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" Why are you removing upper layer of grapes? Who eat it like this? " I ask looking at mom with utter confusion.

Mom's eyes narrowed at me before shifting her gaze to Ayushi and Aryan.

"If Aryan and Ayushi want grapes like this, then they'll have them like this. You just rest, considering your weakness. I don't know what kind of daughter I have who can't even travel a short distance," Mom said, her attention fully on Ayushi and Aryan.

"How did your hand get in such bad condition, beta? Does it hurt?" Dad asked, showing his concern for me. He love me the most here. Otherwise look at mom who forgot me as soon as she saw her grandchildren.

"A crab bit me at the beach. It's okay, it'll be fine," I replied.

"Stupid girl, it's filled with pus," Mom said, glaring at me once again.

Dad took my hand and gently pressed certain areas.

"Do you want me to take care of it? I'll be gentle," Dad offered, but I shook my head and withdrew my hand.

"It'll be fine," I whispered. I had ointment and I was sure it didn't need to be poked. It would be alright.

"Aashika beta, your hand needs to be cleaned. Otherwise, these blisters will appear in other places too," Mom said, her tone serious. I understood the importance, but right now, I wasn't ready to scream in pain.

"Mumma, should I kiss it to make it less painful?" Ayushi asked. Dad immediately held her back, shaking his head.

"No, beta, there's no need to kiss it. You can kiss me, I'll make it alright for your mumma," Dad said. Ayushi quickly pecked his cheek, and he picked her up, looking at me.

"I'm going to the market, and I'm taking my baby with me. We'll have a lot of fun," Dad announced.

"Don't give her too much outside food, her stomach gets upset," I mumbled. He nodded and left with Ayushi.

"Aryan, do you want anything else?" I asked.

"Cartoon," he replied.

How does this man know how to be cute? Of course, because he's my baby, not Ayaan, who only knows how to be angry.

I watch as my mom puts on a cartoon on TV and then heads to the kitchen. She comes back and hands me a glass filled with red liquid.

"What is this?" I ask curiously.

"It's fruit juice. I made it myself. Drink it, you seem weak. How did my little one become so sensitive that she can't even travel?" My mom mutters as she checks my hand.

"Will you let me clean your hand? I promise it won't hurt," she says, reaching for something to remove the pus.

I quickly pull my hand away before she can do anything.

"Don't worry, I have ointment. You don't need to poke it," I mumble, taking the glass of juice from her. She goes back to the kitchen and returns with a plate of dry fruits.

"These are all your favorites. Have them and then rest. I'll take care of Aryan and Ayushi," Mom says, and I smile and nod. After finishing my juice and dry fruits, I head to my room, aware of the footsteps following me.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? Do you want to take a nap?" I ask my baby boy, who nods and opens his arms.

I put him on the bed, take off his jeans, and lie down with him. He immediately cuddles with me and starts sucking his finger.

"Bad manners, baby," I say, gently pulling his finger out of his mouth.

"Mumma, Daiwik drinks milk from here," he says, pointing at my breast.

𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕) Where stories live. Discover now