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Daksh was sitting beside khushi and roshni while ayaan was checking her.

" You all have blood pressure problem its just her become low like how she is just fifteen don't you know how to take care of her." Ayaan said scolding them.

" Ayaan it's never happen before it's first time and i don't know how this happen" Roshni said and start caressing khushi hair who was just laying there quietly.

" I told you to take care of her health and food give her good diet for some month but no who cares here. Now tell me should I attach her with iv and I won't take it out till tomorrow morning ". Ayaan said again in his scolding tone khushi hide her hand under the pillow listening to this.

Daksh chuckle seeing this and rub khushi back.

" Nothing serious right I was scared I thought I have to take her to hospital . Roshni go bring her glass of milk ". Daksh said looking towards roshni.

Roshni nodded her head and stand up to take it but ayaan hold her hand and sign her to hold khushi showing her injection in his hand.

" I'm going to bring milk then ". Dakhs said but khushi put her head on daksh lap.

" I'm angry khushi you forgot ".

" That's why I'm putting my head on your lap if mumma was angry then I would have put my head on her lap ". Khushi said pouting and look up towards daksh.

" Mumma papa is glaring towards me look ". Again khushi said not removing her head from his lap .

Roshni and ayaan glare towards daksh.

" Just hold her for some minutes ". Ayaan whisper

Daksh look towards roshni and sign her to take khushi from him.

" Daksh what's your problem do you want to kill her for her mistake." Roshni whisper glaring towards him.

" Roshni it's not about this thing it's just... You don't understand he is going to inject right you stay here I will bring glass of milk".

" Ok if she leave you then you are free to go and you are her father then why this drama ".

" If you both are done then please hold her ". Ayaan said daksh roll his eyes while put his hand on her waist.

" Go ahead stab my daughter ". Daksh said turning his face to other side.

" Bustard " Ayaan mumbles to himself pulling down khushi shorts. Khushi try to turn but daksh hold her to her place.

" Baby just two minutes ". Roshni said khushi shake her head.

" Mumma no papa stop him ". Khushi said but everyone ignore her.

Ayaan push into her skin making her move more but she wasn't able to do it.

" Papa " Khushi said and start crying and try to leave daksh.

" Khushi even ayushi don't cry while taking injection baccha ". Ayaan said pushing the medicine into her.

She continue to cry when ayaan pull out the syringe she quickly move towards roshni sitting straight.

" Roshni rub for some minutes. Khushi if you still feel dizzy or something then tell me ". Ayaan said ruffling her hair.

" Khushi lay down ". Daksh said khushi shake her head.

" Khushi lay down I'm going out of this room." Ayaan said to khushi then he turn towards daksh.

" Daksh can you keep ayushi here for today". Ayaan whisper daksh smirk and shake his head.

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