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After the dinner aashika and ayaan was alone in room while ayushi is sleeping with khushi.


Let's break the news who know if she is actually pregnant. I walk towards bed where aashika was sleeping on her stomach.

" What happens why are you so quit ". I whisper in her ear. She look towards me for second.

" Nothing it's just my waist is hurting look like my dates are near ". She said and put her face on pillow.

" How is your wrist ". I said taking her hand in mine.

" Good "

" Aashi do you think you are pregnant ". I said finally she look up towards me and comes in sitting position.

" I don't think so I don't feel like something is inside me and if I get other baby then you will forget me completely". She said and put her head on my chest.

" I won't how can I forget my baby ". I said pecking her lips.

" We can make one if you want ". Aashika said smiling and lean towards his lips again.

I connected my lips with her. Slowly biting her lower lips . Feeling sweetness of her lips we enter our tongue but quickly pull apart.

" How can you feel so new every time ". I whisper in her ear.

" Shut up now let's sleep ". She said smiling .

" Do you think I will let you sleep right now absolutely not tomorrow morning first thing you are going to do is check if you are pregnant or not ". I said she nodded her head rolling her eyes.

" I wish I'm not I can't go though that pain again last time I feel like dying ". She said turning her face.

" Second time it pain less so don't worry." I said and lay down with her. Her body completely press against me.


Next day aashika wake up before him and slowly remove his hand from her.

She went to bathroom taking pregnancy test kit.

She was waiting for line to show while crossing her finger together and closing her eyes praying to God.

" God ji please it should be positive ". Aashika make a wish and slowly open her eyes .

Seeing the one red line she lower her head and throw it in Dustbin.

She exit from bathroom and walk towards bed and hug ayaan hidding her face in his neck.

" What happen ". Ayaan said wrapping his arm around herself.

" There was only one line " Aashika whisper .

" So... It's ok why are you crying over it". Ayaan said wiping her eyes after taking out her face from his neck.

" But you thought I'm pregnant right. I'm sorry ". Aashika said and attempt to hug him again but ayaan hold her both arm.

" Don't cry over it and if you want why don't work on it"  Ayaan said winking towards her.

Aashika chuckle nodding her head.

" You are not disappointed about it right"  .

" No baby of course not go bring that test to me let me see once ". He said aashika don't move from her place.

" Go and check it on your own" Aashika said ayaan went inside bathroom and come out in minutes.

" It have very light line why don't we confirm it through blood test ". Ayaan said aashika shake her head.

" I don't want to I'm not pregnant ". She said shaking her head.

" Shut up just close your eyes it will take two minutes ". Ayaan said and bring an empty syringe inserting it in her vein making her hiss.

" Good at least it come at once otherwise I thought I have to poke you multiple time. " Ayaan said smiling.

" Ok so we should sleep now or...

" Ayaan you sleep I'm going to make breakfast and pack lunch for you all". Aashika said and left the room.


Entering the kitchen i check the time.

" It's just give everyone will be up by six or seven let's do it fast ". I said and check the freez and think for five minutes what to make.

I was making breakfast when daksh bhaiya enter .

" You are up so early being a housewife is not easy right". He said I shake my head.

" It's not atleast I get to take rest " I answer and mix chocolate and milk together.

" You want some tea should I make it ". I ask he nodded his head.

" Why did you left your work you were good in it and everything was so smooth". He  said  I stop my work and look at him blinking my eyes.

" I.. I just find staying at home more appealing ". 

He don't said anything after that .

After breakfast everyone leave for there respective work.

I look at the empty house and sigh closing the main door.

" Staying here is actually more appealing then staying in an officie where boss continuously pursuing me to sleep with him ". I mumble picking up clothes to wash them.

" What will be in report " I thought and look towards my phone but kill the thought to call ayaan.


In hospital ayaan look towards aashika report his eyes widen and report file fall down from his hand.

" No it's not possible " He mumble to himself.

" Did you check properly or you changed this report with someone else ". He asked nurses who bring the report.

" Sir there is no mistake ". She answered.

Ayaan read the report again and again just to make sure.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now