksh is already worried about khushi and if I do something now he will take out his all anger on me ". Roshni said and shake her head.

" Babhi if something happen then tell him it was kanak idea". Aashika said kanak glare towards them shaking her head.

" Why me no no I'm not even part of it ."

" Look if I come with you all and daksh get to know about it then I will not be only one dealing with him I will give your name too. Most important kanak and aashika your name ". Roshni said and finally agree with them.

" Thank god I'm safe ". Kajal said and sigh in relief.

" Why she is out of trouble just because she is not his sister or anything. I will tell him it's all your idea". Kanak said glaring towards kajal who show her tongue to them.

" I'm not his sister too then why I'm in trouble with him ". Aashika mumble to herself.

" Leave all of you we are making plan or we are thinking about the way to save ourselves from consequences shut up we are going and that's final look we will leave at one am at night everyone and make sure your husbands are sleeping we will go to beach and at night beach side is empty it will be fun and after sun rise we will come back home I will bring my scooty babhi you too bring it ." Kanak said making everyone quit.

" Daksh will be angry " Roshni mumble biting her nails

" Don't think much babhi we will shift blam on kajal" . Aashika said loudly and start laughing when kajal glare towards her.

" So we are going home will meet you all tonight " Saying that kajal and kanak leave her house.

" So how is khushi daksh bhaiya is talking with her sweetly right ". Aashika ask roshni shake her head.

" He is not even talking to her he  just stay quit in front of her but keep giving me things to give her he bring juice for her everyday but in khushi eyes I bring it. I don't know why he is doing this ".

" Khushi is fine "

" Not at all I've told ayaan he told me to bring her hospital so daksh will take her tomorrow. Are we actually going out today ". Roshni ask aashika nodded her head.

" Don't think much ". Aashika said blinking her eyes.

" I'm telling you if daksh get to know then  I will tell him it's all your idea. I'm going home now you all just find a way to get in trouble ". Roshni said leaving aashika alone .

" Leave it what worst will happen ayaan will scold me it's not new. I still have whole day I've to go to ayushi school too this madam is still sleeping ". Aashika said to herself and walk to ayushi room.

" Ayushi wake up baby get ready for school we have to attend your parents teacher meeting right". She said ayushi open her eyes and look towards aashika then here and there.

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