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18+  you can skip it till Ayaan's pov

Ayaan whispered in a husky tone, "Are you sleeping?"

Aashika shook her head and turned to face him. Her eyes drifted down to his bare chest as she slowly traced her finger, meeting his gaze, which held something more than just love.

"Can we?" She asked again, and Ayaan chuckled, hovering over her.

"Getting bold, Mrs. Aashika," he whispered in her ear, biting her earlobe. His hand moved to her chest, starting to massage her left breast over her clothes.

With a slight pinch on her bud, she parted her lips, allowing him to deepen the kiss with his tongue.

After exploring every corner of her mouth, he moved to her neck, leaving a purple mark on her skin. A moan escaped her lips, which she tried to suppress, but a command from him made her lose control.

As his lips moved further down, they met with Aashika's clothes. Taking the hint, Aashika raised her hand, making it easier for him to remove her suit.

"I love you," he mumbled, reaching for her bra hook.

"But if I find this piece on you at night in this bed, you'll be sorry, girl," he warned, followed by a pinch on her bud. Aashika could only hmm, unable to form words.

" W.. Wait..

"I know... I have a box of them, so don't worry, I won't be giving you a third child," Ayaan chuckled, focusing on her buds.

"Don't tire out early; it's just starting," he said in a lustful voice, taking her bud between his lips. Aashika gripped the bedsheets tightly, moaning loudly.

"That's it, my girl. Just like that," Ayaan encouraged, moving to the other side to give the same attention while his hand caressed the side he left.

He moved downward, kissing her belly and hooking his finger to the waistband of her lower taking it off.

Ayaan took a step, gazing intensely at her.

"Please don't look at me like this. I get shy," she said, covering her face. Ayaan chuckled, taking off his lower too.

"Need some warm-up with these or should I just enter?" Ayaan asked with a smirk.

"Your wish," she mumbled. He chuckled and opened her knees.

"Keep them like this," he said with a wink.

And in the next few minutes, he was inside her and started moving.

"A.. Ayaa.."

"You are close," he said more like a statement. He increased his pace after their climax, he fall over her while still inside her.


Aashika hummed.


Aashika shook her head.

"Good, because we aren't going to sleep," he whispered, and a minute later, he entered her again.

"Give me a minute."

"I did, now shut up," he said, starting to kiss her lips.

After a few rounds, they lay side by side of each other.

"Aashi, I've trained you... Prove it," he said, pulling her over him.

"Positions are awkward."

"There is nothing awkward. Do it," he whispered, sweat clearly visible on their faces even after the lower temperatures of the air conditioner.

Aashika sat on him, her eyes closed. She supported herself, keeping her hand on his chest.

His hand moved to her hips. Resting his hand there, he looked deep into her eyes.


She nodded her head, he smiled and mouthed "Move."

She started following his instructions, and after the moment ended, she looked into his eyes innocently and asked, "was it good?"

He nodded his head, hugging her from the side.

"Tired now?" he whispered. She shook her head.

"Really? You can go more?" he asked, even though tiredness was all over their faces. But since she denied it, he denied it too.

"You tired?"

He shook his head, not looking at her.

"But it's late, we should sleep," he said, looking at the clock. They only had a few hours of sleep.

"Last," Aashika said, barely breathing properly.

"I think let's call it a day," Ayaan said, pushing his face into the pillow.

" More please "

Ayaan shook his head in response to Aashika's plea.

"Old man," Aashika mumbled deliberately.

"Don't cry out of body pain tomorrow," he said as he turned her on her stomach to continue their deed.


"Aashika, you are looking horrible, I got scared for a minute," I commented as I removed some of her hair from her face to get a clear view.

"Yeah, I know I'm looking so adorable," Aashi replied. I chuckle shaking my head.

"By the way, good morning," she said, hugging me. I checked the time and hugged her back.

"We have more than one hour," I whispered, running My hand on her naked body.

"I'm tired... Even my waist is hurting," Aashi mumbled, showing the pain on her face.

"Okay, leave the breakfast. I will make bread omelette for the kids. Take rest and have a good diet, meri jaan. Why do you get this weak after our blissful night?" I said, pulling her chubby cheeks.

"I don't know. Listen, can I ask you something?" Aashi said, giving me her best puppy eyes.

"You aren't going to the party. I know they have told you to wear a dress for which you will make me do your waxing, which I don't want. You aren't going anywhere," I stated firmly. Because I hate doing that work.

"Please, please," Aashika pleaded with her best look.

I sighed and nodded my head.

"Go, but if you want waxing, then book an appointment or call any of the girls from your group," I said strictly, refusing to do it for her.

"Ayaan, Roshni bhabhi is going to work, Bhavya will only come with her husband, Kanak didi is busy with the cafe. Only you are available," Aashi pointed out.

"I've got important work, Mrs. Aashika. And I will not waste my time doing shit tasks with you," I said, causing the smile to fade from her face.

"Is my body shit?" Aashika whispered as she winced and sat down.

"Not your body, but the task you made me do," I clarified.

"Fine, my body is worthless. I just don't like going to the boutique because I don't like others touching me. But okay, my husband isn't considerate. I'll just wear a suit and salwar to the party," she replied.

"I'm taking the day off today. Do whatever you want. I WILL DO IT WHEN THE KIDS ARE AT SCHOOL ," I said, covering my face. I felt Aashika hug me tightly.

"You're amazing, I know. Now I'm going to sleep. Send the kids to school," she said. If she wasn't so weak, I would have kicked her out of bed.

But since she is feeling and looking weak, I'll just hug her and sleep for an hour.

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