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" You both your hand and imaginary cramp are hurting and not to forget your ego right ok don't do sit ups even I don't want to count them. Do one think you both just bend down and your finger should be touching your toes ". Daksh said ayushi just look at him confused while khushi shake her head.

" Papa my stomach is actually paining. I'm on my period ".

" Chachu me too my stomach is paining too I'm on my period ". Ayushi said and hold her stomach.

" Khushi " Daksh said sternly a drop of tear fall from khushi eyes.

" Papa " Khushi said almost crying. Ayushi look at khushi.

" Didi why are you crying don't cry . You go and sit I can take your punishment too but don't cry ". Ayushi said pushing khushi to side.

Without saying anything further she hold her ears and start doing sit ups quickly.

" Chachu stop me when I'm done " She said while pouting continuing her sit ups.

" Have you ever seen someo doing sit ups while looking so beautiful papa". Ayushi said to ayaan who shake his head look at his innocent kid.

" Then look at me " She said while giving puppy look to daksh so he can stop her fastly.

" Stop " Daksh said she quickly stop smiling widely.

" Khushi " Daksh said but again ayushi start doing sit ups while pouting.

" I thought I was done this is khushi didi turn ". Ayushi said daksh glare towards khushi who look down avoiding his eyes.

" Ayushi stop "

" Chachu this is on didi behalf." Ayushi said ayaan come towards ayushi carrying her up in his arms.

" It's done madam. Don't do anything which you are not supposed to do ". Ayaan said kissing her head.

" Is is paining " Ayaan said while pressing her knees. Ayushi shake her head.

" This is nothing papa the only thing which hurt is stretching in dance class and study in school ".

" Ok ok study hurt the way to much I will put you in boarding where you just have to study only study no fun activities then it may stop hurting you". Ayaan said just in joking manner but ayushi taking it seriously look around in room then start crying out loud.

" Mummy " She said making grabby hand towards aashika.

" Don't trouble my baby " Aashika said glaring towards ayaan who in return kiss ayushi cheeks multiple times.

" Let's go to sleep ". Ayaan said daksh glaro pillow and lay down there.

" What get out from this room khushi go sleep in guest room with ayushi ". He said and turn his face to opposite direction.

" Why are you looking at me like im some ghost Mr ayaan for your kind information I have let you stay in my house multiple times ".

" You have just become lazy let's go aashi you are already lazy if you spend some time with them you will be more lazy ". He said khushi leave room with ayushi.

Daksh glare towards him while putting his head on roshni lap.

Remembering something he quickly twist aashika ears hardly.

" Bhaiya what the hell "

" Aashika control your language in front of kids if you not then remind yourself some college memories." He said aashika quickly run out of the room .

" Why do you trouble everyone ". Roshni said lightly slapping his cheeks.

" They give me reason . Leave it let's sleep."

All were in deep sleep while aashika was in her dream sweating in reality .

" Daksh we should keep his kids with us he is not taking care of them. What if he become abusive. "

" He will not roshni why are you so negative. "

" Daksh you are just thinking about ayaan thinks about the kids too. Khushi saw his slapping them in middle of park I don't think he had any reason to do it."

" Roshni we can't bring his kids here and it's final ". Daksh said putting full stop to their conversation.

" I'm going to being them here ".

" Roshni why don't you understand because of kids he don't drink at home he don't loose his sense because of being drunk because he know he have kids at home everything will be destroy if we start keeping kids with us ".

" Daksh you are being selfish you are just thinking about your brother ".

On other side ayaan take kids to home telling them to go to their room.

" You are fired since you can't keep your eyes on them then I don't need you ". Ayaan said looking at caretaker who just leave from there without a word.

Ayaan take out his phone dialing his mother number.

" Mom keep ayushi and ayush with you I'm just too busy too take care of them or can you just take care of ayush i will send ayushi to boarding I can't send ayush he is just three too young ". He said his mom keep mum for some minutes listening to him.

" Ayaan you are not sending them away understand ".

" What bullshit mom just keep them they are becoming headache for me i can't take care of them. I can't take care of someone who killed my wife either you keep them or I will send both of them to boarding ".

" Ayaan it was accident... Before her mom can complete it he throw his phone away in room.


" Aashika wake up what happen to you.. Aashika wake up " Ayaan said lightly slapping her cheeks she open her eyes suddenly looking around in room.

" Ayaan "

" Aashi what happen why are you shedding tears in your sleep ". Ayaan said cupping her face. She hold his hand there looking into his eyes

" Ayaan you will not hate our kids even if something happen to me right you will never do it ". She said more tears slip down from her eyes.

" Can you stop this nonsense why are you thinking so negative. Stop this think about me too I'm not liking you using this word again and again. Aryan is hungry and crying feed him " Ayaan said and lay down back facing her.

" Ayaan promise me "

" Aashika I will leave this room if you say anything about you dying again. "

" Ayaan please "

Ayaan turn towards her and look at side baby bed where aryan was continuously crying he put aryan besides aashika upwarding her tshirt.

Just after aryan start drinking her milk ayaan again turn his back to aashika .

" I keep seeing this dream what I can do".

" Don't tell me about it ". Ayaan said and cover his head to toe.

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