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I should have listened to him. Now I'm feeling sick .

I snuggle more into my blanket unable to do anything.

But suddenly my room door opened making me confused. I look at the door and find two tiny figures standing there .

" What are you two doing here? " I ask in a little stern tone.

" Hey easy Aashi. They said they want to play at home with you so I bring them back from park. " Ayaan answered my question. I look at him confused.

What he is doing here? He just went to his work right?

" Aashi you are feeling good now. " He said and sit beside me and put his hand on my belly.

" You ok now? " He ask again making me come back to reality.

" Yes but what are you doing here? "

" Aashi I come back in noon and I pick these two bunch of joy from school. It's evening already get up. " He said looking at me with a frown.

" Ayushi Aryan go back to your room and do your homework I will check it. " Ayaan said Both of them nodded their head and left the room.

" Were you sleeping since morning. " He ask with concern tone. I smile and shook my head. Yes I was sleeping but he doesn't need to know.

" How was your day? "

" It was good. I find Aryan playing with his teacher. He seems so happy. " Ayaan answered with a smile. He move my blanket from me putting it Aside.

" Did you take medicine? " He ask I shook my head. His hand find it's way under my tshirt and he started rubbing my belly. I love his warm hand. It's give sense of comfort.

" Get up wash your face and come downstairs. I know you didn't leave this bed morning. Get some fresh air. "

" Just stay with me. You must be tired. Give me five minutes. I will eat something then take your medicine. And then prepare a yummy breakfast for you. " I said pecking his lips.

" Just get up. Both of them were eating my head for you. " He chuckled and pecked my lips again.

" I will bring some fruits and.... Are you sure you are feeling good. I mean do you think I can send both of them in this room to do their homework and play with you afterward. "

He looks so cute whenever he ask me question like this. But if I call him anything other then hot and charming then he will kill me so no. He isn't cute.

" I will do it. You stay here. " I said and attempted to get up but he pushed me down.

" I will bring it on my own. Just eat as much as you want. " He said and left the room leaving me alone but for not long time because my both babies peek inside my room and directly jump on my bed.

" Mumma papa didn't let us have cotton candy. " Aryan complained pouting his lips.

" And he didn't buy me icecream too. " This time Ayushi said hugging me from other side.

" I will buy you Tomorrow. Now tell me how was your day? " I ask caressing Aryan hair.

" Mummy he forgot his homework at home. His teach called me in his class room. " Ayushi said Aryan look at me pouting.

" Don't complain about me. " Aryan mumble and pull Ayushi hair.

" You brat " She said and grab Aryan gair too.

" Hey stop " I said and try to stop them but they both start fighting like cat and dog. By this I mean they both started pulling each other hair and even bit each other.

" Hey STOP " I said again but they no one heard me they just continue.

If Ayaan will see that then again they will get scold. Why can't they stay like a lovely brother sister?

Just when Ayaan make his presence his eyes fall on Aryan and Ayushi. He just clear his throat which take their attention.

That's it. He can just stop their fight like this. I was trying harder then him.

" He started the fight "

" No she "

" Homework ? Is it competed should I check it? " Ayaan said just looking at them.

They both shifted to their place and start doing their homework. It's wrong. He didn't even had to say a word to stop their fight. I'm not talking to Ayaan.

" Here have this fruit. Eat slowly and if you feel like you are done then tell me. I'm not forcing you to finish this plate ok." He said in such a sweet tone and sit besides me.

His  hand find it's way to my  belly and he started rubbing it.

" I'm not talking to you. " I mumble and put  a apple slice in my mouth.

" Why what did I do? Don't be ridiculous. Now have these fruit. "

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now