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"Why are you making them study early in the morning?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows at him.

"It's already twelve, how can you still consider it early morning? Look, I'm leaving, there's no need to be scared. There's no such thing as ghosts. And don't move around too much. If the pain worsens, call me, okay?" he said, but little does he know that the pain is already unbearable for me.

"Can we go to the room?" I asked, and he nodded, making his way towards our room. I followed behind him silently.

Once we reached the room, I lay down on my stomach and looked at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Can you leave after five minutes? Massage my back, it's hurting. Why do I keep falling like this? My waist already hurts a lot, and now I've added to it," I explained.

He gave me a serious look and sat near my waist.

"Aashi, I think we should see a doctor. I can drop the kids off at Mom's house," Ayaan suggested, but I didn't want to see any doctor.

"I'm fine," I whispered. He shook his head and wiped the corner of my eyes.

"You're crying? Because of the pain? At least let me give you a painkiller. Massage will not help, and if there is some damage, it will only get worse," he mumbled. I looked at him, scared. Why does he like to scare me?

"Don't give me that look. You don't have to fear a small needle. I will talk to the doctor and bring one home. And I'm telling you in advance, if the doctor recommends an X-ray or something, you will be coming with me," he said sternly.

Do I have any other option?

"I probably just need to rest," I replied.

"Sure, just stay like this, don't move," he mumbled, filling the injection. I wanted to smack him. Can I do it?

"Don't you have any pills?" I asked.

"Aashi, this isn't the first time, is it?" he mumbled, rubbing my back.

"Calm down, don't be scared. It doesn't hurt, you know that," he reassured me.

"Go ahead, don't talk," I said, wanting to get rid of the pain.

But just as the needle was about to touch my skin, I moved away from him. I don't like the needle,  and nothing can change that.

I glanced back at him, and his eyes widened. But as soon as our eyes met, they turned red with anger.

I didn't mean to disobey his instructions not to move, but I couldn't help it. I knew he would scold me, but I wasn't in the mood for it.

He turned towards the door, then returned to the bed and pulled me onto his lap.

"Hug me," he muttered, his tone icy cold.

I hugged him. I knew what was coming next, but everything felt better in his arms.

He lowered my pants again. After feeling a cold wipe, I braced myself for the inevitable pain, which couldn't be worse than what I was already feeling. Why did I have to fall?

"Hug me tightly, turn towards me completely, and focus on something else," he whispered. I followed his instructions, and when the needle pierced my skin, I winced but didn't try to escape this time.

Despite the burning pain from the needle, I tried to concentrate on the person holding me.

Why wasn't he angry? Normally, he would have scolded me for my recklessness. Why was he being so calm?

"It's done," he said, kissing my forehead.

"Sorry for moving away " I whispered, clutching his shirt . He gave me a devilish smile and slide his hand under my shirt.

"When will you stop causing trouble?" he asked, massaging my breast.

My eyes closed involuntarily, and I bit his shoulder to stifle any sounds. But instead of pleasure, painful voice escaped my lips.

"Did you pinch it again? It hurts, Ayaan," I said as he lifted my shirt and undid my bra. Slapping his hand over my breast made my eyes widen.


"Don't try that again," he warned, repeating the action on the other side before getting ready to put me to bed.

"It hurts," I complained. He turned back towards me, and I quickly shielded myself with a pillow.

" Go away "

Third person p.o.v

Ayaan descended the stairs and discovered both his babies engrossed in their books.

" Ayushi, mom is unwell, do not bother her. If I find out that you are troubling her today, I will increase your punishment," he warned as she quickly shook her head.

" Aryan, the same goes for you," Ayaan said, placing his hand on Aryan's forehead.

" Your fever is almost gone. Rest and do not trouble mom, otherwise, your punishment will be more severe," Ayaan said, patting Aryan's back.

Aryan nodded and covered his back with his little hand.

As soon as Ayaan left, Aryan and Ayushi rushed upstairs to their mom's room.

" Mom," Aryan said, jumping next to Aashika. He rested his head on her chest and smiled sweetly.

" Mom, are you sick?" Ayushi asked as Aashika shook her head, caressing her hair.

" Do you want to explain why both of you skipped class and decided to go to that abandoned house?"

" Mom, sorry... I was upset and running late, I didn't want to be late for school. Aryan wanted to go to school, but I didn't let him," Ayushi leaned on her mother's chest, pouting.

" Can you ask dad not to punish us? He can punish Aryan on my behalf too."

Aashika started rubbing their backs, bringing them closer to her.

" Stop skipping class. You both are my good baby. Stop getting into trouble, or I will take away all the candy forever," Aashika warned, making Aryan whine and look up with a pout.

" If you take it away, then didi and I will steal it," Aryan said, earning a smack on his butt from Aashika, who raised an eyebrow. Aryan and Ayushi gave her mischievous looks.

" Mom, please talk to dad. He said he will punish us," Ayushi said, giving Aashika a puppy-dog look.

Aashika rolled her eyes and smacked Ayushi this time.

" He is your dad. If your parents do not scold you, then who will? And it's not his fault it's your stunt that makes him do it "


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