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"What does he think of himself . How can he call me irresponsible i never intended to leave the job but he will like me sleeping with other man forcefully rather than staying here."

" Now I'm a burden on him. What if I'm a housewife is it that bad that he keep insulting me over it. I don't realise she got hurt because she take bath on her own I just do my other work in bathroom at the time she bath."

" She never let me bath her. Most of the time I wash cloths or cleaning up the bathroom when she take bath. He don't want to listen just keep blaming me ".

" He is really mean. No matter what we are talking he just take all things towards me being housewife staying at home. I will find a job again I don't want to hear same things from him". I said and wipe my tears which was continuously flowing from my eyes.

" Why can't I control my tears now if he see my face then he will call me cry baby". I again wipe my eyes but still this tears are not ready to stop.

I went inside bathroom washing my face with water.
After I feel finally no tears are coming out I come to room sitting on bed with my laptop.

" I will find a job he talk like I actually do nothing. I do every work which roshni babhi give me I even do all house chores.
I never neglect ayushi ". Again tears do I have ocean inside my eyes.

I start to prepare my resume again and start looking for appropriate job.

" I actually want to work in cafe less people peacefull environment this corporate world is so selfish I don't like it and the rumors I want to kill someone after listening to them".

" What if I actually work in cafe. He don't want me at home or does he think I'm wasting his money. I don't even do shopping I don't buy clothes frequently. I just spend his money on food but his money is mine too right ".

" He just....... So self-centered.... Why I'm criticizing him . I love him why I'm doing this... Ayushi must be crying right now he don't even let me enter. Don't he know daughter get support from their mother".

" Aashika focus find a job ". I start scrolling more and apply for some job and I even drop message to kajal since his husband own a business and kajal work in it only .

After some minutes ayaan enter in room carrying ayushi whose eyes nose cheeks all were red.

I look towards ayushi she start crying and try to come towards me.

" Ayushi mummy is here only why don't you sleep for now." Ayaan said softly wiping ayushi eyes.

" Papa know it's hurting but I had to do that . I'm sorry baccha come let's sleep I won't complain about your friend I promise ok " Ayaan said ayushi nodded her head.

Ayaan put ayushi on bed on her stomach covering her with thin sheet.

" You change her into cotton frock good". I said while caressing ayushi hair.

" I know how to take care of a kid unlike someone who just know how to scroll in her phone Or laptop." Ayaan said rudly I bite my lips not wanting to start water flow again.

" So is the breakfast ready or not ". He ask again rudly. Ayushi pull ayaan shirt little.

" Papa are you angry ".

" No ayushi I'm not wait I will bring your breakfast ".

" But you are rude to mummy . Don't scold my mummy ". She said again and this time hug aashika .

Ayaan just glare towards aashika and left the room and come again with a plate of breakfast.

" Ayushi come I will feed you ". He said ayushi open her mouth little.

" After this you can sleep ok ". He said and start feeding her within looking at aashika for once.

After ayushi slept aashika move towards ayaan slowly.

" Ayaan " She said cutely and hold his finger.

" Aashika don't disturb me and don't you have any work or you are waiting for me to clean up the house "

" Ayaan why are you being rude I'm sorry . Daksh bhaiya never scold roshni babhi. You don't love me anymore ".

" Don't compare yourself with roshni. She is far better than you . She used to take care of khushi in very proper way when khushi was young she used to know every single details about her unlike you. She was working still she take care of khushi. She is mature enough unlike you ". He shouted throwing his phone on floor forcefully.

" Ayaan why are acting like this something happen ". Aashika ask trying to put her hand on his shoulder.

" No aashika nothing happen if you are free then consider making breakfast just little late so ayushi can have it freshly rather than heating up again. If you excuse yourself then let me have my own breakfast I'm hungry too and clean up this house keep everything at there respective place I don't have time for this things". Ayaan shouted again.

" Don't tell ayaan come cool down I will serve you freshly made pancakes. If you keep shouting and be angry like this you will get old fast come ". Aashika said trying to cool him down.

Instead of cooling down he hold her by her both arms.

" Aashika stop this childish act I hate it so much that you can't even imagine ". He said and left her alone in room.

" Ayaan don't you love me now ". Aashika said entering in kitchen where ayaan was having his breakfast.

" What do you think " He said not looking up.

" Are you angry just because of ayushi i swear I will talk to her friends parents I will tell them to teach her not to prank like this ". She said cupping his face.

He remove her hand from her.

" The problem is you aashika. You are the problem here how did you not realize."

" Ayaan I'm sorry. You should also understand I'm pregnant I can't run behind her everywhere."

" Good taking advantage of your pregnancy. Take care of your present kid too. "

" Ayaan you don't love me right. Am I just a caretaker for you now she is also your kid..

" Don't finish it aashika ok I hate you now I don't love you anymore happy now can you let me have my breakfast peacefully".

" Why don't you love me now then.... Is it because I don't let you touch me ".

" Ok I don't love you and yes it is because of that any problem can I get some peace now." He said seriously.

Aashika nodded her head.

" Before you leave do me a favor and take your breakfast and that glass of milk with you for the sake of child you are carrying right now or is it only for you to take advantage or use it name so you don't have to do anything". He said coldly.

Aashika did take her breakfast with herself in living room.

Putting on table she put drama on TV and with so much difficulty sit on floor besides table and start having her breakfast silently.

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