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" Ayaan where is khushi ". Aashika  whisper in my ears.

" With ayushi why what happens and why are you whispering we are alone ". I said she just smile.

" What is babhi and bhaiya doing downstairs ".

" Aashi ok when I left from there daksh bhaiya was sleeping on roshni lap while roshni was lovingly running her finger through his hairs. " I said and while covering myself with blanket.

" Ayaan don't just sleep talk to me and why don't you go and check on khushi and ayushi and tell ayushi to not disturb khushi and give them milk too". She said pushing me. I glare towards her I walk towards door and open it finding khushi standing there.

" What happen khushi ". I ask softly she look up with teary eyes.

" Ayushi is sleeping can't I stay in this room for some minutes please ". She asked looking down.

I open my room door completely khushi walk in room and sit besides aashika who side hug her with wrapping her in blanket.

" Why did you inform papa about my pregnancy I come to you for help but you just don't help me. I hate you chachu". Khushi said while crying.

" Khushi you know me and aashika want to know everything about ayushi what she did today with whom she fight what dance step she learn today. With what problem she is suffering. Khushi we are parents we need to know about her right khushi just like us don't you think your parents too have right to know about  you."

" He is right khushi so just like you trusted him please trust your parents too".  Aashika said I also nodded my head.

" Look even if you will just say sorry to them they will forgive you I know that I don't know in what argument you get that he slap you but be calm and say sorry tell them you will never repeat this kind of mistake ". I said taking her hand in me.

" I said I will kill myself if he send me to some boarding school while cursing. " Khushi said looking down while tears drop from her eyes.

" Listen first don't cry and even if you said the same line to me my reaction would be same seriously even if aashi says the same line my reaction still be same. So understand them whatever he say just say sorry no one love you more then them not even me ok". I said trying to make her understand.

" You don't love me "  She said in broken voice.

" Baby I love you so much but not more then your mumma papa so go and join them in movie ". I said hugging her she nodded her head wipping her tears.

" If he coke to slap me again then come to my rescue "  She said and left the room.

" What will happen if ayushi do something like that ". Aashika mumble while again laying down.

" Don't talk nonsense and if it happen then I will break her both legs. Our ayushi is bossy type person don't you feel it "  I said and hug aashika inside the blanket.

" No she just want to see me in trouble she keep complaining about me . Our anniversary is about to come what we will do ".

" I consider your idea good ". I said and take my hand to her back I lean down to kiss her but again someone knock on our door.

" God don't want us to do anything ". Aashika said winking her both eyes.

" Look like have to go against God will then let me see who is at the door ". I said and open the door finding ayushi standing there with her soft toy in her hand.

" Papa khushi didi is not in ny room she is with her mummy papa can I sleep here".

" Of course come inside " . I said and open the door.

Aashika sleep in between us. I put my hand over her belly covering ourselves with blanket properly.

" Papa you sleep in between or let me sleep in between I want to sleep whole holding you". Ahushi said aashika roll her eyes while glaring towards me.

" Come ayaan sleep in between ". She said woth tight smile. I come in between ayushi put her arms around me while aashika sleep back facing me.

" If what I'm thinking is right then how she will handle other kid and moreover that kid will to sleep here right. She will either kill me Or.... Or what she will definitely kill me ". I thought while I remove ayushi hand who was sleeping now.

I bring aashi close to me and turn her to face me.

" She is your kid baby ".

" Yeah I know that I was joking I love her don't think otherwise. " She said and put her head on my chest sleeping like this.

" Ok tell me what do you think about other kid I mean are you positive about it or not".

" Labor pain scare me... I mean last months like eight and nine and I won't wake up at night everytime...... I won't go to check up I don't like other doctor checking me.... And your bossy daughter will trouble my baby... And next baby should ne mumma boy or girl not like ayushi papa's girl ". Aashika said every line after thinking and lastly smile. "

" If I don't die durning labor then everything else is fine ". Aashika said receiving slap on her head immediately.

" Why do you talk nonsense ". I said while she glare towards me.

" Go and talk to those girl with whom you have slept ". She said turning her back to him again.

" So I'm talking to her only my love "

" Haha very funny you drink too good we will drink some day together ".

" Aashi I don't drink ok I did once and which I get in return was a excellent surprise so don't think about it ". I said she now look at me with teasing smile.

" Daksh Bhaiya has slapped you before right did it hurts....

" Shut up sleep now I have work too Tomorrow " 

" Good night ayaan baby ". Listening to this I lean down to kiss her again but again there was a knock on the door.

" You can't go again God will " Aashika said biting her lips.

I sigh and open the door finding daksh standing there.

" What happen ".

" Khushi was crying while saying sorry but she suddenly went unconscious . Come and check her.

" I already told you in hospital but you all were no shots no shots. It was a prescription but no . I already told you she is getting weak . Get pregnant and take that pill then you will understand ". Ayaan was saying all of these collecting his things. Suddenly daksh slap his head making him shut.

"  You are not in hospital stop scolding me and come with me . I'm trying to be calm so don't make me angry". Daksh said and leave his room. Aashika was biting her lips to not laugh out loud.

" Look ayaan it's ok I have got it like thousands time go and check on khushi should I also come ".

" No need mam if ayushi wake up this time and find herself alone she will start crying ". Ayaan said and shut the door.

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