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" Ayaan go and bring them please " Aashika said while wearing her saree.

" Did I lock them no right you can go and bring them ". I said while matching my dress with her.

This little ayushi just give me heart attack sometime I don't even want to imagin what our son will do.

Ayushi is just photocopy of aashi. If she had here face too then she will be hundred percent aashi.

" You are done aashi ". I said tieing knot of her blouse dori.

" I will be done if you bring ayushi here ayaan I'm already feeling so weak and here you are making me talk continuously and worrying me for no reason no one was hurt right please ". She said and turn towards me.

" Ok my wift is actually so preety but when she get ready like this wearing saree payal bangles rings mangalsutra waist chain yeah waist chain which is not even visible because this madam like thin waist chain with filled partition her hair partition anyone will die for this look. "

" Where are you lost ayaan " Aashika said  shaking me making me come out of my thoughts.

" I just want to eat her this red lips God save me we have to go down stairs for pooja. Why is my thoughts becoming so unholy ". I thought biting my lips.

" Instead of mine it should be her lips ".

" Ayaan I'm talking to you " She said again shaking me.

" Your deep neck blouse is showing something which is mine to see can you cover it I don't want other to see you ". I said looking at her cleavage .

" You are pervert not other no one will pull my saree pallu down from front to see it. " She said and remove my hand from her breast.

" So what if I pull it down. What if other by mistake remove it too ". I said covering up for myself because I actually don't realise when I pull down her pallu.

" Ayaan I'm talking about ayushi go and bring her please ".

" It's not upto discussion."

" Good very good you men never understand the pain through which we women have to go though just to give birth to baby then after it bring you men just rule them. We have soft heart we can't see our kids crying because they actually stay inside us for nine months they are our part. We mothers can't leave without them we want them near us in every good situation but look at you today when we will do pooja for her little brother they will not be present there. Why do you all men have a heart of stone for kids." Aashika said starting her drama wiping her imaginary tears.

" Mrs Aashika ayaan we men do love our kid and here I'm not worried about the room she never listen to us I mean never second I don't put her in that room and lock her. You always say that 'ayaan Bhaiya don't scold khushi he don't punish her' right so use your mind why he is doing it when he most of the time let khushi slip with everything."

" Then go and do the pooja thing alone and lick me inside this room too I'm not going down without ayushi ". She said while going towards bed removing her earing.

I grab her earing making her wear it again and connect the chain connect in it to her hair.

" Let's go maa papa everyone is downstairs."

We come down stairs aashika was just standing there silently with angry look on her face.

When I start talking to maa papa she walk away from me.


Just after we come down stairs I start to find deepak bhaiya once I find him standing with his lovely wife I walk towards him.

" Bhaiya go talk to daksh bhaiya bring my kids down stairs here they both just be bored and must be feeling sad ". I said he look towards his wife who was holding two year old boy in his arm.

" Bhaiya what "

" Aashika the thing is that........ They should know the consequence of thing and what ayushi did was so wrong think rationally. " He said I resist all my urge to stomp ny foot.

" He is lying aashika he already did talk to him and daksh bhaiya deny him showing his elder brother authority and he said the same thing which daksh bhaiya said ." Babhi said chuckling.

" Then no scope here " I said while pouting again I look around and find only person who can control daksh bhaiya my roshni babhi ".  I thought looking at her.

" Deepak Bhaiya daksh bhiya is not even elder then you be strict with him like he is with everyone . Babhi I'm so jealous of you, you married my crush ". Saying that i left them alone hearing the chuckle on my choice of words.

" Bhabhi bring our kid down stairs please ". I said and hold her pallu like a kid will do because it will work a way faster than anything because I know since the day I have stepped in this house she has treated my like her younger sister.

" I know what you want me to do and trust me I have begged that man but he is being stone hearted man. "

" My babies " I said almost crying but a idea hit me.

" I'm going up and going to bring them here ". I said to her but someone put his hand around babhi shoulder.

" Yeah do it then when they get punished then stand with them to get your punishment too. I have done it before I can do it again ". Daksh bhaiya said giving me tight smile.

" Bhaiya please let me bring them "

" Go ahead aashu beta go but stay in line when they get punished." I roll my eyes listening to him.

" Ok I will " I said and start to walk away.

" I'm serious " He said from behind ignoring him I reach to ayushi room opening the door.

" Let's go Down stairs ". I said they happily follow me clinging into me all the time.

Khushi went towards roshni and sit with them while ayushi ayaan and me with ny little baby was sitting opposite to them.

As the pooja begin I look towards ayushi who was ready to sleep being bored then my eyes fall on khushi who was doing the same playing with roshni saree.

" Go play with khushi didi if you are bored" I said to ayushi who left nodding her head and sit besides khushi with phone in her hand.

" Ayaan she has your phone ". I whisper to ayaan.

" Leave it let her play game ".

" What if she search your phone. You know your phone had our photo like inappropriate photo "

" Aashi concentrate here she will not open them ". He said we all decide one name of my little baby from we I mean roshni babhi and daksh bhaiya they have already decided it and since ayaan rejected the name I kept so this name will do too.

" Here baby drink it up fast ". Ayaan give me glass just after pooja was finished.

" Drink it if you don't want yourself to feel dizzy soon " He said pressing the glass on my lips.

I drink up his most terrible drink which has no taste wait which has only bad taste .

He wipe my lips with his thumb while looking at it intensely while biting his lips.

" Aashika come with me I have something important to discuss with you". He said I nodded my head and left for room with him.

As soon as we reach our room ayaan pin my both hand to wall remove distance between us.

Without saying anything he connect his lips with my lips. Taking my lower lips between his lips i immediately close my eyes filling him entering his tongue inside my mouth making our kiss becoming romantic to sloppy to making me feel wet how can a kiss do it . Aashi it's just a kiss how can you actually feel like this.

What should be the name of kid 🧐🧐🤔

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