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"Aashika, tell him," Kanak warned me. I pouted and shook my head, earning glares from both Kanak and Bhavya.

I looked down at my dinner plate, while Ayaan was engrossed in conversation with his brothers and his dear friend.

"Aashika, why aren't you eating?" Mom pointed out. I started eating properly, not wanting to draw anyone's attention.

"Mom, let Aryan and Ayushi sleep with us tonight. I will sleep with them," I mumbled after finishing my plate. Mom and Dad gave me a look, and then Dad simply picked Ayushi up in his arms and walked towards their room.

"You got your answer? I will sleep with them. You sleep with them every day Aashika not me," Mom said, taking Aryan with her.

"Reyansh, come with me," Mom said, taking Kanak's son as well.

I didn't want to be alone with Ayaan. Who will tell them?

"Khushi, should we sleep together?" I asked, but Khushi quickly shook her head.

"Kanak, why don't you bring Ritvik?"  Kanak had twins and she left one at home with her mom.

"Mom didn't let me take him. You won't have any other company in the room other than your dear husband, so good night," Kanak said, giving me a look before leaving with her husband.

"Good night, Bhabhi," Bhavya said, leaning down to my ear.

"Your hand started to swell. Tell Ayaan bhaiya about the crab bite," Bhavya whispered and left too.

"You're so quiet today," Ayaan whispered, taking my plate.

"No," I said to myself.

"What trouble this time?" Daksh bhaiya asked. I looked at him with wide eyes. He chuckled and came to my side, pulling my cheeks.

"We all know you. Something is off with you, and Roshni has told me this a thousand times. What did you do?" Daksh bhaiya asked, giving me a suspicious look.

They are right I just know how to cause trouble.

"It's okay, why are you so worried? The worst Ayaan will do is scold you a little. Good night, stop making trouble. You're not a kid anymore," Daksh bhaiya said, and he went to his room with a smiling Roshni bhabhi, but not before messing up my hair.

"Shall we go, Aashi?" Ayaan asked from behind.

I pouted even more and nodded my head.

Once we reached the room, Ayaan locked the door and looked at me with a serious expression.

"I heard that you did what you did because I'm a bit strict with our kids. Is that true?" He asked, his face and voice turning stern.

"I... I d-"

"Be specific. We had a huge argument about this. But even if after explaining it to you so many times, you still think the same, then we need to do something, Aashi. In my eyes, what I do is discipline, but in your eyes, it's something else . And that's a serious matter."

"I didn't say that. I know you discipline them. I don't have any issues. What I did was more of a prank than revenge," I whispered softly.

"If you do have issues, then tell me. I have a solution this time."

I looked at him curiously. What kind of solution? Do I want to know? Yes, of course.

"I don't have a problem, but I want to know the solution you have."

"Okay, either you make Ayushi and Aryan completely stop getting into trouble with me, or I can punish you first in the same way I do with the kids, so you'll understand how strict I am with them. And if you feel it's too much, then you can let me know what exactly is too much. Like when I make them stand in the corner, you can stand in the corner before them and tell me if it's also too much. When I scold them, I'll scold you first. When I spank their butts, I'll do it to you first, so you'll understand how much it hurts... The list goes on," he said, and with each word, his lips got closer to mine.

He chuckled at my expression, as my eyes were almost comically wide.

"You don't like this idea either?"

"Shh, I won't interfere in this. They are your kids too. You should stop thinking of these creepy ideas. Don't even think about any of these ideas. I'll kick you out of my bed if you come up with this kind of idea," I said a little loudly. However, he just chuckled and pecked my lips.

Kanak always told me it's terrible to be punished by your beloved husband. They should only show love towards you. And this man comes up with this idea. Why should I be punished when I didn't even do anything? He is my partner, not my parents. I will be furious if he tries to do something like that.

"You don't like this idea. I like it very much. If our babies cause trouble, be prepared. I have more ways to deal with you," he whispered in a husky tone, tracing his finger down to my belly.

"You look good in this suit, but you'll look even better naked under me," he whispered, and I don't know why his voice is turning me on.

"But," he stopped his finger just above my center.

"But my dear wife chose to take revenge on me, so I'm not doing anything," he said, pulling his hand away from my lower region. No, don't tease me at least.

"Ayaan," I whined. He smirked and laid down, placing a pillow between us.

"Good night, jaaneman," he whispered and turned off the lights.

"Oh, and before sleeping, take off this suit. Wear your night dress and come quickly."

How can I take it off? My hands are hurting, but at least it's hidden.

"Take it off," he said again. Reluctantly, I left the bed. Mom's house had walk-in closets. This place gives me a scary vibe because, you know, every ghost likes to live in a mansion.

I quickly got rid of my pants, and now comes the hardest part. My suit, this one is going to take some time.

I slowly took off my suit, and as I tried to pull it out from my injured hand, it gave me sharp pain. I bit my lips and tried again, but it was still the same.

"Why isn't it coming out?"

I walked towards our bed and poked Ayaan's cheeks.

"What?" he mumbled, sounding half-asleep. He is putting on an act I know how he can sleep this fast, liar.

I mumble, "Look, it's stuck," as I show him my hands.

"Why are you wearing the tight suit then?" he mumbles, starting to take it out of my hand. But his face covered with confusion as he taps his finger on my wrist area.

"Is it swelling? Or am I imagining things?"

Comments from 30 readers (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


I'm becoming selfish ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ

Target wasn't completed in the last part. p(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)q

And I'm sorry to those who read my other story too because I know update are bit slow because I don't want to think what to right . This story never needs my thinking that's why I update whatever the crap I want. But I want my other story to make little sense. That's why bit slow.( ͡°Ĺ̯ ͡° )

I will update those story frequently after 10 june for sure 😃😃ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ

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