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"Are you going to the hospital today?" I asked in a gloomy tone , he simply nodded his head without making eye contact.

"You didn't let me see your back even once," I expressed my disappointment.

Once again, he nodded and proceeded to put on his watch.

"Take care of yourself and the kids. And if they misbehave, let me know," I reminded him. I hugged him from behind, and he held onto my hand that was wrapped around his waist. He leaned his head back onto my shoulder and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"If mom says something, don't take it to heart. And don't avoid Daksh and Deepak. Just because they scolded you doesn't mean they hate you. I want to talk about something tonight," he murmured.

I hummed, not wanting to let go of him.

"Aashi, I have to go. Daksh will be driving today. I don't enjoy driving for such a long distance to the hospital. You know that, right?" he mumbled. I sighed, glancing at the clock.

"It's only seven," I pointed out.

He turned around and kissed me on the lips.

"I know it's seven, but I have to be at the hospital by nine. Deepak and Daksh have early classes too. Roshni bhabhi has an important meeting, so we need to leave now. Let's have breakfast together," he suggested, pulling me closer.

"Let me see," I said in a baby voice, hoping to convince him. However, he simply placed his hand on my shoulder and started walking out of the room.

" If something happened to me then I too wouldn't tell you. Which I do now don't say that I never tell you." I said upset he peck my lips smiling. And started walking again.

At the dining table, Khushi and Daksh bhaiya were sitting with some open registers.

"That's not right, beta. Why are you acting foolish?" Daksh bhaiya scolded and slapped Khushi's head. Khushi's gaze shifted to her mother, who gracefully ignored it.

Daksh bhaiya and his habit of using his hands while teaching.

I looked at Ayaan, who pulled me towards the table.

"Mom, where is Aryan?" Ayaan asked, and I also glanced at the table.

"He's playing with the cat in the garden. Your Aryan... he wet the bed again today," Mom said, shaking her head.

"DaiwiK did it too. I'm sure Aryan is a heavy sleeper as well," Deepak bhaiya's mom said. I'm pretty sure daiwik is a heavy sleeper too.

"Kanak?" Ayaan wondered to himself.

"Have breakfast first," I muttered as he shook his head.

"I'll be there in a minute. You all start eating, I'll join you shortly," Ayaan said and left us .


This girl hasn't come to the breakfast table for two days. Maybe because I slapped her. Time to move on. It's been two days. Am I still mad at them for that silly plan?

I opened her room door but quickly closed it. I should remember to knock. Kanak is married, I should definitely knock.

I stood there quietly for a minute. A few minutes later, Rahul opened the door and glared at me.

"Ayaan, you should knock on the door," he muttered, letting me enter the room.

"I didn't see anything, and you should lock the door from inside if you're doing something. It's not my fault," I said, avoiding eye contact.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now