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" Ayaan i can't find my pink dress you don't bring it right." Aashika said with glossy eyes ready to start her water fall any minutes.

" Aashi jaan you can wear it after we reach home don't you want to go to home ." Ayaam said but aashika shake her head.

" My pink dress " She said sitting on bed.

" Anything other than this dress baby let's go home first ". Ayaan said opening his arms.

Aashika shift towards his side hugging him.

" Let's go home then without wearing pink dress ". Aashika said they both quickly separated as doctor enter in room.

" Aashika all good and fine ". She ask her aashika nodded her head saying yes .

" Ayaan i have something to discuss with you."

Ayaan nodded his head.

" Aashi I'm coming in a minute you get ready fast ". Saying that he leave aashika alone.

" Something happen mam".

" Yes your wife may deliver baby in her eight months baby is soo down so please take care of her in this month properly it's a seven month don't let her do anything which can cause delivery in this month because then your baby will have really low percentage to survive." She said shocking ayaan

" Mam but even in eight month what if something happen to baby. "

" We don't know what future holds so take care of her. Don't give her any stress. " She said ayaan left her cabin nodding his head.

" Aashi you ready to go ". He ask aashika nodded her head.

" I don't want to travel in car or bus or any public mean why don't you tell daksh bhaiya to come here through scooty we can go by scooty bhaiya will drive our car." She ask with hopefully eyes.

" Let's go baby ". He said ignoring her and take her to car driving towards his house.

" Ayushi is at school" Aashika ask ayaan nodded his head in answer.


" Didi I don't wanna go to school ". Ayushi said to khushi who look at her like she has gone mad.

" So you piddi why didn't you say this at home. We are going to school only don't think otherwise." Khushi said without looking at ayushi who was pouting by now.

" Didi please ". Ayushi said and stop walking.

" Ayushi it's not good manner come let's go to school I will come in your class during lunch period ". Khushi said but ayushi don't move from her place folding her hand in front having angry pout on her face.

" Why do i have to go to school everyday moreover I forget to do my homework teacher will again punish us I don't wanna go please didi ". Ayushi said now with glossy eyes. Khushi sigh and walk towards her.

" Give me your homework I will do it fastly with the speed of light. No one will punish you then ". Khushi said and try to take her bag.

" Then what about my test teacher teach us LCM  I don't remember I thing about it  didi please let's skip. "

" Aare it's so easy papa teach me in past when I was around your age . Come I will teach you with just one question you will be pro in it. " Khushi said but ayushi shake her head and start running in opposite direction. Khushi run behind her.

" Ok ok I will tell your teacher about it ok I will just tell her you had some difficulty in understanding sums let's go now ayushi papa will be angry we we skip our school." Khushi try to make her understand but ayushi shake her head.

" I don't understand what teacher say in class I don't wanna go to school "

" Ok I will tell papa to teach you sums why are you crying over it. You don't wanna go to school ". Khushi ask whipping ayushi tears. Ayushi shake her head quickly.

" You don't like school or there are some other reason you never want to go to school ". Khushi mumble and also start walking in opposite directions to school.

"Let's go home then because mummy papa both are at work and wondering around in street in school dress is not a good idea". Khushi said forwarding her hand. Ayushi hold khushi hand happily.

" I want cotton candy " Ayushi said pointing towards seller. They buy two cotton candy walking back towards hole direction.

" Wait we have to wait till nine they will left at that time only chacha chachi is also not at home should we go to your house then ". Khushi ask ayushi nodded her head.

They walk towards ayushi house. Soom they reach to their house entering password they enter and close door behind them.

" I'm going to change didi in normal wear then we will watch movie you know chachi has packed pasta in lunch I'm going to eat it too now ". Ayushi said jumping.

" Don't change we have to go back home let's just watch TV". Khushi said they both settle down on couche turning on TV.

" If papa get to know about it he will be super angry God ji don't let papa know about it ". Khushi said in her mind.


" Roshni did you talk to ayaan is he at home or not ". Daksh ask back Hugging roshni .

" Yeah he will be back. By the way he was saying something about early delivery too. I just hope the baby will be fine and aashika too. " Roshni said and hold daksh hand which was around her belly.

" We will kidnap his baby ok don't worry everything will be fine ". Daksh said and start leaving light kisses on her neck.

" Oh then I will teach that little boy to not to call you daddy. You remember khushi used to call you daddy and for real I was jealous of her whenever she called you that."

" You can call me daddy too now and i should give you reason to call me that . You know ayaan and aashika still have some time to reach home and it will just take five minutes to reach at their place . Our babies are also at school ". Daksh whispers while moving his hand down inside her lower.

" Right you should probably give me a reason ". Roshni said and put her head on his shoulder turning towards him completely .

" Then on bed baby ". Daksh said pushing her on bed smiling.

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