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" No aryan not the curd. " I said sternly but he looked at me with his puppy eyes showing his curd and rice bowl.

" Aryan beta I said no " I said glaring at him. His lips wobble but he stops and stuff one more bite in his mouth.

" Aryan "

" Mommy please. This is yummy. "

" If you fell sick then don't talk to me. " I said and move to Ayushi who was still in her school dress.

" Ayushi change your clothes baby then you can watch TV as much as you want. " I said she stand on couche still focused on tv and throw her tie on floor.

These two trouble me a lot when Ayaan isn't around or if he spend more time in hospital.

" Mom papa will come today or not. " Ayushi asked and this time threw her belt along with id card on floor.

" He will come tonight for sure. " I mumble actually missing him a lot. I think he can make some time to come home but this man didn't come back home yesterday.

" Beta go change. " I said she look at me in a way which tell me that she going to make request like Aryan did.

" I'm watching TV, can you bring My clothes please mummy. " She pouted I shake my head she stomp her feet and start jumping on couche.

" Ok stop you will fell down. I'm bringing it. " I mumble and make My way to her room. Picking up tshirt amd shorts I again make my way to her.

" Here is your clothes wear it. " I mumble with whole concentration shifted on TV screen she rise her hand making me smack her shoulder.

" Wear your clothes otherwise I will give you some more. " I mumble she smile and but her tongue quickly wearing her clothes.

" Mumma food " She said with same sweet tone.

God these kids sometimes they don't want to move a inch from there place.

I come back to kitchen and glare at Aryan who had finished his bowl and now he was Washing it too.

" Mummy it's clean. I wash it for you" He said and jump down of the stool and hug my legs.

" You are upset. " He ask in baby tone pouting. How can I get upset with little baby of mine.

I pick him up and quickly peck his cheeks.

" Mumma made yummy lunch for you but still you insists to eat that cude rice you will fall sick Aryan. Mumma don't like Aryan getting sick. She loves Aryan a lot and she want Aryan to be fit. " I said he wrap his his arm around my neck giving me naughty smile.

" It was yummy. "

" Ok let me serve lunch for your sister she is watching TV. Do you want to watch movie too? "

He nodded his head and start wiggling in my arms.

" Ok don't run sona. " I mumble and put him down. He run towards Ayushi's direction .

They always do exact opposite things.

In evening I was sitting with kids helping them in their homework which is such a hard task. Aryan writes very slowly. He takes his sweet time to write beautifully while my Ayushi she writes soo fast. She make it hard for other to understand what she is writing.

" Ayushi erases all of this, and do it again." I scolded she make face and shake her head .

" Mumma to be a doctor in future I need bad handwriting. " She said getting a well deserved smack from me on her shoulder.

" How many time I have to tell you it's not how it work. " I said and she again started writing answer.

" Mumma you trouble me a lot. "

" Mummy look " Aryan said and show me his book.

" Very good. " I said and kiss his forehead which seems to be little warm. He suddenly sneeze and start rubbing his nose.

" Mummy he is sneezing "

" Ayushi I can see that, do your work. Even he has done his work baby. Write beautifully then we will read a chapter." I said she make face and look at Aryan.

" Mummy " She said in whining tone and sit on my lap hiding her face in my chest.

" My fingers hurt. Can we read tomorrow. "

" Right now Ayushi no argument otherwise I'm calling your dad. " I said she pouted and again get to her work. While Aryan started playing with his car.

After a while Ayushi too join him. I dial Ayaan number but again he didn't pick it up. Come home I will beat you with my slipper.

Third person's p.o.v

At night after putting Aryan and Ayushi to bed Aashika again dial Ayaan's number but a wide smile made it's way on her lips hearing door bell. She run towards door and open it immediately.

" Rahul you? Daksh bhaiya you too. " Aashika said and started to bend down to touch Daksh feet but he gave her look and enter in house.

" Look dadi maa is gone. This rule doesn't apply now. You needed blessing when you were in college considering your marks." Daksh said then glare at Ayaan.

" Let's go to the room. " Daksh said they all enter in room. Ayaan sits on the corner ignoring everyone.

" Ayaan lay down " Daksh said and slightly push Ayaan on bed.

" Aashika this is his medicine. He will be staying at home. And give him lot of water and some porridge. " Rahul said and again started checking Ayaan's blood pressure.

" You know your husband fainted today's morning? " Daksh said and sit besides Ayaan.

Aashika eyes widen she immediately shift to Ayaan's other side.

" What happened " She ask cupping his cheeks.

Ayaan smile and forward his hand to her but daksh smack him making him stop.

" Your husband forgot to eat and sleep. This is what he said to me. I was so worried when I got call. This idiot need to stop this now. " Daksh scolded.

Rahul too show nodded his head in agreement.

" I want to smack him. He is such an idiot. When I asked him yesterday he said he is ok but look at him. I had to connect him to iv. After that he gain some energy. " Rahul mumble and glare at Ayaan who rolled his eyes at everyone and made some space for Aashika.

" If he get fever again then call me. I will Come immediately. And follow what I said. "

" And you don't have to worry. Your husband is all fine. And if something happen them call me too. I will come immediately. " Daksh said and again Smack Ayaan's shoulder.

" Don't " Ayaan mumble and look at Aashika and pat his side.

" No "

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