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" Ayaan are you angry ". She said putting her hand on his stomach.

" Go and sleep there why do you always push ayushi and take her place." He said pushing her hand.

" Because I can't sleep without hugging my dear husband " Aashika said and start coughing.

" Go and take a cold shower then your cold and cough will be fine and sleep backfacing to ayushi otherwise she will be coughing too tomorrow ". Ayaan said and turn himself.

" Why are you just thinking about ayushi. I will not let her caught cold. She is my daughter too. Can't you just concentrate on me for now . Turn towards me ayaan". She said trying to turn ayaan towards herself.

" Go drink more beer then I will talk to you. I don't want to caught cold too I can't go to hospital coughing like you. You just have to stay at home but I have to go to hospital too". Ayaan said without turning towards her upset with the fact that ayushi just taste beer.

Aashika bite her lips listening to all of these. She leave ayaan side and take her pillow and went out of room quietly.

She went down stairs and put her pillow on couche.


" How many time we have sleep together on this couche just after fighting. He always used to come to me even if we fought over some matter. Now look at him all changed."

I was in my thoughts when my phone start ringing.

I see the called id and answer the call.

" Why I have to answer her call she get me in trouble all the time ". I thought and said " Hello".

" Aashika pick me up dude rahul left me here and I don't know how to come back pick me up borrow roshni scooty your house eis near her right. It will take just five minutes walk for you to reach her house . Please pick me up. "

" Why don't you call daskh Or ayaan to pick you up". I said clearly knowing I can't go right now.

" I called roshni babhi but she told me daksh Bhaiya has fever. You can tell ayaan to pick me up but please come fast". She said and hang up our call.

I went to our room again I open the door finding ayaan using his phone.
" Great so he knows I'm not here still don't make efforts to call me back here". I thought but cut my thoughts because I'm here for work.

" Kanak just called me. Pick her up she is out alone. Your friend just leave her out alone go and pick her up". I said but still he was using his phone.

" Ayaan I just said something ".

" Aashi I'm not going to pick her up. Tell her to call someone else. She is a risk taker right so tell her to take risk and call her husband to pick her up". Ayaan said I look towards him in disbelief.

" Ayaan she is your sister ".

" Aashi I'm done with her behavior. She can just led someone to wrong path and I'm sure rahul must be around her he won't just leave her there alone ". Ayaan said and this time put her phone on table covering his head with blanket.

" Then I'm going to pick her " I said and shut the door loudly.

Just after I shut the door I hear ayushi crying voice.

" Shit I forget about her totally. Ayaan is here he will handle her I'm going to pick kanak".

I went to roshni house and take her scooty after one hour later I was at home again with kanak.

" Ayaan was right rahul was actually around I saw him but he don't".

" Did you put pillow for me thank you so much and drink some warm water you are coughing so much". Kanak said and hug me. I smile awkwardly and nodded my head.

I went to my room and look towards ayaan and ayushi. I lay down other side of ayushi .

"Again this cough God if he wake up due to this again his lecturing session will start."

Due to coughing I cover myself completely with blanket. After some minutes I feel someone pulling my blanket.

I lower my blanket from my head and look at ayaan who was standing in front of me with glass.

" What " I said he hold my both hand making me sit.

" Here drink it. You will get some relief ". He said passing me glass.

" You actually went to pick up kanak  even after me telling you not to. Do you really think rahul will leave her alone there". Here start his lecture.

" It taste bad what did you mix in it. Already I have a lot of difficulty in drinking warm water and you mix something in it".

" Baby drink it if you don't want to cough all night . " He said rubbing my back.

I close my eyes and quickly and drink it in one go.

" Good " He said and take that glass from my hand.

" Now come don't be upset ". He said and carry me towards his side.

I hide my face in his neck hugging him while he lay us down.

" You keep shouting on me ". I said he just hmm covering us with blanket.

" Don't you caught cold and tomorrow you will have stuffed nose and you will  keep coughing again and again. If you were with me instead of kanak then you won't be getting sick now ". He said again in scolding manner.

" Stop scolding me ayaan ". I said hugging him more tightly.

He flip me to his other side putting himself between ayushi and me.

"  Ayushi will fall sick too " He mumble and pull me close to himself putting his hand over my waist.

" Don't wear inner to bed how many times do I have to say this". He said again he is scolding me.

" Ayaan " I said whining he pinch my waist making me glare towards him.

" Sleep " He said and close his eyes while I keep my head on his hand which was below my head and I completely snuggle into him.

" This is how I want to sleep everyday but you keep pushing me away". I said he don't said anything just rub my back.

" How is khushi by the way she was so quit today ".

" Aashi abortions pills has some side effects and she is too young that's why doctor can't even check her properly. " He said in whispering tone.

" What about the boy".

" Aashi sleep for now you are coughing and still you are so ready to talk give rest to yourself . " He said I shut my mouth and close my eyes sleeping in his embrace.

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