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I was sitting with ayushi who was eating her ice cream bought by my brother who love everyone here excluding me.

Roshni and aashika were talking while glaring towards me. I don't even know what I did.

" Bhaiya beat him " Aashika yell pointing her finger towards me.

" Your husband is already very angry he is not even talking to me you wanna know reason aashika ". Daksh said aashika nodded her head quickly.

" Yeah tell her she will be happy too. I'm not some kid how can he just slap me out of nowhere ." I thought while he start telling her story.

Actually when you were here firstly he asked doctor about your condition they clearly said you are not fine at last not having any option. When the doctor said you actually have very less chance he kick out every doctor arrange blood for you and did many things and in many thing this man start smoking like he smoked a full packet in just two days. So he get what he deserves ". Daksh said showing his palm.

" Huh first slapped me then he don't even regret it I'm not going to talk to him ". I thought and look towards ayushi who was playing game in my phone now.

" If your player dies then it will be my turn ". I said to ayushi who showed her tongue to me.

" Ayushi come to mumma don't talk to your daddy ". Aashika said ayushi look at aashika and lean on my chest showing her tongue to her too.

" Bhaiya he slap my daughter and son." Aashika said daksh and roshni look at her confused.

" Yeah if you stop thinking about ayushi getting slap or canned in school then you might stop having this kind of dream ". I said while glaring at her direction and wrap my arm around ayushi.

" Bhaiya in my absence he mistreated my kids ".

" Actually quit opposite he take care of them pick her up from school drop her to her dance classes make her eat breakfast dinner lunch on time giving her milk and whenever we were in hospital he keep her in mask outside the cabin . She was not sleeping without you so he made her sleep over him too in this room and he also let her meet your baby boy ". Daksh said ruffing her hair.

" But dream... Before she can continue nurse enter with her food

" You all go and take this trouble maker with you ". I said standing up ayushi shake her head hugging my waist.

" We are leaving ayaan and forgive me too my little brother ". Daksh said and pull my cheeks. I just glare towards him.

" Leave my baby here ". I said listning to this ayushi again went back to her game.

I move towards aashika bed smirking already knowing what is there for lunch.

I show bowl to aashika who cover her mouth.

" Ayaan I hate you.... How can you mistress our kids will you not love them after me ". She said suddenly with tear filled eyes.

" Aashika " I said and stop for minutes taking deep breath.
" Aashi jaan did I leave ayushi in those fifteen days. Thank god you had bad dream atleast you open your eyes for our ayushi. Aashi you had really low chance of survival very low. There were more chance for baby to survive than you just because of bleeding." I said and close my eyes .

" Still ayaan if I die you can't blam our son. "

" Aashi no one is to blam not my baby I will never mistreat them. You know it's not our son fault you had early delivery but that damn doctor handover you to some damn intern who just put cut on you when it was not even needed not at all just because you were shouting in pain that damn intern tell the doctor that you have to go though surgery that time that damn doctor come for you. They particularly leave you to die. You are not a lab mouse or anything I was also intern we have to observe everyone show their pain it's ok to cry shout but it's not ok for doctor to put cut just because of it doing everything wrong."

" Aashi i know you had a very low chance of waking up still I never show my anger to ayushi. I did her every work keeping you aside. Because I have to keep you aside I can't let my sorrow follow our ayushi too".

" I just put you aside for ayushi . Because once I had tears in my eyes looking at me she start crying out loud I can't be sad in front of her aashi not when you are not around for her ".

Aashika hug me suddenly putting my face on her chest.

" Mummy don't let papa sleep on he hasn't taken a bath ". Ayushi said from couch shouting so we can here her.

" Ayushi put that phone down ". I said not looking at her direction.

"Papa you can sleep its ok even though she is mine but I will let you sleep ". Ayushi said and went back to her phone.

I chuckle rubbing my nose on her chest wrapping my arms around her.

" How is my son "

" He is ok but not completely "

" Ok keep everything aside here have your lunch if you want to remove this needle from your hand . After that nurse will bring your medicine take it without any tantrum." I said and forward spoon towards her.

" It's not tasty ayaan ". She said turning her face.

Ayushi walk towards us throwing phone on table.

" Mummy our brother is so cute " She said to aashika hugging her from side.

" Our " Aashika said smiling ayushi nodded her head.

" Yeah papa said it's my brother so yours too. Mummy our baby is so cute but slim".

" You slap my baby fluffy cutu cheeks". Aashika said pouting again remembering that God damn dream.

" That fucking dream...

" Mumma you cursed just now ". Ayushi said covering her mouth with palm.

" Yeah mumma don't curse ". I said lightly slapping side of her hips. Ayushi quickly hold my hand hugging aashika.

" Don't disturb my mummy .

" Ayushi khushi didi will come you are going home with her ". I said within some minutes khushi arive and left taking ayushi with her.

" I miss you "

" I hate you you slap my both babies ".

" I love you " I said kissing her lips again putting my head on her chest.

" I'm going to file suit against your doctor who is responsible for your this condition. "

" Don't I'm alive fit and fine... Ok not fit and fine completely it's ok no need to do anything let some mistake slip ". She said and like I will hear her I almost lost her for no fucking reason I will leave that damn doctor.

" I can hug you right ". I said she nodded her head quickly.

I put my hand inside her gown past her thighs I reach to her stomach wrapping my hand around it I cover both of us from thin blanket pressing her body completely to me.

" Now close your eyes for some minutes nurse will not just brag inside this room". I said and out aashika head over my arms pulling her possibly close kissing her hair.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now