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Ayaan, what's going on, baby?" Mom inquired, but I just shot a look at Daksh, who clearly didn't care.

"Crabs bit him, Mom, on his private areas," Daksh stupidly chimed in. I shouldn't have called him.

Mom reached for my towel, but I quickly grabbed her hand.

I know the famous parent dialogue, as I'm a parent myself, but there's no way I'm letting her take my towel.

"I'm your mother..."

"Mom, just leave and take your son with you."

"How did the crabs get there? I've had them for a month, and it never happened to us," Mom said, sitting by my feet. I didn't loosen my grip on my towel. I'm not taking any risks.

"I don't know," I answered her question, but once again, my stupid brother spoke up.

"Aashika did it in the name of revenge for scolding Aryan and Ayushi," he said. Wait, she did it because of that? I thought she just pulled a prank, but didn't realize how much it could hurt someone.

"Aashika? She did it."

"No, Mom," I whispered, and she stood up, anger clearly visible on her face.

"Ayaan, let me see," Mom said, and when I glared at her, she stopped and looked at Daksh.

"Did you clean the area? Clean it with water and soap. I'll ask Kanak when Rahul will be here," Mom said. I rolled my eyes, waiting for her to leave.

Once Mom left, Daksh put his hand in my hair and said while massaging my scalp, "Let's get it cleaned."

"I'll do it on my own. Just leave me alone for a while," I mumbled, trying to adjust myself properly to avoid hurting myself more.

"Ayaan, it won't take long. It might get infected," Daksh warned.

"It will get infected now. So let me just sleep, or else I'll itch myself to death," I mumbled. After a few minutes of standing, Daksh sat beside me, just to annoy me.

Will he leave me alone or not?

"Sleep, I'm here," he mumbled. I sighed and closed my eyes. I didn't know how much time had passed, but my baby's voice caught my attention.

"Daddy," Aryan said, running towards me. I sat up, forgetting about my pain, as I saw tears in my baby eyes.

"Papa," Ayushi came up behind him.

They both crawled onto my lap, looking at me with teary eyes.

"What happened?" Daksh asked, trying to take them away from me, but neither of them wanted to leave.

"Ayushi, come here, your daddy is hurt," he said softly. Ayushi looked up at me, then crawled onto his lap.

"What happened, Aryan?" I asked, as he started rubbing his eyes with his fists and began speaking.

"Dadi maa scolded mumma."

"Too much," Ayushi said after Aryan.

"Mumma started crying," Aryan said this time.

"Still, dadi maa scolded mumma. Papa, mumma is upset. She was wiping her tears again and again," Ayushi said, upset as her eyes filled with tears again.

I glared at Daksh, who seemed to not mind it. I had told him not to tell Mom. I wanted to talk to Aashi myself.

"Mumma is causing trouble, just like you do. And just like you get scolded by your mumma, she is getting scolded by her mumma. Why are you crying over this? Wipe your tears," Daksh said, wiping Ayushi's tears.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now