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I look at mirror with a naughty smile. Its going to be fun.

" Let's see how he actually behave with other patients. I've heard from our girls group that he is kinda.... Rude or short tempered? Or whatever I'm going to meet him like this."

I cover my face with my dupatta only my eyes were visible. Putting on eye lenses i wink at mirror and pick my purse and my fake id.


" Yes mam what's the problem. "

" I want to fix appointment with Dr Ayaan Agnihotri. "

" Mam you can't book the appointment on the same day for check up. You have to wait at least for a week or You have to wait in a line today. Since he has no scheduled surgery or any pre booked appointment. I will make slip but if his shift ended then you have to come tomorrow, tell me what's the problem. "

" I got a sudden pain in my chest yesterday. " I lied looking around. There are so many people. I hate crowds.

" Your name "

" Nimita " I said and forward my fake id.

Receptionist pass me a paper where room number was written along with what problem I said.

I come out of the row and look back there are still so many people in row.

I don't wanna wait. I see I do get the privilege of being his wife whenever I come with my dear husband.

I rech to the written room number but my jaw drop seeing the line outside.

" What the fuck... Why is there so many people. "

" First make a slip for your number " A lady wearing a white coat said to me .

" Again slip. "

I made a slip and the number was no where near. Even though I'm happy there are chair but I don't think I should sit because I'm not sick second There are aged man and women in line. I'm not that selfish.

I waited waited and waited. Finally I check the time and it's past two. I come here at nine.

" Ok we got to wait. "

Finally no one was standing in front of me means it's my number now. Thank god.

" Mam you have to wait. Sir is going to have his lunch . " A nurse said to me coming out of room.

I want to cry why I came here I will kill Roshni bhabhi and this kanak. And why he is having his lunch at this time? Isn't it late.

Ayaan come out of room but he was talking to some younger person. Without looking at me he took my slip from my hand.

After seeing the slip. He talk to a nurse and left from there.

" Mam do you have pain right now if yes then go to emergency. " Nurse said I shake my head .

I'm fine but now I'm hungry too.

I saw half of the line got clear because they did shift to other line. To meet with other doctor who replaced Ayaan.

My eyes was almost closing when he come back .

" Come inside " He said opening the door. I follow behind him happily.

Finally I know I hate the waiting part but that's fine.

He was about to say something but the young man seems like student enter in cabin.

" He is going to stay here any problem? " Ayaan ask and I actually doubt if it's my Ayaan's voice.

I shake my head.

" Ok give me the slip. " Ayaan said and after looking at it he passed it to His intern maybe.

" Is is heart attack symptoms? " His intern ask but seal his lips getting a glare from Ayaan.

" Stop talking like an idiot. If not then leave this cabin and write the patient report which I gave you. " Ayaan said and his tone is actually not lovely or sweet.

" Remove your Duppata can you? "

I shake my head at his Statment I saw him sighing.

" Call nurse " Ayaan said to his intern who did the same. A nurse stand in room just looking at us.

" Now remove it. " He said I again shake my head.

" Why? Look you are here then let me check... Alright. "

I again shook my head . Am I checking his patience level. Yes absolutely right.

I took pen and paper and wrote in it.

He read it then look at his intern and nurse.

" I can't send a nurse out of this room. Now can we proceeds. " He ask I again shook my head.

" My husband told me not to talk to other. " I wrote on note and passed it to him.

" Oh.... Why don't you tell your husband to get this degree too then he will just cure you. And if you aren't going to let me check then please leave. "

" Rude " I wrote again he didn't mind it just push his chair away.

" Last chance Mrs Nimita otherwise I'm calling other. " He said when I didn't said anything he look at me meeting my eyes and sigh hard when I still didn't move.

" Mam you don't understand I can't just write medicine just because you got pain.. You got to tell me what kind of pain and let me check you. Or just get out I don't have a day to spend with you." He said this time little calmly.

I slowly removed my duppata from my chest area and not for once his eyes roam around. I'm your wife only At least look at me.

" Now relax " He said putting bell on my chest area and concentration was written all over his face.

I want to laugh really loud.

" Everything seems fine and next time consider not giving hard time and make sure to cover your mole with your makeup too and this habit of moving your ring again and again . " He mumbles something to himself and actually start writing on paper but stop.

" Can you two leave this room. " He said to the nurse and his intern who leave this cabin after a nod.

" Mrs nimita i think you got some serious problem let's admit you " He said with a lip tight smile.

Wait admit but i came here just to trouble him not this.

" Let me tell the nurse to book a room for you . " He said I threw his paper on his face .

" Don't joke around " I shouted, standing up from the chair.

" Who started it huh? " He grabs my dupatta and pulls it from my face.

" Rude "

" When did you bless this hospital with your presence mam at what time. "

I show my nine fingers and again sit down. But Ayaan pulled me up from the chair and pushed me to his chair.

" Sit here. At nine Aashika it's three forty five now. Did you eat something? "

I shook my head pushing myself more into his comfortable chair.

He sighs and I can clearly see more frustration.

" Very good . "

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now