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Aashika and khushi was sitting in park chair together.
Aashika keep looking at khushi while khushi was bouncing her knees.

" Did no one tell you that you are not pregnant ". Aashika ask knowing she just now bought an abortions pills.

" Actually...... It's for someone else " Khushi said looking down.

" You know you can tell me i won't tell this to anyone not even ayaan". Aashika said forwarding her pinky finger towards her.

She look at her for minutes before she joint her pinky finger with aashika.

" Promise " Khushi said

" Promise " Aashika repeated after her.

" Chachi... I'm pregnant and it's been more than two months nearly three. After doing pregnancy test only I come to chachu....... I'm sorry ". She said hugging aashika from side who was rubbing her back.

" Ok tell me everything what happen and what was that boy reaction after knowing this". Aashika said khushi start to tell her everything one by one.

" You know he is trying to manipulate you they way he told you not to say anything tell his name to your parents he is actually trying to save himself ". Aashika said khuhsi look at her with teary eyes.

" But..

" No khushi he is not a good news he will take advantage of yours and i wanna tell you something . Tell this to your parents you don't even know how much they love you if you will confess everything on your own then they will be angry disappointed maybe but still they will take your side. "

" Don't tell them " Khushi said pleading.

" No no I'm not going to tell them anything it just if you tell them they will be angry for sure but you know at the end of the day they love you most. They will do everything to make everything right. So tell them now everything is upto you. Everyone's parents scold them mine too even you know how much time daksh ayaan and mom has scold me not just scold .. Leave it you don't need to know its embarrassing to tell but it's fine at the end they are the one who love me right. Think about it." Aashika said leaving  khushi.


" Ayaan did you pick up khushi or should I pick her ". Aashika ask on call

" I pick her up and leave her to her dance classes to you can come back to hospital. How is your hand good ".

" I don't know it's still hurting little bit. I'm coming to hospital ". She answered and cut their call.

After some minutes she reach to hospital and come on ayaan's cabin.

" So did you had fun with your friends ". Ayaan ask aashika come towards him and sit on his lap.

" I had so much fun and it's fun to tease kanak and you know.... I meet khushi too".

" Khushi where " Ayaan ask looking at her.

" Forget about it . " She said putting her head on his shoulder .

" Tell me "

" I meet khushi today she is pregnant but wait you are not going to share this information with bhaiya i think she will herself tell him I'm sure about it ". She said quickly shocking ayaan.

" But... At home she said it was just kiss".

" Ayaan maybe she got scared. She is just kid ayaan if she will be scared of us then how she will tell us right. I'm sure she will tell them you are not going to do anything ". Aashika said ayaan nodded his head in understanding.

" Can i go home now " Aashika ask ayaan shake his head.

" No we will leave after some hours. I have some here but give me a kiss before that". He said and kiss her lips as his tongue enter in her mouth he break their kiss and look at her with rised his eyebrows.

" What ". Aashika ask while he was glaring at her.

" Did you drink something how many time do i have to tell you not to do it I find no difference between you and khushi both try to hide things and keep on repeating wrongs ". He said slapping her head multiple times.

" Ayaan I'm not " She said covering her head. He twist her ears.

" I will lock you in your room ayushi is more well behaved than you " He said still twisting her ears.

" With this I remember we have to attend her parents teacher meeting now leave. " She said and pull away from him.

His cabin door open reveling daksh with khushi.

They both look at him then each other.

Daksh come and sit in front of ayaan while khushi followed him limping.

" Why she is limping ". Ayaan ask daksh.

" I don't know and I'm not here for this too take her to gynecologist I'm here and keep it fast because I have to leave for college too I have to take evening class. " He said and take out his phone.

" Daksh first answer me what happen to her foot ".

" Are you going to take her or not how would I know what happen ask her if she don't lie ". He said coldly and start using his phone.

" Where is roshni daksh".

" At home why do they need her no right are you going to take hwr Or not ". He said look at him ayaan don't move from his place.

" Should I take it as no. "

" Listen daksh calm down if you are here then why don't you come with her. She will have some support don't you think so and moreover they need you name too right ". Ayaan said calmly.

" Ayaan please take her I can't listen the same thing I hear from her I can't get the confirmation I don't want it please take her. " He said almost pleading ayaan look at khushi who was looking down.

" Khushi shall we go ". Ayaan said forwarding his hand in front.

She hold his hand they walk out of his cabin leaving aashika with daksh.

Daksh put his head on table over his hand.

" Bhaiya " Aashika whisper daksh turn his face towards her.

" What happen to your hand ". He asked looking at her hand.

" Nothing it got fried in pan leave it. Did khushi....

" Don't talk about this ".

" No I mean don't be angry try to keep calm right now . She is also scared about all of these and if you will show your anger to her then she will be more scared. Even I'm scared of your anger" She said last part to herself.

" Don't worry about her I won't do anything for now and i won't until she is not done with that child thing means some months . So come to me after all these things are done then repeat all of these things to me. " He said closing his eyes.

" Ok but she was limping ".

" What do thing why she was limping ". He asked aashika don't answer him not knowing what to say.

After some hours ayaan enter in his cabin with khushi who was holding his hand with dry tears on her face.

" What happen ". Daksh ask looking at khushi who was hiding her face.

" Nothing happen just some test . Here are the set of tablets she will have to take it completely because of course we don't want to abort the baby with operation so and if she get excessive bleeding then tell me and even if she feel weakness or anything. " Ayaan said and hand over medicine to daksh.

" Daksh don't be harsh remember roshni time. All the talking can be done later too. " Ayaan said daksh don't reply him anything and look at khushi .

" Khushi let's go home ". He said coldly .

She slowly walk out of there with daksh. She try to hold daksh hand because already she wasn't able to walk but daksh keep his hand to himself.

" Should we also leave now ayushi must be waiting for us to pick her". Aashika said ayaan nodded his head they also leave to pick ayushi.

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